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Xiao Qiangwei descended at the border of the crater with his mother and Stella in his arms, when he got in the ground, he let go them and took a deep breath, for calming down and taking a rest from the profound skill he used.

Mother: Little Wei, are you alright?

Xiao Qiangwei: I am just a bit tired, did they do something to you, Mom?

the mother smiled sweetly at him and hugged his son.

Mother: It's ok Little Wei, they just took some clothes, they didn't nothing else.

Stella: Are you sure you are alright, Qiangwei?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, it's ok, I was just...

he glanced at Stella and seen that she was trembling from fear, because she still thought at what happened at the dorm. Xiao Qiangwei knew about it and sighed, then he hugged her, stopping her trembling body.

Xiao Qiangwei: It's ok, Stella... I will not harm you...

Stella hesitantly hugged back and started crying a bit.

Stella: I was so scared at the dorm... When you were releasing that dark aura... I was so scared... Please don't do it anymore...

Xiao Qiangwei: Shhh... Don't think about it anymore...

Mother: Oh my, I might just start thinking that you two are a couple.

Stella started blushing heavily and lowered her head from embarassment, but Xiao Qiangwei just smiled.

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't mind it...

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Stella: Eh?!

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't mind if you become my girlfriend now.

Stella: W-well, if you say something like that at me...

Xiao Qiangwei looked at her mother with a smile and she winked an eye at him, then Xiao Qiangwei smirked.

Now Xiao Qiangwei put an hand under her chin and raised her head, making Stella curious, and their lips connected to each other, shocking Stella and making Xiao Qiangwei's mother raise a thumb up at her son's action.

After 10 seconds of kissing, they separated from each other and Stella started falling unconscious from the blood that was flowing in her head at that moment.

Xiao Qiangwei: I think she couldn't take it...

Mother: She liked it, don't worry. Well, now can we go home?

Xiao Qiangwei: yeah.

Then Xiao Qiangwei created a giant ice phoenix and he took his mother and Stella over it, and then they flew away before someone would see them.


Xiao Qiangwei was over the academy and the ice phoenix landed in a empty place, then Xiao Qiangwei, who had carrying an unconscious Stella over his arms, and his mother who was behind him, got down from the ice beast and it evaporated.

Meanwhile Ikki, his sister and the director ran towards them with a worried expression.

Ikki: Qiangwei, are you ok?

Xiao Qiangwei: I am here uninjured, I have a woman here that should be obviously my mother, and you ask if I am ok?

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Ikki: yeah... It was a bit stupid...

Kurono: you should be Miss Xiao, right?

Mother: yes, that's me, who are you?

Kurono: I am the director of the academy, Shinguuji Kurono.

Mother: oh? I wonder if you can tell me how was going at school with my son.

Kurono started smirking and laid an arm around the woman's shoulder.

Kurono: we have a looooot to talk about, let's go to my office...

Then they walked away while Xiao Qiangwei sweatdropped.

[1 hour later]

Xiao Qiangwei was looking at the TV while drinking a beer, and felt Stella waking up.

Stella: Eh? Where am I?

Xiao Qiangwei: we are back at our room.

Stella nodded before she remembered what happened before and her entire face became red and stuttered.

Stslla: Y-You k-k-kissed me!!

Xiao Qiangwei: yep, and I am waiting for an answer now.

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Stella: I... I...

Xiao Qiangwei: inhale and exhale, then think about it.

Stella did as he said and breathed, later she closed her eyes and started to think.

Stella: 'Do I love him?'

then she had some flashbacks of the dark aura he released today, that made her shiver.

But later on she started to remember what ge did for her, at school, yesterday at the restaurant, and finally she remembered the moment Xiao Qiangwei said and did after he killed all the terrorists

Stella: "I wouldn't know what I would do if they did something to you."... 'Heh... After all he did, how can I not like him?'

Stella smiled and glanced at Xiao Qiangwei, who was watching the news about the Fire Demon gang.

Stella: My answer is yes!

now Xiao Qiangwei turned at her and smiled while he drinked beer.

Suddenly the door was broken and his mother and the director came out from the door, meanwhile Xiao Qiangwei spit out his beer to the ground from the sudden appearance and Stella got red.

Mother: finally my little boy has a girlfriend!

Xiao Qiangwei: Did... Did you and Ms. Director listened to everything? *cough*

Mother: I should know everything about my own son, right?

Kurono: I was just curious...

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Xiao Qiangwei sighed but his mother continued to talk.

Mother: Little Wei, I already know about your revenge for my husband...

Now everyone got a serious face and listened to her words while her son just looked down

Xiao Qiangwei: Was it so obvious?

Mother: yes, but I want to say this, please, stop thinking about it... I accept the fact that you already killed people to protect me and Stella, but this revenge will bring nothing... My husband is already dead, don't continue this..

then she started crying for her son

Xiao Qiangwei: sorry mom, but I can't, I want at least to know everything... Then I will decide if I should stop or go until the end...

Mother: is that so? Then I can't stop you... Just... Stay safe, for me.

Xiao Qiangwei: yes mom, I will do it.

then the mother cleaned her eyes from the tears and smiled

Mother: then it's ok, I will take my leave. Bye son, and don't bully your new girlfriend

Xiao Qiangwei: mh... Oh yeah! Mom, you forgot about your ice phoenix!

Then Xiao Qiangwei created a bit bigger Ice Phoenix, and made it so that it could protect his mother when she's in danger, not wanting to risk anymore, then it flew towards his mother's shoulder and the phoenix rubbed against her cheek, making the mother smile.

When she and the director left, Xiao Qiangwei turned to Stella.

Xiao Qiangwei: So... We are a couple now, right?

Stella laughed at him while he smiled.

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