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Stella and Xiao Qiangwei regrouped with the others and told them the news about their decision, everyone rejoiced about it and congratulated them, then Xiao Qiangwei and Stella got back at the Hagun Academy and took their things, then they said bye to their friends.

[8 days later]

Xiao Qiangwei took Stella and flew for some thousands of km over the land and sea, and landed right in front of her parents' home, the guards tried to stop them but when they seen Stella, they let the duo pass and entered the building to meet with Stella's family.


Xiao Qiangwei presented himself at Stella's mother, Astrea, and Stella's father, Sirius, the father was disapproving their decision, but when he learned about Xiao Qiangwei's strength and love for his daugher, he hesitantly approved, making everyone smile.

[1 month later]

Xiao Qiangwei was walking forward, he was wearing a black suit, and his hair floated from the wind, he was in a big garden full of flowers and had the most proud smile in his face he ever had.

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Seated near him was Sirius, Astrea, Lunaeyes, that was Stella's sister, and his mother, who travelled in a plane when she heard about the news of her son.

But in front of him, there was the most beautiful thing he ever seen in this life, Stella was in a crimson wedding dress, and was looking at him with the most graceful and delicate expression, after some minutes, they kissed each other, signaling to the world that they were married.

[13 months later]

Xiao Qiangwei was father, he and Stella had a son that they decided to call Sol, Xiao Sol.

He was litterally a baby version of Xiao Qiangwei with crimson hair and golden eyes. He was shown to be a Blazer, and his Noble Art was revealed to be the 'Golden Dragon's flames'.

[10 years later]

They were living in China, because Xiao Qiangwei never seen his own nation, his strength reached the apex many years ago, a year later from reaching the limit, he found out who was the killer of his father, that was revealed to be the Rebellion, so he got around the world to destroy their bases and even killed Tyrant, the one who guided Rebellion.

When the news reached everyone's ears, no one questioned anymore his powers and was titled at the 'Peerless Under Heaven', making his son proud of him, while Stella and his mother, were worried a bit for Xiao Qiangwei, but he seemed alright.

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[30 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei and Stella were always happy during this time, they even had some grandchilds that played with the married couple, and this fulfilled Xiao Qiangwei with happiness, but he was sad because her mother had a few years of life.

[2 years later]

Here it was, Xiao Qiangwei's mother's funeral, she died with a smile, but Xiao Qiangwei was crying for her, while Stella was comforting him, there was even Ikki and Shizuku, that somehow got married and had childs.

[40 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei was as young as he was at his 18 years, Stella questioned him some years later from the funeral, and found out about his real power, about his Divine Veins and Profound energy, and that he had still 5000 years in total of lifespan.

Making Stella sad due to knowing what would happen when she would leave too, like their childs, grandchilds and so on…

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They were on the sofa together, while holding their hands and smiled, but Xiao Qiangwei suddenly felt a spatial distortion and he got up to prepare for a fight, but instead a letter was slowly falling at his hands, he raised an eyebrow but then he heard Stella.

Stella: A letter? Open it…

Xiao Qiangwei nodded, opened the letter and read it so Stella could hear too.

"Calling all troubled, gifted boys and girls:

If you would like to test your abilities,

then cast aside your family, friends, wealth; your entire world

and come to our 'Little Garden'"

Xiao Qiangwei suddenly felt a spatial seal over his area, it was too strong, probably of God, then he looked at Stella. who smiled.

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Stella: You can go, I will miss you a little, but I don't want to see you crying for me... It breaks my weak heart, just... Don't forget about me.

Stella's words hit directly in Xiao Qiangwei's heart, who then started crying and hugging Stella.


Xiao Qiangwei was a bit embarassed to have shown something like that while Stella was laughing a bit.

Stella: Well then, Dear, good luck.

Xiao Qiangwei: Thanks, Honey, I will bed you farewell then...

Now Xiao Qiangwei suddenly disappeared, while Stella started crying.

Stella: Good luck, Qiangwei, don't cry for me, don't forget me, don't return anymore to me...

Then her delicate heart stopped beating...

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