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Xiao Qiangwei woke up and noticed that the room was a bit dark, then he remembered what happened Yesterday so he deactivated his Evil God Domain, making the light enter again in the room. He walked to the bathroom but noticed Sara who was still in the floor, sleeping.

But Xiao Qiangwei then ignored her and got in the bathroom to make a shower, then he eaten something and left the room while Sara just woke up.


Xiao Qiangwei met with Stella, and left for a walk with her outside the hotel.

Stella: So, what do you think about today?

Xiao Qiangwei: Disappointing…

Stella: Eh? Why?

Xiao Qiangwei: Because I became too strong, I want to try something today at the arena…

Stella: What?

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Xiao Qiangwei just smirked while Stella had a bad feeling about it.

[later/in the arena]

Stella, Ikki and Shizuku were at their seats and were watching the fight with Xiao Qiangwei, the opponent wasn't announced yet, and it was strange since it was shown at least some hours before the fight, meanwhile the bad feeling in Stella was getting bigger.

"Welcome at the second round of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, there will be a really special fight, requested from the contender Xiao Qiangwei, first of all, the other contenders of every blocks needs to enter here"

After he said that, everyone glanced at each other and started talking, meanwhile every single contender of every school, Akatsuki and Team Hagun included, entered the arena, no one was absent, so the announcer started talking.

"Fortunately everyone is here, now we will start a fight with Xiao Qiangwei against everyone!!"

Everyone stood in silence for some moments and looked at Xiao Qiangwei, who just evilly smirked at response.

Everyone: EEEEHHHHHH?!!

extras: Is that even possible?!/ Why did he wanted to do it?/ Is he underestimating us?/ Oh shit, I finally recognized him, he was the one who fucked up the mansion of Fire Demon gang!/ For real?/ He is looking down at us!

Stella: 'Did he really thought about this?! Well, knowing him, he would do it...'

at this moment Xiao Qiangwei heard a familiar voice.

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Kuraudo: Qiangwei, did your brain die while we didn't met?

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh, you are here too. I did this because I was bored. Everyone!! I will even give you an handicap! I will not move for an entire minute!!

At those words everyone got angry and accepted his challenge.

"Did you guys hear him? Now let's start the fight! Xiao Qiangwei, surnamed the Evil God, from the Hagun Academy, against every single partecipant from every school, his own school included! Start!!"

Then almost everyone used their devices against him, some used directly their Noble Art, and 90% of the partecipants hit him, while the remaining 10% stood there, meanwhile, in a seat far away from the arena, Edelweiss was watching everything with Bakuga Tsukikage, the prime minister and founder of the Akatsuki.

She recovered from the fight some days later, and smiled after seeing what he did just now.

Edelweiss: It will be useless...

Bakuga: What makes you say that?

Edelweiss: Because I seen his real strength, and the only thing I can say about it, is that it matches his nickname, he is an Evil God... He's so strong that he can't be defeated with simple teamwork or strength alone, his immunity to the elements reduces even more the chances of victory...

Then if what 'World Clock' said was true, right now he could even destroy my device and kill me in one punch.

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Bakuga: Is he really so strong?!

Edelweiss: When we fought, he was able to multiply his strength, and when he ended me he was 2 times stronger than how he was during our fight, and I was going all out in it. At that moment his arm strength was only 30 tons, then it got stronger when he multiplied his power.

But when 'World Clock' told me his current strength, I was so shocked, that I even trembled. His current arm strength got from 30 tons to 80 tons...

Bakuga: WHAT?!?!

Meanwhile in the arena, Xiao Qiangwei wasn't harmed from any of their attacks and released his profound strength, pushing many of those that were near him away.

Some stood on their ground with difficulty, and then some people decided to use their Noble Arts, there were many types of them, some were manipulating water, others with fire, air, earth, lasers, and even some that multiplied the strength of the previous ones.

But when they were near Xiao Qiangwei, he just raised an hand and the combined hit connected with him, exploding in with a big boom.

Everyone stood there watching him, who was still covered in smoke, until a dark figure appeared and rushed at them, some dodged while others were hit, the dark figure was revealed to be a black big hand that was floating, his punch knocked down some contenders and couldn't get up anymore.

Then Xiao Qiangwei used his energy to clear the arena from the smoke, and he was revealed to be undamaged, shocking everyone.

No one moved, not even the dark hand, and slowly that minute already passed, and Xiao Qiangwei said in a dark tone.

Xiao Qiangwei: Time's up...

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Then he used 'Evil Soul' and stomped at the arena, completely destroying it and making people tremble at his show of strength, then he turned towards the remaining people, they were intimidated from his red eyes, and backed away.

Ikki, Stella, Shizuku, Amane, Yui, Edelweiss and Bakuga were shocked from such power, while some other people surrended themselves immediately, Kuraudo included, while the rest was too terrorized to even think.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Let's see if I can do it...'

Then he tried to use more of his Devil Origin Orb, and 4 meters tall humanoid shadow appeared behind Xiao Qiangwei, everything of it was black, except the glowing gray eyes of the shadow.

That figure made shiver Amane too, who had a twisted mind, and made the strongest people's hopes crumble and left the arena with the tail between their legs, except for Stella, Ikki, Shizuku and Amane.

In the spectator's seats, no one could talk from being too frightened from that thing that appeared behind Xiao Qiangwei, which disappeared later.

It was a weaker version of 'God Manifestation', and it was possible because he directly used the Devil Origin Orb, it could summon something similar to an avatar of a divine being, normally to use it, you need to be a Divine Master and possess the soul of the divine being you wish to summon.

But since Xiao Qiangwei directly used his Devil Origin Orb for power, he bypassed the first requirement, but that shadow couldn't not even move, but it was an useful intimidating technique since it released a tenth of the dark feeling Ten'notsumi could release.

Xiao Qiangwei theorized he couldn't use anymore his dark profound energy for 3 full years since that technique consumed a great deal of the Devil Origin Orb, but it didn't matter now.

Now he turned to the remaining 4 people in the arena, and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Well guys, shall we start?

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