EX-Brave, Laughing

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A few days after selling the seeds of the parasitic flowers to Count Serawyn, the effects began to show immediately.


The parasitic flowers bloomed beautifully, but in return, the surrounding grains, flowers, and fruits began to wither.


Every once in a while, I would sneak out to do some reconnaissance, and the land would become increasingly desolate.


In case you’re wondering, we’ve taken precautions around the area to prevent the parasite from affecting the rest of the land.


According to Alice, in order to prevent the effects of the parasitic flowers, a special fertilizer that can only be found in the demon world should be spread on the land so that other lands will not be affected.

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There was a lot of shouting going on in Serawyn’s house every day.


In addition, Serawyn has given the seeds of the parasitic flowers to the people in the business world that he is indebted to.


Of course, you know the result.


The Serawyn family is in a tailspin as they are being sued for damages by the business world and the nobility.


Finally, they came to the country to cry.


In fact, Schwartz had been waiting for this.

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In the end, Schwartz condemned Serawin for his illegal actions.


It seems that Serawyn cried and admitted to what he had been doing.


As a result, the Serawyn family was arrested, their lands confiscated, their status revoked, and they were condemned to slavery.


They will have a tough life ahead of them, but no one will feel sorry for them.


They deserved what they got.


“I wanted to punch him in the face.”

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“If you mess with it, you’re out. Well, in just one month, things have gone downhill fast.”


“It’s a good feeling. I feel better now that all those years of resentment are behind me.”


Ange said regretfully, while Aina said with a refreshing smile.


In case you were wondering, the merchant was deported.


“Thank you, everyone. I wasn’t expecting this to be resolved so quickly.”


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“I hope the Count is feeling better soon.”


“As a matter of fact, father has decided to retire. So I’m going to be the new lord…”


“Oh, Meran-sama is?”


“I’ve been helping father, but I don’t have the knowledge to develop a territory. Noel-sama, would you be willing to cooperate with Noel-sama?”


“In other words, you want to cultivate my territory and Meran’s territory at the same time? That’s fine with me.”


“Thank you very much.”


Thus, the Merwin family and I entered into a cooperative relationship.

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