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Xiao Qiangwei was walking in his room before his neighbor opened the door, the rooms were in a dorm, so it was obvious that there were nearby rooms.

From that door he found a friend and a petite young girl. She has with argent short hair, with bangs covers all of her foreheads and had black headband, with flowers on the side of the headband.

She was talking to Xiao Qiangwei's friend, a young man of average height with dark brown hair and brown eyes. he had a thin but well-built, toned body and a cute face from the point of view of many girls.

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh, hey Ikki!

Ikki: Qiangwei? Oh, good morning.

Xiao Qiangwei met with him at his first day, he was searching his room and he helped him finding it, then they became friends because they were really near, one day they even secretly fought, but Xiao Qiangwei won, even if he was surprised from the sudden power up of Ikki.

But even in that state, he was too slow for Xiao Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei and Ikki were admiring a bit each other, Ikki because Xiao Qiangwei was the strongest man he even encountered, and a new target to overcome.

While Xiao Qiangwei because Ikki's behavior was really noble, even being insulted as the weakest, while his capabilities were enough to make him an A-rank Blazer, he didn't do nothing and Always tried his best everyday.

The little girl hugged Ikki and looked at Xiao Qiangwei with a frown.

?: Hey Ikki, who is he?

Ikki: Oh, he is my friend Xiao Qiangwei, right now he is the strongest blazer in the academy, Qiangwei, she is my little sister Shizuku, she came from my household, you can calm down Shizuku, he isn't like other people.

Shizuku: mh… Nice to meet you…

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Xiao Qiangwei: if you don't like me it's ok, we can be friends another time.

Ikki: Oh right, what happened before, there was a feminine scream from your room.

Xiao Qiangwei: she is my new roommate, I just hope she doesn't touch my beer…

Ikki: you are still drinking?

Xiao Qiangwei: yep, and I am not going to give you even a can of beer, no matter what.

Ikki: It's ok, I don't drink...

Xiao Qiangwei: good, well, I need to prepare for a fight, see ya later.

Ikki: Who is the unfortunate?

Xiao Qiangwei: my roommate. Bye

Then they separated and walked to their ways.


Both Xiao Qiangwei and Stella were in the arena, looking at each other's eyes.

Kurono: We'll be starting the mock battle. Both sides, expand your devices into 'Illusion Form'

Stella: Serve me, Laevteinn!

Then the familiar scarlet greatsword was materialized in Stella's hands and released really hot flames.

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Xiao Qiangwei: Punish, Divina Virtute... (Divine Power)

In this moment, a pair of metal grey dragon claws appeared in Xiao Qiangwei's arms, it didn't have any special effect like the flames of Laevteinn, but just looking at them, it made everyone's back shiver.

Stella: Here I come! Haaaah!!!

Xiao Qiangwei just stood there and raised a claw and blocked her sword, under his feet a big crater was created, but he was unharmed.

Stella: Tsk...

then she continued to slash at him, but he just paired the sword with his left claw while the other was in his back.

meanwhile at the spectator seats, Ikki and his sister Shizuku were watching the fight, Ikki was smirking while Shizuku was in shock at how a famous A-Rank Blazer was blocked that easily

Ikki: She lost...

Shizuku: What do you mean?

Ikki: one does not simply singlehandledy take down the strongest with just strength, I even fought against him, and he was untouchable...

Shizuku: If you use Ittoshura you can surely beat him!

Ikki: I already did that, I increased my capabilities to my limit...

But he didn't even take me seriously...

Shizuku had wide eyes from that news, and then looked back at the fight while hugging Ikki.

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meanwhile at the fight...

Stella: Take me seriously!!

Xiao Qiangwei: Why should I?

Stella then got enraged and backed away

Stella: Pierce through the blue sky, flame of purgatory! Heaven and Earth Scorching Dragon King's Flame "Calsalitio Salamandra", HAAAAAH!!! 'I will beat you!'

Then she transformed Laevtainn into a sword made of pure heat without physical body, and attacked Xiao Qiangwei, covering his existence with flames.

after a minute, the attack stopped, and instead of revealing a defeated Xiao Qiangwei, he stood in his feet, with a blank face, even his clothes were unharmed, shocking everyone.


Xiao Qiangwei: Is that all? Then I will just defeat you...

he just took a step forward, and was immediately in front of Stella, and pierced her stomach with the claws, fortunately they were in 'Illusion Form', otherwise she would be dead, but she just got unconscious.

Kurono: Stella Vermillion is unconscious, Xiao Qiangwei won!


Xiao Qiangwei was drinking a can of beer in front of the window, watching the moon, until he heard some noises coming from the bed, he turned and found Stella that just woke up.

Xiao Qiangwei: Good morning.

Stella: mh? Is this the dorm room?

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Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, you fell unconscious after the fight and I carried you here.

Stella: EH?! You didn't do nothing to me, right?!

Xiao Qiangwei: As much as you are beautiful to me, I am not a pervert, so stop those thoughs and relax...

Stella blushed and then looked away, but then she asked.

Stella: Hey Xiao, why do everyone call you 'Evil God'?

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* It's because I am too strong, and every single opponent was defeated in one simple hit.

Stella: oh... How did you reached this level of power?

Xiao Qiangwei: with willpower, and really hard work... And for revenge...

Stella: Revenge?

Xiao Qiangwei: You don't need to know... Well, I am going to sleep... It's night.

Then Xiao Qiangwei took off his shirt, standing half naked, Stella's entire face became red at the sight but couldn't look away from his well-built body.

Stella: W-W-What are you doing?!

Xiao Qiangwei: I sleep like this, so don't annoy me...

Xiao Qiangwei got in his bed and started sleeping but Stella continued to observe his body, until she started running her mind over a certain though, and some blood got out from her nose, she stood there for some minutes until she realized what she was doing and got in her bed while murmuring until she slept.

Stella: Stop with the though… Stop with the though...

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