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the day later the incident of Laura, Xiao Qiangwei was in the new Bathhouse for boys relaxing together with Ichika

Ichika: This is really good…

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, you're right...

after some talks between the two...

Ichika: well, I will leave you here, bye

Xiao Qiangwei: bye.

when Ichika left, some minutes later Charles entered

Xiao Qiangwei: Yo, Charles.

Charles: Hello Qiangwei, can I talk to you about something?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, you can, what's the matter?

Charles: Well, first of all, I wanted to tell you my real name

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh yeah, you still use 'Charles'.

Charlotte: my real name is 'Charlotte'

Xiao Qiangwei: Charlotte... Charlotte... I have two things to say about this name.

Charlotte: What are they?

Xiao Qiangwei: The first is that the name fits you...

Charlotte: Thank you. And the second?

Xiao Qiangwei: Your imagination for choosing names sucks. Why calling yourself 'Charles'? There are other names like: Lucas, Jean, Mark, Louis...

Charlotte blushed from embarassment and told him to stop it

Xiao Qiangwei: Is there anything you want to say?

Charlotte: yes, I decided 'what I want'

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh? And tell me what you want.

Charlotte: I talked a bit with Lingyin and Cecilia before...

Xiao Qiangwei: 'I think I already know where this is going'

Charlotte then hugged Xiao Qiangwei and told him

Charlotte: I want to be your girlfriend and stay here with you!

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Xiao Qiangwei: You know, if you think about it, it seems as if I am a Pokemon Master...

Charlotte started laughing, some moments later Xiao Qiangwei started too and they stood there for some minutes before leaving to their room


Charlotte: I'm Charlotte Dunois, once more, I'm please to make your acquaintance!


Ichika: you are a girl?!

Extras: I thought i was weird!/ It wasn't a pretty boy, but a pretty girl!!/ ...Eh? wait a minute, didn't the boys use the bathhouse last night…?

Xiao Qiangwei closed his eyes and sighed

Xiao Qiangwei: Holy shit… we are starting again…

when he opened his eyes again he found Laura some inches away from his face

Xiao Qiangwei: Lau-

he was interrupted when Laura kissed him in his mouth, surprising him and shocking everyone


Laura: I will make you my 'Wife'!

Xiao Qiangwei's vein bulged a bit and told her

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Wife' my ass! I am the man between us, if we should really marry then you should be the wife, not me.

Laura: Eh? Really?


Xiao Qiangwei: Can you just calm the fucking down for a moment?!

Cecilia, Lingyin and Charlotte got in front of Laura and pointed at her

Cecilia/Lingyin/Charlotte: You can't steal our man! You need to join us if you want a kiss from him!

Extras: Wait what?!

Ichika: Xiao QIangwei, what are they talking about?

Xiao Qiangwei: They though about making an harem for me...

Extras: WHAT?!

Xiao Qiangwei: For the love of everything that is holy and unholy, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


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then Laura walked towards the trio of girls and asked

Laura: I understand, someone so strong obviously can't have only 1 girl. Then how can I join you?

Cecilia: We need to talk about this and then see if Qiangwei wants it

Xiao Qiangwei: I am ok about that.

Lingyin: eh?! Are you sure?! She wanted to hurt you before.

Laura: about that…

then she bowed down and told them

Laura: I am sorry about everything that happened since I came here, I was angry about certain things and I thank Xiao Qiangwei for showing me the right way and saving me from that incident. Please forgive me.

Cecilia, Lingyin and Charlotte then grouped together and started talking for some minutes before they separated and told her

Cecilia/Lingyin/Charlotte: We accept your apology!

Xiao Qiangwei: Then everything is solved, oh yeah, Laura, what was that thing in the tournament?

Laura: It is the Valkyrie Trace System, it is a program developed to increase the performance of the IS by mimicking the former winner of the Mondo Grosso, you. It even increases the strength, speed, reflexes and defence of the IS unit to a similar level of the Champion.

Xiao Qiangwei: wait what?!

Laura: Don't worry, due to various reasons including pilot safety, this system is strictly banned by the IS Treaty.

At this everyone that was friend of Xiao Qiangwei sighed in relief

Laura: But it is incredible how you coud win the fight against the VT System, could you sometimes train me?

Xiao Qiangwei: Sorry but I can't.

Laura: Can I at least know the reason?

