Perhaps sensing what was going on in my mind, Kohaku made a gloomy face.

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“I’m happy for Touma-kun, but…I don’t want to gain weight anymore. I’m already short…and if I gain weight, I won’t be able to beat Akamine-sensei…”

In fact, Akari has a style that can take even the world as a model. On the other hand, Kohaku was petite and baby-faced and was the complete opposite of Akari.


“I didn’t fall in love with Kohaku for her looks. I fell in love with Kohaku’s homely personality. No matter what style Kohaku has, I won’t hate you. Or are you scared of being told as you were in the past?”

I met Kohaku at the station platform.

At that time, she was being told terrible things by the guys in the same uniform as her.

Like, ‘I’ll take the calories for you, so treat me to juice,’ or like, ‘start running from home to school.’ It will help you lose weight… 

She was bombarded with words that made her bowels boil just by remembering them.

She was being bullied.

So I stepped in to help.

I was in the first year of junior high school at the time, but I looked like an ugly senior high school student. When I ran over there while yelling, the bullies freaked out and ran away.

That was supposed to be a one-off relationship with Kohaku. 

However, Kohaku wasn’t scared of my looks; she thanked me. 

During that same time, my stomach rumbled, and she said that she would like to treat me to her homemade food in return.

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I remember being quite confused because I didn’t think a woman I had never met before would serve me food.


When Kohaku saw me perplexed; giving out a melancholic look, she said, “It must have been a nuisance…”, 

Hearing this, I immediately replied, “I will eat.”

Kohaku’s home-cooked food was out of this world delicious. 

It was so delicious that I inadvertently ate it and said

―The person who can eat this home-cooked meal every day will certainly be the happiest in the world.

From that day on, Kohaku and I often met with each other and became friends with each other.

At some point, we fell in love with one another, and that’s how we came to the present.

“No. I’m not scared. As long as Touma-kun is here, I don’t care what other people think. Besides…”

Kohaku smiles.

“I’m not overdoing it. I’m trying to eat a well-balanced diet and refrain from sweets, so I’m actually healthier than before…But if Touma-kun wants me to gain weight. I will gladly gain weight.”

“I just want you to remain healthy, not fat. You look just as cute now as you did back then.”

Kohaku made her eyes moist.

The tears this time were of gratitude, not of sadness. 

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She smiles happily.

“The only person who liked me for who I was was Touma-kun… The others didn’t even look at me until I lost weight… They looked at me as someone fat and sneered at me. But… Touma-kun was the only one who really liked me… That’s why I love Touma-kun.”

“I’m honored to have a girl like Kohaku fall in love with me.”

“We both love each other reciprocatively. Let’s definitely get married to each other. Then I will cook delicious food for you every day. And when we have children, let’s bring a lunch box to our picnic.”

“I can’t promise to marry you because I have mutual feelings for Akari as well, but…”

“I know, but I’ll definitely make you choose me!”

It was just when Kohaku shouted out full of spirit.

A noise resounded from the entrance,

“Onee-chan. I’m here to hang out.”

I heard Shirasawa-san’s voice.

I thought her heart would stop.

“Why, Shirasawa-san… Why could she unlock it…”

“I gave her the keys so that she could come and go at any time.”

“But you were just now trying to take a bath with me, right!? Let’s be more vigilant…”

“She always contacted me before she came, so I let my guard down… why did she suddenly come when earlier, she said she wouldn’t?”

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“Isn’t it a surprise investigation?”

I’m sure she came to find out if her sister was flirting with a man.

Whatever the purpose, staying here any longer is a bad idea. 

If it was the living room, it was still fine, but if someone sees Kohaku half-naked in her dressing room, there’s no excuse.

I have to get out of here at once!

But when I leave the dressing room, I will undoubtedly run into Shirasawa-san…

“Touma-kun, hide in the bathroom.”

“That seems to be our only way.”

I go to the bathroom with my clothes on. Enter the empty bathtub, get down on all fours, and close the lid. 

Since the closing was done from the inside, it was impossible to close it completely. Thus, there was still a tiny gap left.

“Onee-chan, you were here.”

Shirasawa-san came to the dressing room.

I can’t make any noise anymore.

I can only pray that she won’t step into the bathroom and peep through that open gap.

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Please, Kohaku. 

Please somehow guide Shirasawa-san to her separate room! 

Please let her return home if possible!

“Are you about to take a bath?”

“Uh, yeah. That’s right.”

“I heard you were talking with someone just earlier. Is there anyone in the bathroom?”

“I-I’m just talking to myself. There’s no one in the bathroom. Here’s the proof.”

Clap and the sound of the half-folded bathroom door opening. 

My heart is pounding, but I can’t let my breathing sound rough.

“See, but Mashiro-chan, what happened to you suddenly? You said you won’t be visiting me today… Ah, I get it. You’re hungry, aren’t you? Let’s go to the living room!”

“We can eat later. Instead, let’s take a bath together?”

“Eh!? bath!?”

“It suddenly rained, and I got a little wet. … No?”


Obviously, it’s not okay!

I understand that you can’t leave your sister alone dripping in water, but if she comes in here, she’ll find out!

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