Akari repeated like a robot with a straight and scary face. Even though her face was completely devoid of emotions, I literally had goosebumps signaling that she was furious.

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“… Yesterday, I kissed Kohaku as well.”


“Right. You kissed Shirasawa-sensei first, didn’t you?”


“Well, actually, it was my first time kissing a girl in a sailor suit, so I was super excited!”





Akari seemed satisfied, saying, “It’s fine.”


… Nevertheless, I was super excited when I kissed Kohaku in a naked apron too, but let’s not say that.


“Well then, let’s start cleaning. Is there anything you can’t throw away?”


“If I can have you, Touma, I don’t need anything else.”


“So it means I can throw away anything that looks like garbage.”


First, let’s deal with obvious garbage.

I threw the empty cans into the garbage bag, and it was filled up in no time.


“Akari, you’re drinking too much beer, aren’t you?”


“I’m not fat.”

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“Even so, be careful not to drink too much.”


“I haven’t been drinking since I met Touma again.


“You’re also not pregnant…” 



Although that conscience by itself is admirable.


After putting away the empty cans, I placed the PET bottles into another garbage bag while throwing the combustible garbage into another bag.

Meanwhile, Akari bound her magazine and folded the cardboard boxes.


She vacuumed the room for the last time, and the cleaning of the living room was finished.

The room was now immeasurably clean compared to before.


“You’ve become quite beautiful.”


“Which is prettier, me or this room?”


“Isn’t it obvious it’s you, Akari?”


“I’m so happy.”


She gave me a deep kiss as we moved into her bedroom, with Akari still having a melting face after that kiss.


The bedroom was once again a total mess.

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It’s a room for sleeping so there isn’t much trash, but clothes were scattered about.


However, unlike the devastation of the floor, the desk was unimaginably tidy.


There was no trash, and cute stuffed animals were neatly arranged.


All of them were familiar to me. Since these were the crane game prizes I gifted Akari during our date.


“You took really good care of my gifts.”


“It’s my treasure.”


“Hey, how did you name them?”


“From right to left, Touma, Touma, Touma, Touma—”


“Aren’t they all my name!?”


“And Touko”


“Why was there a girl’s name with them!?”


“Assuming a case where Touma would be castrated due to an unforeseen accident, I gave him a feminine name to see if I could still love him. It seems I love both Touma with or without a dk.”


“… Thank you.”


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I’m at a loss for reaction, but since it’s a statement made out of love, I’d just say thank you.


“Anyway, I’d be happy if you continue to take care of these guys from now on as well. Now, putting that aside, is it okay to place all the clothes scattered here into the washing machine? Or are there some of it which needs to be washed by hand?”


“Maybe you can just put them straight into the wardrobe. I don’t think you have to wash them clean.”


“… It certainly doesn’t smell that much.”


“I hope you don’t smell them too much. It’s… kind of embarrassing.”


Looking at and feeling the underwear is okay, but sniffing it is embarrassing?


“Hey, why are you throwing clothes you don’t wear all over the place?”


“I wore it. However, it wasn’t cute, so I took them off and threw them right away. I don’t usually care about clothes, but I was able to meet Touma again… So, I wanted you to see me in cute outfits as much as possible.”


“I’m happy you feel like that, but you don’t have to worry about it that much. Akari is cute no matter what clothes and how she wears them.”


“I feel so happy. Touma… Can you give me a kiss?”


She enjoyed a deep kiss again and placed her clothes into the closet.

After repeating the same work for about an hour, her bedroom was finally cleaned.



But this was not the end.


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If the floor plan is the same as my house, there should be one more Western-style room.


If this was messy, the rest of the room must also be…


“What are you using that other room for?”






It must be pretty messy already just by hearing it. I guess it’s going to take the whole day.


“Are you free during the day today?”


“Un. I have to be at the school for the event tomorrow, but I’m free all day today.”


“Then, I’ll let myself stay back until the evening. It doesn’t look like the cleaning will be finished anytime soon.”


“I’m saved… But I’ve got to have it cleaned since I don’t want to waste my precious holiday with cleaning.”


“Is there something you have plans for?”


Akari nodded and said with a hesitant tone.


“… I want to go on a date with Touma.”


“A date… huh”

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