58 – Rain’s Desire

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Never in my life did I think that it would be fine to quit being a Savior. Never in my life did I think that I’d live a life of fun as I do now, spending every day aiming to achieve normalcy.

「Sir Rain…」Eleanor’s eyes were moist.

「If you say that I’m the one who saved everyone, then the one who saved me that day was you, Eleanor. That means that I, also, owe a large debt of gratitude to you.」

Large droplets of tears pour down Eleanor’s face.

「I don’t know about this winning or losing business, but I don’t want to see you depressed like that. When you’re sad, it pains me.」

「Sir Rain… Sir Rain…」Eleanor calls my name over and over again.


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「…Can I…touch you?」

I nodded, and she reached out her slender white fingers toward my face. They were smooth, but there were calluses from her using her sword. I could feel her devotion and her femininity that never failed to neglect her grooming from both hands.「I…never in my life had I thought that would happen either. That I…would become such a major part of your life, Sir Rain…」

「Recently, Mika and I had a disagreement. So, in order for things like that to not happen again, if someone is important to you, I think you have to tell them.」

「…A-am I i-important to…t-to Sir Rain…?」

Eleanor’s face turned red and she went stiff. It looked like she was frightened that my reply would be different from what she was expecting. I put my hand on her hand that was caressing my cheek. I looked into her sky-blue eyes.

「Yes, you are, Eleanor.」

When she heard those words… Eleanor showed me an even more breathtaking smile than the one I saw when we reunited.「That makes me happy, Sir Rain. Truly.」

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I felt my chest start to throb when I saw that expression. 「I-I see.」

「Sir Rain.」


「C-can I…hug you?」

「Huh? O-oh. That thing that Marie does often, right?」

「Th-that, yes. But, one filled with deep affection! Purely! No wicked thoughts whatsoever!」Eleanor was upset.

I walked towards her with my arms wide open as if greeting her.

「…! ……! Th-then, if you’ll excuse me.」Eleanor gently wraps her arms around my back. Her breasts softly conform to the shape of my face, wrapping me in her warmth.

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「Snnnnnfffffff, haa. Snnnnnfffffff」

「E-Eleanor?」It’s like she’s trying to absorb something.

「Gasp, sorry! I can just smell such happiness.」

「N-no, it’s fine.」

While being half buried in her bosom, I look up to meet her gaze.「I’m really glad I met you, Eleanor.」

「Sir Rain…! I-if you say something like that right now, I…!」Eleanor brings her face closer to mine.


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Her pale pink glossy lips were on the verge of touching mine. I…couldn’t avoid it. Or…I guess I chose not to. And then…just before our lips touched.

「Fueeh…」Eleanor’s body lost all of its strength!

I managed to grab a hold of her as she was falling to the floor.「Are you okay?!」

She had a look of bliss on her face with blood dripping down her nose.

「Come to think of it, I’m not wearing the horns right now.」With that in mind, Eleanor must’ve endured for quite a while. I carried her to her bed and wiped off her nosebleed.

Then I stared at her sleeping face. What would’ve happened if she’d stayed conscious for just a few seconds more? I don’t know. What I do know is that the beating in my chest did not subside even after a few moments.

Later, a discussion was held between Eleanor and Florence, and she was allowed into my room like the others of The Seven. I’m glad that they managed to make up, but… One after another, the others all voiced their opinion that「It feels like Eleanor has the upper hand, somehow…」

Searching for the true nature of that feeling, they all bombarded me with questions.

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