29 – Suddenly, Swimsuits 2

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Went all the little kids.

They were all wearing a different swimsuit from what they were wearing in the bathtub previously.

「Hey, don’t just run like that! I’m worried you’ll drown or get swept up by the waves!」

The one warning the children while shaking her twintails was non-other than Jural, the Magic Academy student.

She studies magic only to be able to protect her country, so she takes great care of the children, who she wants to protect.

Her swimsuit was a sleeveless underwear-like garment with a thin string pulled down from the shoulders and a pair of short pants-looking things that leaves her exposed from the thighs down.

「Honestly… Rain, Fripp, give me a hand. Oh right, Fripp isn’t taking his eyes off his sister…」

Just as Jural says, Fripp is nervously sticking to his little frilly one-piece-wearing sister.

「Yeah, I’m coming.」

「Be well, Master Hero.」

I heard it was customary to set up a beach umbrella when you go sea bathing, so I was setting it up with Ferris.

By the way, Ferris was wearing a two-piece swimsuit that looked like a maid outfit.

「Oh, that’s right, Ferris?」

「Yes, what is it?」 

「Your swimsuit suits you.」

The Saint once said…

『There are few who would dislike having their attire praised. More so if it is an outfit that is different from the norm or special. A man who compliments a woman with no ulterior motives in their heart leaves a good impression.』

Then, she continued saying『B-by the way…! Ahem, I just bought new equipment. I also tried buying new clothes.』So, I complimented her immediately and she was very pleased.

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I was restricted from socializing, so I thought it was weird how the Saint was teaching me socializing tips, but with an opportunity like this, I tried to test it.

Ferris was surprised and looked down in order to hide her face.

「You jest.」

Huh…? Did I fail?

「Sorry, you didn’t like that…」

「No, no, most definitely not that. I just… Thank you very much.」

Ferris looked up again and her face was red and smiling.

Thank goodness. Looks like the Saint wasn’t wrong.

「However, Master Hero, those words are better served for the others. They would be sad if I was the only one who was complimented.」


「Your swimsuit matches with Ferris’s, right Lejie? It suits you.」

I speak to Lejie, who is staring at us under the shade of a nearby tree. She yells「Byai…!」as her shoulders jolt, and she comes out all embarrassed.

「Th-thank y-you very m-much… Uhm, Master Rain, you look c-c-c-coo-」

「Ra~in…! Didn’t you say you were coming?」

It was Jural’s voice.

「Ah, I gotta go. Feel free to join in anytime, you two. I’ll be over there.」

They saw me off as I headed towards the kids.

「B-b-b-big sis. Master Rain, he… Master Rain said it suited me…」

「Indeed. I’m happy for you, Lejie.」

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「H-he said I was the prettiest girl in the world…」

「You’re hearing things, Lejie.」

「He said the other six were no match…!」

「Please come back to reality, Lejie.」

Those sisters seem to get along well.

「Oh, right. Mika, you stay here.」

Saying that, I stick her in the sand while in her scabbard.

『Huh…?! Why…?!』

「Well, I’ll be playing underwater so…y’know…」

I’ve learned that saying she would get in the way will hurt her feelings.

『But I’m the world’s greatest holy sword that can withstand operations on the ground, in the sea, or in the sky…!』

「Yes, of course. I count on you a lot in a fight.」

『Hold on. Are you seriously leaving me here…?!』

I instantly saw the Magic Academy teacher, Louto, approach Mika.

「Whatever, I’m late.」

The kids have already started a game where they see how far they can run and jump on the sand.

The rabbit-eared Carro is currently in first place. She has the strongest jumping power among the kids.

…Did she make up a game where she has an advantage?

「I wanna play too.」

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Complained Myuri, to which Fripp said「No, it’s too dangerous.」in rebuttal.

Jural is being cautious, pulling out a girl who sank under the water and sounded like she was drowning.

I can sense everyone with magic, so if they are in trouble, I can rescue them.

But I chose not to tell them that. If they knew that they’d be safe no matter what, the kids would get even more out of hand.

「Sorry, I’m late. Your swimsuit suits you Jural.」

I’ve realized that that is the only compliment I keep giving, but that’s all I have for today.

Jural’s face unexpectedly turned red.

「R-really…? Th-thanks… Your’s suits you too, Rain. Your body’s pretty well toned. Uhm, I think it looks cool.」

…I see now.

Being complimented really does make you feel good.


From behind, I could hear a conversation.「Big sis, who the hell is that?」「That is Master Hero’s school friend, Jural. A student of Lady Louto’s.」「Damn that Louto… She should control her own students.」「You’re making a scary face, Lejie.」

「U…! Rain, over here…!」

The fox-eared Ur called out to me while waving.

A few of the kids, including her, are riding atop the white fox who returned to its original size and is smoothly gliding over the sea.

I wave back at her and catch Carro, who was trying to run and jump from the beach. This dangerous game ends now.

「Mmrgh. I wanted to have a match with Mister Hero.」

「Let’s play something else. Something peaceful.」

「Hmm. Then we’ll do that one. Also, what do you think about my swimsuit?」

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「Huh? Oh, it suits you.」

After being praised, Carro smiles broadly and clings to me.

「U… White Fox, let’s go back. Quickly.」

『Understood. I comprehend, so please do not pull on my fur, Ur.』

Should you be treating the village guardian sacred beast as a vehicle?

The white fox doesn’t seem to mind, so I guess it’s fine?

「Hero Rain! Be careful! According to my intel, a giant squid will appear around here at this time of year-」

Yelled Vivi, who was just teleported here via Eleanor’s teleport spell.

「Oh, this guy?」

A giant squid splashes to the surface of the water.

The kids screamed.

「It’s fine I already defeated it.」

It drew near and tried to drag the children underwater with its tentacles, so I froze it underwater.

It’s a giant frozen squid.

「W-well done… As expected of you, Hero Rain.」

「Hey, can we eat this?」

Some time passed before anyone answered my question.

Ferris said that it probably could be eaten.

I wonder how it would taste.

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