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Chifuyu Orimura called Xiao Qiangwei for introducing himself after she scolded Ichika for his shitty introduction and calling her 'Big Sis'

Xiao Qiangwei: This Junior is surnamed Xiao and named Qiangwei, I am happy to meet you girls...

at this Ichika's head hunged down due to his friend technically calling him a 'girl'

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Maybe some people know who I am and some not, but I don't care about my identity and I hope you can consider me as a student like everyone here.

Chifuyu Orimura: good, now go to your seat

Xiao Qiengwei: Ok.

Chifuyu Orimura: Alright!! SHR is over. Everyone will memorize the core knowledge of the IS in half a month!!

After that, we'll begin the real IS training, so make sure to get down the basics maneuvers down in half a month. Understand? If you understand, respond, even if you don't understand respond. Just respond to whatever I say.

Everyone: Yes!


the lesson finished and Xiao Qiangwei stood up

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey Ichika, can I know when you did get an IS?

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?: Xiao Qiangwei?

he turned towards the voice and found another girl behind him, she had long brown hair that she keeps in a messy ponytail, had dark blue eyes anf her height was similar to his.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes?

Houki Shinonono: I am Shinonono Houki and I would like to ask if I can talk privately with your friend Orimura Ichika.

Xiao Qiangwei: ok, hey Ichika, let's talk later, bye.

Ichika Orimura: Houki?

then Xiao Qiangwei left them together and started looking around the school.

[10 minutes later]

Xiao Qiangwei heard the bell and panicked a bit, then he started running, he was so fast that other people would see only a little gust of wind passing near them. In the span of 10 seconds he runned two floors and came in front of his door, he opened it and found everyone looking at him while Chifuyu was glancing at him

Chifuyu Orimura: go to your seat.

Xiao Qiengwei: yes.

after some moments she started talking

Chifuyu Orimura: At this time, I will explain the specialties of each of the parts used in a mission... But before that, we need to decide a class representative for the class exhibition match that takes place in 2 weeks.

Extras: I vote for Xiao Qiangwei!/ yeah, I agree/ nice idea!/ I am going to vote for Orimura-kun!/ me too!

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Xiao Qiangwei: 'So I am going to be something like their leader? Interesting'

Cecilia Alcott: I can't agree with that!

everyone turned towards the girl who exclaimed that

Cecilia Alcott: I can't agree with a selection process like this! First of all, having a man be our class representative is an embarassment! Are you asking I, Cecilia Alcott, to bear this kind of humiliation for an entire year?!

Xiao Qiangwei: No one fucking cares about how you feel, either vote for someone other than me or Ichika or you shut the hell up!

Extras: Oooohhhhhh!

Cecilia Alcott: How dare you talk to me like that! I am obviously better than you! I even beaten an instructor at the Entrance Exam!

Xiao Qiangwei then turned to Chifuyu

Xiao Qiengwui: Hey Teacher, should I talk?

Chifuyu Orimura: please don't, otherwise it will be a mess fixing everything...

Xiao Qiengwui: Ok.

then he turned back at Cecilia

Xiao Qiangwei: then how do you want to fix this?

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Cecilia Alcott: I'll challenge you to a duel!

Xiao Qiangwei: i hope you don't disappoint me, Ichika for safety save a bed in the infirmary for her.

Extras: Ohhh!/ Burned!/hahahaha!

Chifuyu Orimura: Silence! Then it's decided, the duel will take place on monday one week from now. The time will be after class at the 3rd arena, both of you prepare yourselves.


Xiao Qiangwei was looking for his home but before he found it, he encountered Chifuyu

Chifuyu Orimura: Hey...

Xiao Qiangwei: yo.

Chifuyu Orimura: so can I know when you received the invite?

Xiao Qiangwei: it was after I ended the middle school, is that the only thing you wanted to talk about?

Chifuyu Orimura: no, there are two more things I wanted to say, the first is to request you to not injure too much Alcott.

Xiao Qiangwei: don't worry, I will only destroy her shield, what is the second thing?

Chifuyu then smiled at him and said while patting his head

Chifuyu Orimura: I welcome you to the IS accademy, Champion.

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Xiao Qiangwei: pat me in the head another time and I swear that in our the next spar I break something.

Chifuyu then retracted her hand fast and coughed a bit

Chifuyu Orimura: Well, your room is that one, bye.

then she walked away from him while Xiao Qiangwei looked towards the door of his room and entered.

The room was bigger than his previous bedroom, it had a big TV, two beds separated from each other, a desk at the corner of the room, at the right of the desk there was a big window, between the two beds was a lamp, to the opposite of the lamp there was a wardrobe, while at the left of it were two doors, one was for the kitchen while the other was for the bathroom.

Xiao Qiangwei: *whistle* they really did a good job here, and it seems that I am alone he-DON'T LOOK!! *pow*

he was interrupted when in the room next to his a girl screamed and hit someone or something with a blunt weapon. Xiao Qiangwei was annoyed from it and then he screamed at the wall

Xiao Qiangwei: Shut Up!

then there was silence until someone talked from the other side

Ichika Orimura: Qiangwei?

Xiao Qiangwei: eh? Ichika, did you release that girly scream?

Ichika Orimura: Obviously not! It was Houki, the girl that wanted to talk with me before, you remember?

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh! The sister of that crazy girl? Well, I am going to rest a bit, bye!

Ichika Orimura: Bye

then Xiao Qiangwei lied to the bed and cultivated the Great Way of the Buddha.

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