EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life

Chapter 22: EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life Chapt

EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life Chapter 22


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“When we’re leaving for the journey we weren’t told about that!? In the first place who was the one that put that curse!?”

(It is me )

I suddenly head voice from the Holy Sword.

“We can finally meet. Well, at that time, I understand your feeling of wanting to abandon everything )

“That voice is….., the Goddess?”

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(Who do you think it would be other than me?)

She was the one that helped and encouraged me when I was at lost during the journey.

“Then, why did you put a curse on the armor?”

“As you can see from your battle, the magic power of the Demon King is enormous. Even if you have the qualifications of a hero, there is a limit because you are human. For that, the power of the Brave must be supported. That is the Holy Sword and the Armor )

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Surely, the power of the Holy Sword and the Armor helped.

(But, that is still not enough to defeat the Demon King. Even the Demon King has been accumulating power. To defeat the Demon King, you need more power than the Demon King himself. As a trial, I cursed the Armor. You have wonderfully overcome the trial and defeated the Demon King )

“Milord Noel, is there anything wrong with your body?”

“No, on the contrary, I felt light and in great condition. I mean, what would have happened if I didn’t overcome the curse?”

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(Your body might rot, your mind become unstable and go crazy )

“I don’t know about that…… ”

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I felt a little scared. I mean, aren’t that, really important? Why didn’t you tell me, people of the castle.

“Is therea anyone at the castle that knew?”

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(I told the priest and the King. But they did not seem to listen )

Not listening to the word of god……

Somehow, that last sentence made me angry.

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