44 – Monana’s Plot?

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「Huh…? Rain, you sleep with the children?」

Humanity only has six Saviors.

One of them, me, chosen by the Crest of the Hero became a freeloader in the Demon King Army.

Although, you could say that I was taken in by a peaceful demon country that holds no hostility towards humanity.

Those supporting me are a group of demons led by one of the Demon King Army’s Big Four named Eleanor.

Five years ago, I rescued them when they were still young and they have never forgotten that debt of gratitude to this day.

My partner, and holy sword, Mika calls the group of them The Seven.

The five that I have reunited with so far have all been very kind out of their gratitude toward me.

Also, they are…unique.

「Ah, well. They sorta just crawl into bed on their own.」

「R-really…? I-I see.」

Currently, I came to meet Monana, the Magic Tool Engineer.

Monana is a blue-haired Majin with a small build yet large bosoms. She always wears a long-sleeved white coat.

On that day, she wished to study Mika the holy sword, so I came to a certain woman’s room in the research facility.

Mika had refused when first approached, but when Monana whispered something to her, she agreed after some hesitation.

I don’t know what she said to her, but I guess they were words that only Mika accepted…

After this and that, I showed Mika to Monana today and I was made to stand outside the room during that time…

After their secret exchange was over, I was allowed into the room.

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And so, while engaging in lively small talk, the topic of the children who are being raised in the Demon King Castle like me came up.

The demon girls I rescued on the very mission that allowed me to reunite with Eleanor.

The children with no home to go back to were taken in by the Demon King Army, but they hold dear Eleanor and me, the two people who rescued them.

Eleanor is often busy on a mission, so inevitably, they spend a longer time with me as I am a freeloader…

And so, they sneak into my bed to distract themselves from their worries or loneliness.

「B-by the way… How old is the oldest child?」

「Hm? If I’m not mistaken, Carro is… Oh, Carro is the rabbit-eared one, I believe she’s eight years old.」

「Eight… Eight years old, huh… Right, so if I could rewind time several years…then it wouldn’t be an issue if I crawled into Rain’s bed…?」

For a moment, Monana was lost in her own little world, muttering something.

She was so soft that I couldn’t catch what she was saying.


「…! Nothing, it’s nothing! I would never use technology to further my own selfish desires, of course not, Rain.」

「I didn’t say anything.」

「Huh? Oh, r-really? I said something strange just now, right? Just forget about it.」

Monana waves her overly long sleeves.

That motion also made her voluptuous chest shake in concert in the moment.

「M-moving on, Lady Holy Sword truly is amazing!」

Monana blatantly changes the topic.

I’m kinda curious, but it’ll be hard to get anything out of someone who doesn’t want to talk about it.

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「As far as we know, she’s the last holy sword. So, what did you want to study?」

「One of the things I’m researching is “How to avoid a cursed sword’s curse”, so I thought that I might be able to get a hint from Lady Holy Sword’s data.」

「…Huh, I’m surprised Mika agreed.」

Cursed swords were once holy swords.

Swords with wills of their own that grant special power unto the chosen ones are holy swords.

They become cursed swords once they grant power to the unworthy of their own accord.

Maybe as a punishment or something, in exchange for being a cursed sword that anyone can wield, it becomes a weapon that will assuredly bestow a curse upon its user.

Therefore, to Mika, who is a holy sword that upheld her vow all this time, cursed swords are unforgivable.

I never imagined she’d lend her aid in this research of Monana’s.

「About that, maybe she folded under my intense enthusiasm? Not that Lady Holy Sword can fold or bend.」

Speaking of which, the holy sword in question has been awfully quiet.


『……Huh? Oh, Rain. What’s up?』

「Nothing, just thought you were being really quiet.」

『Worried about me? How sweet of you.』

Said Mika, teasingly.

「Yeah, yeah. Glad to see you’re still lively.」

『Of course I am. Lady Holy Sword is always in tip-top shape.』

Looks like she’s back to normal.

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「I was just talking to Monana. I’m surprised you agreed to cooperate.」

『Ah… That. Well, there’s that too.』


『What? You interested? Taken an interest in little ‘ol me?』

Looks like she doesn’t want to talk about it.

「If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to.」

We’ve always been together for the ten years since the Crest of the Hero appeared on me, but ever since I was taken in by the Demon King Army, we’ve had more and more opportunities to do things separately.

Things like becoming close to the magic academy teacher Louto, even making friends with her.

She’s a holy sword who has a mind of her own, so it should be good for her to live a normal life like me.

Just because she’s my partner doesn’t mean she has to tell me everything.

『It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it… It’s just… It’s still a secret.』

「I don’t really get it, but okay.」

If she’s saying she can’t talk about it now, then I can accept that.

「You two are pretty close.」

Said Monana, enviously.

『I mean, we’ve been together for ten years. We’re like brother and sister, right?』


I didn’t think that, but Mika sure seems to.

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「…Siblings… Would that then make Lady Holy Sword the elder sister…?」

Monana is muttering again.

『That aside, Monana, I feel like I heard you say things as if you were plotting something earlier.』

「…!! I-I have no idea what you could possibly mea-」

Monana’s eyes darted around suspiciously.

『I should mention that The Seven are very harsh on anyone getting a jump on the others.』


『I know you probably wouldn’t stop even if I told you, so let me just give you some advice, if they’re gonna get involved one way or another, wouldn’t it be better to just let them in on it?』

Monana folded her arms and was deep in thought for a moment.

She eventually gave a small nod.

「……Y-you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, huh?」

『Do your best not to hurt Rain.』

「That goes without saying!」

I feel a little out of the loop here.

Although I do understand that Monana is trying to do something and that something probably involves me.

…Ah well.

I’ll find out when the time comes.

That time came sooner than I expected.

It happened after I returned to my room after dinner.

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