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After the group returned home, they started again school normally, without problems, Xiao Qiangwei was even asked about becoming the President of the Student Council but he refused saying "Too much things to do".

Things happened, like some events for who becomes Ichika's boyfriend because Xiao Qiangwei already had an Harem, obviously he hid the information about Chifuyu.

[Last day of the Academy]

The group was at the roof eating something before Xiao Qiangwei talked a bit to his Harem about something and all of them nodded, then they left from there, before Xiao Qiangwei left too, he turned towards Ichika and Houki and told them.

Xiao Qiangwei: Ichika, Houki loves you!

The two were shocked about this information because Ichika was incredibly dense and Houki couldn't believe that he really told Ichika about her crush, then Xiao Qiangwei jumped from the roof and landing safely to the ground, leaving the new couple alone.

[at the Phantom Task's HQ]

After Madoka told to the leader about Xiao Qiangwei, they abandoned the mission to steal the Hong Long and Byakushiki, not wanting to risk their death or capture, since Xiao Qiangwei proved himself to be better than anyone there during the fight against the 'Gospel'.

[a month later]

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Thanks to Xiao Qiangwei's title of Champion of the Mondo Grosso that he won again, and the help he gave to the Japan against the 'Gospel' he requested about multiple marriage, the others at the government were stupified about this news, they though he would ask money, but asking only for the immunity to a law was good for them. So they accepted it.

[5 months later]

after Xiao Qiangwei secretely prepared his marriage with the five girls, he told about his girlfriends to his parents and presented them, before the parents were a bit shocked since they didn't hear nothing from him for some time about the academy and later they were proud for having so many girls that love him.

Then they and the girls were surprised from the new news Xiao Qiangwei gave them, about a legal permission for polygamy, and they were happy about it.

[1 week later]

The marriage happened, every friends of the girls, Laura's squad included, Xiao Qiangwei's parents, Maya, Ichika and Houki were there to spectate with a smile the marriage of Xiao Qiangwei

Someone: Throughout this ceremony, Huang Lingyin, Cecilia Alcott, Charlotte Dunois, Laura Bodewig, Orimura Chifuyu and Xiao Qiangwei have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each others.

They have formalized the existence of the bond between them with words spoken and with the giving and receiving of rings.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wives.

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You may now kiss your brides!

At this moment all the girls hugged Xiao Qiangwei with a smile and kissing each others while everyone applauded for it, this was the happiest moment of Xiao Qiangwei.

In his past life, he already lost his parents at 10 years, and left his continent at the age of 15, travelling around the Primal Chaos Dimension like a nomad, gaining legacies after legacies, going against enemies that are 1 great realm higher than him, hunting and completing the Evil God's Divine Veins.

He was always alone after the death of his parents, the only company he had was the one of his hunters and various sects that wanted to use him, even when he became the strongest, he didn't felt much, so he limited himself while fighting in the War of the Immortals because he though it was useless going all-out, but it costed him his life.

then Xiao Qiangwei turned towards Ichika with a smile and told him

Xiao Qiangwei: The next will be you, Black Hole-san

Ichika: stop calling me that! I know I was dense about Houki but at least don't call me like that when I am with her.

Some months ago, Ichika married with Houki, it was easier for them because he didn't have to marry an entire harem like Xiao Qiangwei

[this night]

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Xiao Qiangwei bought an house before marrying, and now he and his new wives were going inside for sleeping together.

He used Profound Energy to make a barrier around his house to block any sounds and started a 'fight' in the bed against the five girls, and Xiao Qiangwei was still going on when Laura was almost unconscious from it and told him to continue even after being knocked out, meanwhile the other four unconscious.

The first one was Lingyin, the first girl he asked to be together with, and she received the Virgin Dragon Seed coming from his bloodline, but he sealed his other bloodlines to avoid disasters when they would get kids

[9 months later]

Xiao Qiangwei just became father of 6 kids, a pair of twins from Chifuyu, one girl and one boy, then 1 girl from Lingyin, which had the Dragon God's Bloodline, giving her a stronger body, then two boys from Cecilia and Charlotte, and a girl from Laura, 3 boys and 3 girls in total, Xiao Qiangwei was really happy about this

[20 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei already stopped cultivating because there was no need for it, his wives and kids, who grew adults already, were suspicious about the his looks, and he said almost all the truth, and told them to not tell it to even the future grandkids he would have and at his kid's husbands and wives.

Everyone accepted it and Xiao Qiangwei told them about how his body was different from others, and that the 'Seven Gates' came from the mutation in his body instead of the IS he still had.

Everyone was shocked from what he said when he told them about his strength of 10 tons, his high regeneration, his longevity, and his body hardness, obviously he left out about his past life and bloodlines like the Golden Crow and Ice Phoenix.

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All of his family didn't cared about his 'mutations' and lived together

[40 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei was at the funeral of his wives, but he was a bit happy since they lived a life full of joys and happiness with him, they even told him to be happy and don't cry, but he still cried a lot, together with his kids and grandkids, then he told to his kids that he would leave and see them some times

[25 years later]

this time it was the turn of his kids, Xiao QIangwei was more than 100 years, but he seemed still a man of 40 years, he still cried about them, but was happy for the same reason of his wives

[100 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei was never heard of anymore, some times people would see Hong Long but they though it was Xiao Qiangwei's descendant, he traveled the world, thanks to the Dragon God's Legacy and Great Way of the Buddha, his longevity was at 300 years, he still had 90 years to live, but he didn't care.

[90 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei was now a really old man, he was in his Hong Long flying around, and though about where he should leave the world, and decided he would secretely put a graveyard near his wives' ones and sleep there, when he finished, he used 'Purgatory' to end his life while still having Hong Long in his hand and a smile in his face.

Xiao Qiangwei: Goodbye... World...

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