54 – Lively Servant and Master

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Something called the Rain Festival will begin soon.

The sponsor is Florence, one of the Seven.

When I went to see the rehearsal for a play, also sponsored by her, I encountered the sponsor herself.

She was having a conversation with her subordinate, Celine, about the main star of the play.

「How persistent of you. Just accept it as your butler name.」

It appears Florence wishes to call Celine by the nickname Sebastian.

「I cannot accept that. Not to mention that there will be no one besides milady who would use a butler name.」

「I can create even words.」

「Very good, ma’am.」

「Quite so, quite so.」

Florence looks pleased.

「Incidentally, in regards to the role of the Hero Rain, I assume that the fortieth actress is a failure?」

「Yes, quite right.」

Hearing that confirmation, Celine turns to the stage and calls out.

Being informed that she was dismissed, the cat-eared girl slumped her shoulders and left the stage.

「Milady, thus far we have reviewed only young women, if we have yet to find a qualified individual, perhaps we should gather young male actors instead.」

Apparently, all the applicants to play my role have been female.


Florence flatly refuses.


Celine couldn’t hold back her sigh.

「Sir Rain’s deeds must be passed down through the generations for years to come, but leaving that aside, no one will ever be fit to replace his role. Changing his sex to the opposite gender is the only way I can tolerate this play, you know?」

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「Is that so?」

「Yes, it is.」

「But that was the last candidate.」

「What? Is that true?」

Florence looked surprised.

「It is true.」

Celine was calm.

「Whatever will we do then?」

「That is what we have been discussing thus far, ma’am.」

「Without a leading role, it would be impossible to start the show.」

「That is precisely what I said mere moments ago, ma’am.」

「Do something, Sebastian!」

「It’s Celine, milady.」

「There must be an incredible actress that we haven’t seen yet!」

「Limited to the royal city at the very least, there are no more actresses who fit the conditions.」


Florence is shocked.

Then, she shakes out of frustration.

「Gr, is there truly no one in this world who feels like a lovely, young, great Hero like Sir Rain…!!」

「…Should we not ask the person himself, who has already been welcomed in the royal castle as a freeloader, for assistance?」

At those words, Florence grips her fan tightly.

「…That Eleanor keeps getting in my way! I haven’t even had the chance to reunite with him yet!! This is unthinkable!」

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「What did you do, milady?」

「Who’s side are you on?!」

「Can you truly think of nothing?」


Florence answered immediately.

「For example, asserting dominance by flaunting your income?」

「Well apologies to the other six, but I do have overwhelming financial prowess.」

「Sigh. Even so, the others are in positions of great importance to this nation.」

「Well, so am I! I brought law and order to this city, and I am giving back in abundance in taxes!」

「That’s, well…」

「And, well, not only do I win in good looks, but I can also spend the most time with Sir Rain, no?」

「Your beauty aside, the others are either off on missions or in a position where they cannot leave their office. I do believe my lady being able to move around so easily is a point in my lady’s favor.」

From what I can hear, while the other six belong to organizations with a direct superior, Florence is at the top of her field and can freely choose where to go.

「Quite so, quite so! If that’s the case, I believe I should be the one to be his guardian after I reunite with him. I talked to everyone about that, but we could not reach an understanding.」

「That, milady.」

Said Celine.

I can easily imagine the others strongly opposing Florence’s opinion in my head.


「The others also feel indebted to the Hero Rain just like milady, yes? If that is the case, I do not think it strange that they do not wish for milady to meet him, considering milady plans to keep him to herself through financial means.」

After Celine points that out, Florence tilts her head.

「It is not as if I plan to bind Sir Rain with rope. Isn’t that obvious? I merely believe…that he will wish to be with me through his own desires after he receives my hospitality.」

「…Is that so? Anyway, back to the previous topic. Is it safe to say that asking for the Hero Rain himself is impossible?」

「Mrgh, nothing is impossible to me!」

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「But surely Lady Eleanor will treat you well? snrk」

That was the first time I heard Celine crack a joke since I started listening in to their conversation.

「…?! Y-you! Did you just laugh at me despite being an expressionless character?! You ignored your character just to mock me?! Wh-what humiliation!」

「Apologies, milady. Heh.」

「The ridicule doesn’t cease?! I am your employer!」

「Could you please tell me how you intend to proceed with the role of the Hero Rain.」

「Grngrgrgh… I would pay any price to have Sir Rain reprise the role himself…but, as to getting in contact with him…」

「I doubt milady’s flagrant distribution of gold would work with those of the Demon King Castle.」

「Be silent!」

I wonder if this master and servant pair are actually really close friends.

「I believe Master Hero would also be troubled by an excessive surplus of gold coins.」

「No, he would not! For money is a tool that can save one’s life so long as one has it!」

「And so? What can you do with said vast quantities of money?」

「Aren’t you getting sloppy?!」

「I am.」

「Please be serious!」

「sigh… At any rate, having not met the real Master Hero, it would be difficult for him to understand milady’s passion. Ah, how about asking the young man who has been listening in to our conversation for a while now? Look, his face is quite cute.」

I wasn’t particularly hiding my presence, but it appears she noticed I was listening.

「Huh? Listen here you, no matter how cute he may be, he would not be adequa-」

The two of them turned their gaze to me, who is about five to six people away from them.

Then, Florence froze stiff.

「My lady?」

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She instantly opened the fan and covered her face with it.

「…I want you to answer me with complete honesty. Did you prepare a surprise for me?」

「…In all seriousness, I do not understand what milady is saying.」

「I see, you know me well.」

「sigh. Is it something about that young Majin boy?」

That’s right.

I am currently walking around town with the horns on.

Moreover, being a Magic Tool made by Monana, its effect is to make it difficult to realize that I am Human.

According to Eleanor’s explanation, it also reduces my…charm…?

Anyway, I should appear like a Majin boy.

In fact, that is what Celine sees.

But from Florence’s reaction…

「Then this must be…fate.」

The aura she had up till now…changed.

From the friendly way she interacted with her servant, to a noblewoman in the presence of royalty.

She stood directly in front of me, pinched the hem of her dress, lifted it, and curtsied.

「I am overjoyed to meet you once again.」

I look at Florence once again.

Her long, beautiful golden locks stretch to her left and right in spirals.

Her luxurious dress wrapped around her extremely voluptuous body, her chest seemingly ready to spill out.

She has a nobility and beauty enough to make me believe she were a princess of a country. Her sheer confidence in herself is expressed in her expression and eyes.

「…Yeah, it’s been a while. Good job seeing through the disguise.」

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