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Xiao Qiangwei had his eyes still closed, but strangely could not feel anything stucked in his torso and most importantly he could not feel any pain.

He opened his eyes expecting either to be in his Realm or the Heaven, but he didn't expected a completely blank world in front of him, he slowly got up and looked around but couldn't feel anything with his divine senses.

Suddenly he heard a voice behind him.

?: Hey, I am here.

Xiao Qiangwei was surprised but didn't show it in his face and turned around to find a black figure covered with clothes from head to toe, he couldn't see his face but the thing that was the most intimidating of him is like he couldn't sense him.

When he tried to see what cultivation this guy was, he could not even feel the body itself, it was like he was feeling air in front of him, but he could clearly see him, he though that it was just an illusion, but when the figure slapped him, he threw all the ideas of Xiao Qiangwei out from the window.

?: You little fucker, wake up!

Xiao Qiangwei: you... did you really hurt this God?

?: Yes, any problem? And don't you dare to call yourself god, the only god between us is me!

Xiao Qiangwei: what do you mean? This God was at the stage of a True God before, obviously I am a god!

God: Shut that mouth, that stage is just like the other ones, if you want to compare with me you have a really fucking long way, even with all the shitty legacies you have.

Xiao Qiangwei: You... *sigh* Do you know where are we?

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God: This... is my universe, but I prefer to call it 'Office'.

Xiao Qiangwei: Your? So you are the...

God: I am God here, no one is superior to me in this realm that is colored like my bathroom.

Xiao Qiangwei: ok, why I am here?

God: Nothing much, you just won a lottery and here is the price, almost infinite reincarnation!

Xiao Qiangwei: ...what?

God: outside of the little park you call 'Primal Chaos Dimension' there are many other universes with many different characteristics, end each one of them has a 'good side' and a 'bad side', in this dimension, you were the 'good side' while the other kings were the 'bad side'. You will reincarnate in those realms because you were the dead guy.

Xiao Qiangwei: I am the what?

God: That isn't important, you will reincarnate in different realms, but there are rules you will follow regardless of your consent:

1) Cultivation restarts every time you reincarnate.

2) You will always reborn, no teleportation with your actual actual body and cultivation

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3) The World Power in that universe will be converted in Profound Energy when you start cultivating.

4) You will be given a summary about how the world works and his technology.

5) You will still have your legacies, but you need to practice your Profound Arts again.

6) Except for the original world, you will forget anything that regards the previous world in which you were born.

7) the previous rule will exclude 'enlightments' and new techniques regarding your Profound Arts.

8) in certain worlds you will receive a 'custom weapon'.

9) When reincarnating, you will not import any ability or soul bound weapon that was acquired in the previous world to the next one with some exceptions.

God: you got them?

Xiao Qiangwei: what is the catch?

God: there is none, those are the only rules you will follow, any questions?

Xiao Qiangwei: yes, what happened to my original world?

God: nothing much, the four King realms got a new king while your realm was destroyed the moment you died, unfortunately, Devils will invade soon and kill everyone

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Xiao Qiangwei: I got it... I am already dead so it is useless thinking about trying to do something there... Well, where do we start?

God: We will start right now. Well, see ya later... Oh, I almost forgot, your cultivation speed will change world from world, since the world you are going to is in 'Technology' category, your cultivation speed will be minimum.

Xiao Qiangwei: so this is a lower realm?

God: more lower, try to not reveal your powers unless you can hide them, even if they are lower worlds, they have technology to destroy little planets.

Xiao Qiangwei: interessing... I will follow your instructions.

then his body disappeared in a flash of light and there was silence.

God: Well, time to satisfy people with my stories. (for those who didn't get it yet, Author is God)

then he took out a Tablet from nothing, opened 'Webnovel' and started typing something.


Xiao Qiangwei was opening his eyes but found himself in a dark place, it was so dark that he couldn't even see his body, then he tried to check his cultivation but like God said, it was non-existent right now, he tried to cultivate with the 'World-Defying Heaven Manual', but the energy he gathered was really pitiful even for a Lower Realm.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Wow... God didn't joke when he said that the energy here is minimum... In 20 years I could get only to a mere Tyrant Profound Realm, and that is only if I constantly cultivate and the energy around doesn't leave.

Fortunately I have the 'Great Way of the Buddha' and my bloodlin-Fuck something got in my eyes! Where in the hell am I?'

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Xiao Qiangwei had some guesses when God said he would reborn so he didn't cultivate for fear someone will find out.

[1 month later]

Xiao Qiangwei was imagining how the world should be, he found out that he was inside a womb thanks to the voices he could hear outside, and it seems that he recognized their language.

While he was inside for a month, he felt something entering his mind and found out that it was the 'summary' God was talking about.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'I wonder if I am able to use one of those IS... God should give me one later...'

Xiao Qiangwei was excited to see things he never seen or used, it was like the first time he consciously got a legacy.

Suddenly he felt a suction force towards a direction

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Finally... I will have a family again! And when I will have my IS, I will show those women to not disrespect me, seems like the mech really unbalanced things in this world, time to fix it' (not Thanos method)


He started to faking his cry to not make the people around him suspicious about him, when he looked around he was wide eyes from the technology inside this room, and then he found himself in gentle arms, when he looked up, he seen a woman that was smiling at him while playing with his nose

Xiao Qiangwei: 'so this is my mother? Thank you God, to not make me feel alone anymore...'

And for the first time since his old family died, he smiled.

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