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After Xiao Qiangwei burned the bodies to nothingless, much to Ikki's displeasure, they were watching the terrorists grouped around the civilians some floors under them, they even noticed Stella, who was hiding her face from the cameras that were around and taking the video in TV, and Shizuku.

And then they received a message from their notebook, which gave them the approval to use their abilities.

Xiao Qiangwei was thinking on a plan to end this mess fast, but was distracted from a kid who threw an ice cream to a terrorist and yelled.

Kid: Don't you touch my mom!

Terrorist: Fuckin'... Brat!

then he kicked the kid to his sides making him fly for 2 meters away

mother: SHINJI!!

then she got in front of her son

mother: P-please… I'm sorry, he's just a child! Please, I'm so-

she was interrupted when the gun of the terrorist was in front of her forehead

Terrorist: What, you think you being sorry let's you off the hook? A pig like you, soilin' the clothes of an 'Honorary Citizen' of the coming 'New World'... How 'bout you repent with death!

then he shot but the bulled was reduced in ashes from Stella

Terrorist: What the… A Blazer?!

then everyone else shot at her, but she used the flames to protect herself

Terrorists: The guns don't work!/What the hell?!

then the hostages screamed and runned behind her

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Stella: Everyone calm down!


Stella: I just want to negotiate with your leader.

?: My, my, my. It looks like we have one hell of a VIP mixed in here. Her highness, second princess to the throne of Vermillion… heheh.

A black coated man walked from the terrorists and towards her

Stella: The outfit… That's a robe the Rebellion's 'Apostles' wear. Then you must be the head of these imbeciles over here?

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Rebellion? Isn't that a infamous criminal organization? What do they want?'

Bischof: Correct… The name is Bischof. A pleasure, princess. So.

then he creepily turned towards the terrorists.

Bischof: What did I say about not touching the hostages?

Terrorists: Eek!

Then Bischof grabbed someone for their collar

Bischof: Yakin, you the cause of it?

Yakin: Ah, n-no, not me! That kid! He soiled my clothes!

Xiao Qiangwei just facepalmed at his stupidity.

Bischof: Huh? Why you fussin' about such a-

he was interrupted when he unintentionally glanced at Stella and smirked

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Bischof: ...You know what. Yakin, that must've been some predicament. Don't you worry, the pride of you 'Honorary Citizens' will be properly protected by us.

Then he took out a pistol from his coat and pointed to the family of before.

Stella: Wha, what do you think you're doing?!

Bischof: We're just makin' a kid who couldn't keep quiet as he was told pay for it, princess. Punishment for a crime, forgiveness for punishment. That's my motto, ya see...?

Then Stella summoned her device and rushed at him, but he let fall his gun and activated his device, blocking her sword and punched at her stomach with the same strength she used before, making her fly away of some meters.

Stella: 'How could it be… He didn't look like a Blazer of that caliber…!' Those… Rings!

Bischof: The paired set device 'Judgement Ring'. The left absorbs all dangers as 'Sin' and the right can change it into a magical force as 'Punishment', sending it back to the enemy. Meaning the stronger my enemies are, the stronger I become.

Stella: I see. So I've just been punched with my own full force.

Bischof: But what a magnificent royal you are. A princess of a country, throws herself out as a shield for some kid... I, Bischof, am truly in awe, that I would like to respect princes Stella's bravery, to suggest a way to save the kid's life.

Stella: What... Are you saying?

Bischof crouched and told her

Bischof: Easy... You just need to apologize in the kid's place, princess. Naked, and on the floor! KAKAKAKA!(AN: WTF IS THAT LAUGH?!)


Everyone turned towards the noise and found Xiao Qiangwei with a pissed off face, who just jumped from two floors, while Ikki was watching everything with a worried face.

The terrorist got scared from his sudden appearance and some shot at the hostages, but Xiao Qiangwei just swung his arm and a big irregular wall of ice protected them from the bullets.

The ice was really thick, blocking the visual of the hostages and Shizuku, who planned to do a barrier to protect the hostages beforehand.

Then Xiao Qiangwei started emitting a devilish aura, scaring Stella, Bischof and the terrorists, and slowly walked towards them.

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Bischof: D-Don't get near! My 'Judgement Ring' will kill you if you make a move against me!

Xiao Qiangwei didn't stop, and started using a profound art.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Illusory Realm Domain: Red Butterfly.'

Then Bischof suddenly started screaming in a dreadful pain, there wasn't nothing that was going wrong from outside, but he just grabbed his head and continued to scream like a maniac, then he rolled over the ground, until he stopped moving, dead.

Terrorist: W-What happened?

Xiao Qiangwei: This is the 'Illusory Realm Domain: Red Butterfly', even if it is a 'Domain', I can concentrate it to a single target, right now he's dead, his soul was burned to nothingless.

Stella: His... Soul... Burned...?

Xiao Qiangwei: Nine Deaths of Eternal Night.

Then 9 black shadows that are around ten meters and resembled the Nine-headed Hydra appeared behind Xiao Qiangwei's back, they were menacingly looking at the terrorists, who had eyes open wide from the terror.

Then the 9 black shadows lunged towards them, eating them alive and not letting even a drop of blood in the ground, meanwhile Stella was watching everything with a serious face while thinking at the words of her Director.

When the massacre ended, one of the shadows broke the thick ice, revealing everyone with a grateful expression while not knowing anything about what happened.

Xiao Qiangwei made disappear the shadows and then walked towards Stella, who turned towards him.

Xiao Qiangwei: Are you ok? You are not hurt?

Stella: E-Eh? No, I am not, I am unharmed.

Xiao Qiangwei hugged her with a relieved expression

Xiao Qiangwei: Thanks god…

Stella: Q-Qiangwei?! What are you doing?!

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Xiao Qiangwei: I wouldn't know what I would do if they did something to you.

Stella just stood in silence and smiled, before returning the hug


Xiao Qiangwei, Ikki, Stella and Shizuku were leaving from the place and were returning at the academy, until…

Ikki: Hey girls, you continue walking, I want to talk a bit with Qiangwei.

Stella: Qiangwei, come back soon, ok?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, I will, don't touch my beer, ok?

Stella: Mh.

Then the girls left while Ikki took Xiao Qiangwei to a dark alley.

Xiao Qiangwei: Is it because I killed again?

Ikki: Yes, and I wanted to say that I am sorry about it.

Xiao Qiangwei: Eh?

Ikki: I know that it's wrong killing someone, but I though about what would happen if they were asking Shizuku to get naked and kneel in the floor, and I though that I would try to kill them too... So I will say it again, I am sorry for judging you. But it still doesn't change my view about it.

Xiao Qiangwei: It's ok, if you still think it's wrong after killing someone, then you are still human, that's the important thing.

Ikki: Mh, I will remember those words. Well, let's go, the girls are waiting for us.

Xiao Qiangwei: Mh.

Then they walked towards their dorm

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