『What kind of muscle?』

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「I and I alone am in charge of Rainy’s health, handling things such as m-m-massages! This is an absolute disgrace! That person most assuredly only held thoughts of lust towards Rainy!」


Mika said nothing.

Neither did I.

I want to defend Lejie, but I’d be lying if I did.

While I wouldn’t say she was…full of lust, Lejie was kinda excited during that time.

Excited enough that her sister Ferris had to step in to stop her.

In any case, it’d be trouble if she becomes a target.

In order to change the topic and calm her down, I blurt this out.

「I-in that case, could I ask for one now?」

I can’t change what I said in the beginning, so at least I can take this to its logical conclusion.

Before I knew it, I was lying prone on the bed.

『Whoa! Isn’t she faster than usual?!』

She is.

The three people who can function in the miasma are the Hero, Saint, and Sage.

It’s possible that Marie defeated demons as she rampaged into the miasma.

Like me, she probably got stronger as she defeated evil demons.

That being said, I could see all the movements she made perfectly.

Her eyes glinted, her hand reached out towards me, she carried me, rushed for the bed, and gently laid me down.

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I just didn’t resist.

『Wait a minute, I’m far away!』

I let it happen because I didn’t sense any ill intentions, but Marie most definitely grabbed Mika from me and leaned her on the wall next to the entrance.

The strength of an empowered Six Savior that can do all the above in an instant is why they are astounding.

「Now then, in order to heal all of Rainy’s aches and pains, I shall massage you utilizing healing magic and hand techniques.」

When I turned my head to look up at her, I saw her fingers twist and move like tentacles.

Once I saw her eyes, I decided to leave it up to her.

She looks just as she does when she’s overseeing a patient.

The clincher was the serious look in her eyes.

Leaving it all up to her, I let my head drop onto the pillow.

「I-I shall begin healing you, Rainy.」

『Wipe that look off your face! Rain, she’s just as bad as the Seven!』

I looked at Marie’s face to confirm what Mika was yelling about.

She was rubbing my feet with a straight face.

I guess I should have expected no less from the Saint. I felt a warmth gradually spread from the part that she touched.

「You’re worrying too much, Mika. It’s fine.」

『Gr. Maybe cos she’s so used to acting like your average Saint that this woman can keep a calm face in front of Rain… But, I wasn’t lying!』

「Nnn… Mika, please quiet down.」

With the pleasant warmth in my body, that nice feeling you get just before you fall asleep was washing over me in waves.

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This makes me want to surrender to that feeling and fall asleep.

「Good, Rainy. Display your defenseless self before me. Be healed with ease of mind. It is alright to slip into slumber just like that, yes? It has been a long time since we slept together after all.」

Slept together…?

Did we ever do that before?

『…If I’m remembering correctly, you just hugged Rain who fainted from his training. It takes a strong mind to call that sleeping together…』

「Hm, just what is this buzzing noise that I’ve been hearing? What is it… Ah, yes. This is the sound…of a pestering fly.」

『Bloodlust! She’s aiming her bloodlust at me!』

「A petulant fly that tries to rip apart a brother and sister should be eliminated.」

Pipe down, Mika.

While feeling as if I was drifting away, I activated wind magic.

Mika, who is leaning against a wall, is pulled to my hand, and I lay her next to me.

「I won’t let anyone break you. So, just be quiet, please…」

『…! …Okay.』

Mika became quiet.

Marie stopped for a moment, but soon resumed moving.

「How is it, Rainy? Does big sis’s hands feel good?」

When Lejie did it, it felt pretty good, but Marie’s massage feels more effective because she’s weaving in her healing magic.

My mental fatigue melts away too, not just physical fatigue. It’s like an out-of-body experience.


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I answered obediently.

「…! I’m glad. Do you see now? Only I, who understands Rainy completely, can heal you perfectly.」

Before I knew it, Marie was lying next to me.

Her body heat, breath, and enormous breasts were close.

「There appear to be countless women plotting to ensnare Rainy here. But never forget. There is no one else like me, Marie the Saint. Big sister to Rainy.」

On the verge of falling asleep, I was about to nod.


That sudden loud voice interrupted me and made me jump.

I knew who it was just by the voice.

It was Eleanor.

She probably appeared here using Teleportation.

「Oh my, Eleanor, was it? Doesn’t barging into Rainy’s room with nary a knock show a slight lack of common courtesy?」

Marie’s tone of voice did not change from her usual.

But I know she’s in a bad mood.

『This woman… Don’t play coy when you’re the one who broke in and just laid in wait for Rain.』

「Saint Marie. Just because you are allowed to visit by the good graces of Sir Rain does not mean that I have forgiven your sins. How about showing a little restraint? I-is it not enviou- no, discourteous to treat us as succubi while you, yourself, do such acts as s-sl-sleeping with Sir Rain?!」

「This does not go beyond a healthy skinship between brother and sister. You have no right to say anything.」

「I am currently taking responsibility for Rain’s upbringing! I do have the right!」

「…You just want to seduce innocent little Rainy.」

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「And just who is to blame for him growing up without even knowing the happiness of an ordinary person?」

「…My my.」

「…Fu, fufu.」

I could feel the will to fight well up within the two of them…

I have to wake up and stop them, don’t I?

But it’s such a pain to open my eyelids.

『Will you two shut up. Just look.』

Mika said something and their arguing stopped.

Marie, who was already nearby, stayed as she was.

I could sense Eleanor go from the entrance of the room to nearby the bed.


「Hn, what a happy sleeping face…」

I could sense them exchanging glances for a while.

「I propose a temporary ceasefire.」

Said Eleanor.

「Agreed. At the very least, let us avoid arguing in front of Rainy.」

Marie replied.

Case closed.

After I heard that, I genuinely surrendered myself to my drowsiness.

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