Xiao QIangwei: Well, everything I can do is something that can be done only from me, the problem isn't that I don't want, but because you will never satisfy certain conditions.

Laura: Thank you for answering the question

Chifuyu then entered and told everyone

Chifuyu: Everyone at their seat!

[3 months later]

Everyone of the IS accademy was at the beach for certain events, Xiao Qiangwei finally entered the 3rd stage of the 'Great Way of the Buddha', surprisingly increasing his physical prowess to someone of the 7th Spirit Profound Realm instead of the 6th or 5th like he expected before.

Charlotte: Qiangwei!

Xiao Qiangwei: oh, hey Charlotte!

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Charlotte: Shall we go and do some stretching together?

Xiao Qiangwei: Sure, that swimsuit looks good on you

Charlotte: Really? I am happy to hear that from you...

Xiao Qiangwei: by the way, wasn't Laura with you?

then Charlotte pointed towards a little wooden house

Charlotte: Laura's hiding over there, she says her swimsuit's embarassing, and she's all holed up back there. Even though I told her that you will like it a million times...

then she turned towards the hiding place

Charlotte: Are you okay with staying there and letting me and the others play with Qiangwei without you?

Then Laura gulped and left from the place

Laura: Uuu... Laugh if you must...

then Xiao Qiangwei just walked towards her and hugged her like a doll

Xiao Qiangwei: How can you be so cute?!

Laura: eh?! C-cute?!

Charlotte laughed at the scene while Laura was bushing until he let her go

Lingyin: WEEEEEIIII!!!!

Xiao Qiangwei just crouched down letting Lingyin jump over him and crash with her head on the sand while the lower portion of the body was in air

Lingyin: Ouch... Wei, you are pure evil...

Xiao Qiangwei: a man really evil would just take advantage of your situation.

Lingyin found out about how she was positioned and got up while blushing

Lingyin: Pervert...

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, but you like this pervert, hehe. So, what got you so excited?

Lingyin: Oh yeah, let's have a match in the water, this time I will win!

Charlotte: what are they talking about?

Cecilia: When they were small, I heard that Lin-san always played with him, but she never won any game, so she is always finding something new so she could win.

Charlotte/Laura: Oh...


Xiao Qiangwei won again the match in water leaving a depressed Lingyin and a laughing group, but Ichika and Houki were gone from them, and they couldn't find them, so they got to sleep and now they are doing another lesson

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Chifuyu: Very well, let us begin the prectical exam as sheduled. Mount your country's IS units. Other than that...

Maya: Oh... Orimura-sensei!!! There's something that's falling in from the sky!!

Xiao Qiangwei looked up and his eye twitched.

Xiao Qiangwei: Not this shit again...

Lingyin: Hey, something happened?

Xiao Qiangwei pointed up and said

Xiao Qiangwei: 'That' happened.

then Lingyin, Cecilia, Charlotte and Laura looked up and found a falling metal carrot, when it crashed, someone left from it

Tabane: Oh, sorry to keep y'all waiting! Hello Hello! Everyone's idol, Shinonono Tabane has arrived!!

Everyone: Shinonono Tabane?!

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh fuck me...

then Tabane looked around and found Xiao Qiangwei

Tabane: Hey Xiao Xiao, can I see you IS?!

Xiao Qiangwei: NO!!

Tabane's bunny eyes lowered a bit before she found Chifuyu and threw herself at her

Tabane: Chi-chan!!

but Chifuyu gripped her face before she hugged her

Tabane: Ah, the merciless iron claw, just as I remember it.

Chifuyu: We're in a lesson… Why did you come?

then Tabane freed herself from Chifuyu's grip

Tabane: Isn't it obvious? I wanted to see my super cute lil' sis, You've sure grown up a lot since I last saw you, Houki-chan! And my, you boobies are…

Houki: please stop that.

then she turned fast towards Xiao Qiangwei and jumped towards him

Tabane: I enchanted my body so I finally can get yo- OOF!! *Roblox Death Sound*

Xiao Qiangwei just punched in her stomach, but unlike his normal punch, now that he got to the 3rd stage of 'Great Way of the Buddha', Tabane crashed in some houses before falling some miles away towards the sea

Extras: wow...

then she slowly walked back to the class while being covered in seaweeds and completely wet.

Tabane: It seems... you became stronger...

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