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Xiao Qiangwei felt again that familiar feeling and opened his eyes, to find for the third time, the blank world where his boss was, after turning his head, he found God sitting in a chair and a shelf near him with a crystal ball, where his old memories should be.

Xiao Qiangwei: hello there.

God: General Kenobi.

Xiao Qiangwei: what?

God: nothing, just a little reference... So, welcome again to my 'Office', did you like the life in this world?

Xiao Qiangwei: yes, thank you for giving me the chance to live it... I am ready to lose the memories about it.

God: before that, I have a surprise for you...

Xiao Qiangwei: what are you talking about?

God: I am in a really good mood, so I give you another privilege when you come to my Realm.

Then he snapped his fingers and 5 girls appeared, when the girls seen Xiao Qiangwei, they were happy like a child who received full points on the exam and hugged him. This act surprised Xiao Qiangwei, because he never met them from his memories, but God gave him the crystal ball, and Xiao Qiangwei suddenly remembered everything, and looked at the girls with shock.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yin, Cecilia, Charlotte, Laura and Chifuyu?!

The girls: finally you remembered us!

Lingyin: but surely it was a surprise when we met God, and told us about your situation...

Charlotte: But we aren't angry about it, it was normal, who would believe about a story of God who reincarnated an ex-god in other realms..

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Laura: Husband, why are you crying?

indeed, Xiao Qiangwei was crying from the meeting and the memories he just got temporarily back.

Xiao Qiangwei: girls... I really missed you...

and then returned the hug to them.

God: awww... That's sweet, but it doesn't end here.

Everyone: eh?

then God snapped his fingers again and Krul appeared beside him, who looked around before noticing Xiao Qiangwei surrounded from 5 other girls.

Xiao Qiangwei: Krul?! You are there too?!

Krul: eh? What happened? Who are those girls hugging you?

God: Calm down a bit, this is my realm, where I send Xiao Qiangwei in other realms, and those girls, are his lovers from the other lifes he lived.

Krul: eh? So... Wei, is that really you?

Xiao Qiangwei: do you know someone else like me?

Krul started smiling and rushed to hug him too

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey God, I can't thank you enough..

God: yeah yeah, now do your things, I don't have all the time of the world.

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Everyone nodded at him and started talking.

Krul: hey Wei, you never told me about your girls in your past life.

Xiao Qiangwei: it is because of a contract with God, when I am in a different realm from this, I will remember only my very first life, I didn't tell you because I didn't wanted to make you sad.

Chifuyu: Qiangwei, can you introduce us this girl to us?

Xiao Qiangwei: oh right, girls, she is Krul Tepes, the 3rd Progenitor of the vampire race, and she is older than all of our lives put together.

IS girls: Eh?! For real?

Krul: yes, like he said, I am the oldest here, with over 5000 years of life

IS girls: wow...

Xiao Qiangwei: well, Krul, they are the wifes of my second life and all of them are humans. Huang Lingyin...

Lingyin: hello!

Xiao Qiangwei: Cecilia Alcott..

Cecilia: hello.

Xiao Qiangwei: Charlotte Dunois...

Charlotte Dunois: hi!

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Xiao Qiangwei: Laura Bodewig...

Laura: hello senior.

Krul: senior?

Laura: well, you are older than all of us, so it's right to call you senior.

Xiao Qiangwei: and Chifuyu Orimura...

Chifuyu: Nice to meet you, Krul.

Krul: mh, me too, Chifuyu.

Then there was silence, because they didn't have anything to talk about anymore.

Xiao Qiangwei: well, there's nothing else, right?

Everyone: mh.

Xiao Qiangwei: ok, God, we have done here.

God: mh, now say bye to each other, in future I will make you all meet again.

Xiao Qiangwei: mh, bye girls!

Everyone: Bye Qiangwei!/Wei!

then God snapped his fingers again and the girls disappeared.

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God: ok, now come here, I need to take out your memories.

Xiao Qiangwei: mh.

Then he bowed and God placed a palm over his head, then made a grabbing gestures, and retracted, showing a crystal ball floating over his palm.

God: ok, I finished, now I will say something about this situation.

Xiao Qiangwei: yes?

God: Since you have gained two things regarding your cultivations, they will remain with you even in the future, namely the Illusory Devil Tome of Eternal Night, and the Devil Origin Orb.

Xiao Qiangwei: yes!

God: I like your enthusiasm, but now you will leave for a new realm.

Xiao Qiangwei: mh, any informations?

God: yes, this realm is another Lower Realm, and in future you will receive a custom item for the third life.

Xiao Qiangwei: ok, we can even start.

God: mh, just close your eyes...

Xiao Qiangwei did as he said and closed them, when he opened them again, he felt smaller and was in a completely dark place, he was floating in the mid of nothingless.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'This will be my new start!'

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