I finished packing all my belongings and decided to go to the adventurer’s guild before I left.

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It was to submit the paperwork for my transfer from Levania to Shuvia.


It’s been a while since I’ve been to the guild.


When I walked in, I was relieved to see a familiar face.


They immediately noticed me and started jostling me, which caused a bit of a commotion.


I wondered if the new adventurers had heard of me, and it was a bit distressing to see them looking at me with admiration.


“Hey, Garthas and Noel! It’s been a long time!”

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“Long time no see, Master.”


A middle-aged man came out from the back.


This man is the guild master.


The guild also has a tavern, where the master works.


The master himself is a big drinker and spends most of his time at the counter.


“It looks like you’ve been through a lot. Well, I’m relieved to see your face.”


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“I wanted to say hello to you earlier too, but I’m sorry.”


“Don’t worry about it. Hey! Noel the Brave is back! I’ll only buy you one drink today!”


There were loud cheers from the crowd.


“The wine here tastes good, after all!”


“That’s right, that’s right. We have the best liquor in all of Levania. If you decide to make liquor in your territory, I’ll stock it.”


Liquor, well, I have some good ingredients, so I’ll think about it.


“But this guild hasn’t changed at all, has it?”

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“Well, other guilds build more buildings when they move up in rank, but ours never changes. We’ve always been rank B.”


There are ranks in guilds, from E rank at the bottom to S rank at the top.


This guild I belonged to was a B-rank, normal class guild.


The main requests are to collect herbs and kill monsters.


“Have you ever thought of raising the rank, Master?”


“I did when I first started, but the higher you go, the more restrictions there are and the more troublesome it gets. I’m happy with my current rank because I’m just barely free.”

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By the way, S-rank guilds had a certain elegance.


Whether it’s good or bad, I prefer the atmosphere of this guild.


Also, adventurers tend to have a strange sense of pride and arrogance as they rise in rank.


That’s when the problem of “bullying based on rank” arises.


The worst that can happen is that they are treated as useless because they are lower in rank and are expelled from the guild, or they may even go out of business.


When I was brave, I once came across such a situation when I dropped by another guild to gather information, and it was painful.


… I ended up in the same situation.

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