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[3 weeks later]

Xiao Qiangwei just stopped his cultivation time. because he had to write a letter for Krul, the place was incredible, it made him almost breaking through a realm in 3 weeks, if he cultivates for 1 more week he could even enter the 4th Emperor Profound Realm, but this place could last only for 6 months before the dark energy concentrated here vanishes.

So he wrote the letter and created an ice bird and made it fly towards Sanguinem.

[2 days later/Sanguinem]

the ice bird arrived at the Throne room with the letter, and inside it there was Krul in a throne talking to a big screen, in the screen there was another vampire, he was a young man with tanned skin with pale, shining hair styled in a neat manner. Krul noticed the bird which had in it's beak a letter which had written 'Important' over it

Urd Geales: What is that bird?

Krul: it is the messenger of a servant of mine, I asked him to gain informations outside and to report me every month.

Urd Geales: You can read it. Still, we need to do something about the 7th Trumphet in Japan, we can't even beat him since he has already completed the transformation...

meanwhile Krul read the letter.

"Dear Krul Tepes,

Hello again! Now there is something really interesting that happened 3 weeks ago, I encountered a seraph that goes with the title of Death Knight, it was a really hard fight, but he's dead now, I am sorry I couldn't capture him for you, but I had only one chance to attack him at that moment.

Right now I will be busy getting stronger, and I will be busy for every single minute, so I will not write anything for 6 months, take care of yourself and say hi to Mika from me and Fuck you for Ferid, I feel like he deserves it"

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From Xiao Qiangwei"

Krul was shocked and let the letter fall from here hands, Urd noticed this.

Urd: what is happening?

Krul: h-he did it...

Urd: what are you talking about?

Krul: my helper killed the 7th Trumphet...


then both of them stood in silence for some minutes before Urd talked again

Urd: so... who is this helper?

Krul: he is an human I took during the apocalypse 6 years ago.

Urd: an human?! Explain!

Krul: I found a kid of 9 years that killed some of my vampires so I made him an offer and he accepted to work for me, then he became stronger, and I sent him outside for work, he will return in 10 months.

Urd: how can be a single human be so strong?! Are you sure he is not a seraph?!

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Krul: he is 100% human, he remembers everything of his life unlike the others who lose their memories.

Urd: *sigh* Well, there is no more reason to talk, so I will take my leave, bye.

then the screen turned off and moved away.

Krul: i swear... I will never stop to be shocked from you, Qiangwei...

Then Mika entered the room with a bored face.

Mika: hello, what did happen to Xiao?

Krul: hello Mich, he still continues to surprise me and he said hi.

Mika then giggled a bit

Krul: and he will not write anything for 6 months.

Mika: wait what?

then the doors opened and Ferid came inside with a smile

Ferid: hello Krul-san, I think the letter should be arrived, what did he say?

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Krul: well, first of all he singlehandledy killed the 7th Trumphet.


Krul: and then he said 'Fuck you' to you.

Ferid recovered from the shock and his forehead's veins bulged a bit

Ferid: one day I will lose control...

then the ice bird flew at his head and melted, wetting him, Krul and Mika laughed together at this scene while Ferid was livid.

Ferid: 'control yourself... control yourself... inhale' *inhaling* 'and then exhale...' Ahhh...

then he walked away to change his clothes.

[6 months later/graveyard]

Xiao Qiangwei absorbed all the dark energy that was around, and his realm is at 10th Emperor Profound Realm, he will need 3 more months to breakthrough the Tyrant Profound Realm, his Combat Prowess was at 5th Sovereign Profound Realm.

If he would either enter the Tyrant Profound Realm or his Great Way of the Buddha would ho at the next stage, he would be as strong as the 6th Sovereign Profound Realm.

Now he stood up, and took a deep breath, then he looked around and noticed that the place was less gloomy than before.

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, now that this is done, let's write another letter!

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then Xiao Qiangwei took a paper from his pocket and wrote something, then he created his third ice bird and gave it to him, who flew away towards Sanguinem, meanwhile, he started fly away and going towards Shibuya to gather informations about Yuu in these last 4 months.

[2 days later/Sanguinem]

Krul was really bored at the moment and was waiting for the letter that Xiao Qiangwei promised he would send after 6 months after the last one, then an ice bird came from the doors with the letter, Krul had a smile in her face for having another report from Xiao Qiangwei.

The bird directly evaporated and she opened the letter and read it

"Dear Krul Tepes,

Hi, I just finished sucking dry of this place's energy to being stronger, now I am going to Shibuya again to gather more informations about Yuichiro Hyakuya, say hi from me to Mika.

And don't worry about anything, I may not know how strong was that seraph compared to the others, but now I am strong enough to end it in really less time than before, just wait for 4 more months and I will come back with the things you wanted.

From Xiao Qiangwei"

Krul: *sigh* How much stronger can you become…? Well, I think he is ready to know about everything...


Xiao Qiangwei had just seen the walls of Shibuya and now was smirking

Xiao Qiangwei: Time to take bigger informations...

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