
Chapter extra 1

  Xu Yue ran away from home.

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  He was carrying a little schoolbag and walking down the street with his short legs. Pedestrians came and went in a hurry but no one took note of him.

  Great! He would just play outside for a few days and wait until his parents change their minds before going back. Humph! He was determined not to move, no matter what!

  But where should he go to play?

  Xu Yue was familiar with the streets nearby. He also knew that the school on the corner was good. There were a group of children younger than himself there, sitting on the swings. He decided that it would be his destination and ran forward excitedly.

 “Honk honk—”

  A car drove up from behind and passed by Xu Yue.

  It was rare to see such a stylish car in their small town.

  Xu Yue couldn’t help but glance at it a few more times. He then saw the car stop in front of a restaurant on the street, its door opened, and a beautiful little boy jumped out. The boy was about the same age as him, wearing a small suit, had black hair, fair skin, and a particularly arrogant demeanour.

  As he watched him walk into the restaurant, Xu Yue felt hungry. He had only eaten a small biscuit before he went out in the morning, and it was almost noon now.

  There was a floor-to-ceiling glass window at the entrance of the restaurant. When Xu Yue was standing by the window, looking inward, someone grabbed him by the collar from behind, picked him up, and smiled.

  “A’Yue, finally found you.”

  Xu Yue kicked out with his short legs, turned his head, and saw a handsome face.

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  Very handsome, but very strange.

  It’s a bad guy!

  Xu Yue remembered the rumours of children getting kidnapped and sold and immediately struggled fiercely while shouting, “Uncle policeman, help… uh!”

 “Don’t shout, don’t shout.”
  The man put an arm around him and covered his mouth with the other. “I’m your parents’ friend.”

  Xu Yue’s eyes were full of tears when he asked, “Really?”

  He didn’t quite believe it. Didn’t the bad guys always say that?

  “Of course.”

  The man laughed. He looked a lot better when he laughed than he did not. He continued, “I know your name is Xu Yue and that you go to the Zhongxin kindergarten.”[1]

 Xu Yue was sceptical.

    “What is my mother’s name?” He asked.

 “Wei Hong.”

    “What is my father’s name?”

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 “Xu Jinsong.”

  That man was right.

  Xu Yue believed him a little bit, but continued asking, “Why have I never seen you before?”

 “I don’t live nearby. I’m here to have fun. When I heard that you ran away from home, I came to look for you.”

 “How did you recognize me?”

 “I have seen your picture.”

  Xu Yue finally believed him. He politely greeted him, “Hello, uncle.”

  The man squeezed his cheek and asked, “Am I that old? Call me brother.”[2]

  Xu Yue was initially reluctant, but under his persuasion, he changed the way he addressed him, “Brother.”

  That man had a satisfied expression. He put Xu Yue down with a smile and took his little hand and said, “Okay, I’ll take you home.”

  Xu Yue pouted immediately. “I won’t go home.”


 “Dad’s having a job transfer; our family will have to move to another place. I don’t want to go.”

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 “Is the place you are going to move to bad?”

 “No. But all my friends are here. I don’t know anyone when I go to another place.”

  The man took Xu Yue’s hand and walked forward. His voice was deeper when he said, “Let’s go. You will make a lot of friends in the future. You will also meet someone who will be your beloved. And your beloved will love you very much.[3] That person will stay with you for a lifetime… until your hair turns white.”

  Xu Yue didn’t know what this so-called beloved was.

  Was that something edible? His empty stomach was groaning with hunger.

  The man also heard the sound of his stomach screaming. He chuckled and said, “Let’s go. This brother will take you to eat cake.”

  He bought several kinds of cakes in one go, each of a different kind of flavour, and let him pick whichever he wanted. Xu Yue’s stomach was chubbier after eating, and the odd stranger got upgraded to handsome big brother.[4]

  That big brother gambolled with him all afternoon. They played on the swings in the open space behind the middle school. When the swings rose high, it was as though all their worries would take flight.

  When the sun was about to go down, that big brother led him by his hand and brought him home.

  When they reached downstairs to Xu Yue’s house, the man stopped, squatted down to face him, and said, “A’Yue, promise me that you will not cry or make trouble when you get home and that you would move out with your parents. Okay?”

  Xu Yue was not very happy, but for the sake of the cake, he nodded and said, “Okay.”

  The man seemed very happy. He leaned down and pecked Xu Yue on his cheek with a ‘mwah’.

  Xu Yue wiped his face in disgust.

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  The man patted him on the shoulder and said, “Okay. Now go upstairs.”

  Xu Yue found it strange. “Aren’t you going to come in and sit down?”

 “No,” the man said, looking at his watch. “I’m almost out of time.”

  At that time, a gust of wind blew, lifting the baseball cap that the man was wearing, revealing a dazzling white.

  What was that?

  Before Xu Yue could see clearly, the man had pressed his cap back and waved at him, “Go home.”

  Xu Yue walked forward quickly. When he stepped into the corridor and looked back, that man was still standing there. In the setting sun, his figure appeared long. He had a smile on his face, and he was still waving his hands.

  “A’Yue, goodbye,” he said.

[1] 中心 (zhōngxīn) – central

[2] 哥哥 Gēgē

[3]A more literal translation would be: ‘You will also meet someone, whom you like very much and who, in turn, will like you very much too.’

[4]大哥哥 Dà Gēgē


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