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Xiao Qiangwei, the other 3, and a cat fell on the ground, more specifically, the latter 3 fell into a small lake, while Xiao Qiangwei crashed in the ground while standing in his feet.

Then Yu, a girl with short hair left from the lake with a cat in her hands and talked to it.

Yu: ...Are you alright?

Cat: I thought I would die...! (From now on, I will insert directly the cat's words)

Asuka: I-I cannot believe it! To think they would pull me out without saying a word and on top of that, drop me from the sky!

Izayoi: Same here, dammit! Depending on the situation, it could have been Game Over on the spot. It would have been better if they summoned us inside a rock or something at least.

Xiao Qiangwei: Shut it, both of you, at least you fell in the lake, thanks god I am strong otherwise I would die here.

Asuka: How dare you tell me to shut up!

Izayoi: You are right buddy, still, you must be pretty strong to survive a fall like that.

Xiao Qiangwei: It was nothing…

Yu: Where… could this be?

Izayoi: No idea. Well, there was something that looked like the end of the world, so maybe we're on the back of some huge turtle?

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Xiao Qiangwei: Are you on drugs? Why should we be in a huge turtle, it could be a floating island.

Izayoi: You are right… Still, did you received a strange letter too?

Asuka: That is right, but first of all, do not address me that way.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Jesus... Not this type of girl...'

Asuka: My name is Kudou Asuka. Pay attention to that from now on. Moving on: you there holding that cat, your name is?

Yu: Kasukabe Yu. Same situation as you.

Asuka: I see. Let us get along from now on, Kasukabe-san. You, with the uncivilized and savage looking appearance over there?

Izayoi: Wow, thanks for that pompous self introduction. I'm, just as the appearance suggests, uncivilized and savage Sakamaki Izayoi. Bulgar, brutal and hedonistic; all that I need to be a hopeless person.

Xiao Qiangwei: Wow, so you sucked at school?

Izayoi: Yeah…

Asuka: then, you?

Xiao Qiangwei: I am Xiao Qiangwei, friends call me Wei, nice to meet you in this place forgotten from the Creator. Now, woman…

Then he turned to a bush.

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Xiao Qiangwei: Get out, your hiding skills sucks.

Izayoi: So you already knew?

Xiao Qiangwei: I am probably older than you all put together, I have some skills of my own.

Yu: How old are you?

Xiao Qiangwei: 86 years, and just saying it once, I am not old if you compare that with my entire lifespan of 5000 years.

Izayoi: *Whistles* That is a big number.

Meanwhile a girl that looked as a 15-16 years old with long blue hair, red eyes, and had a pair of rabbit ears, got out from the bush.

Kuro Usagi: So you guys knew already about me...

Suddenly Yu appeared behind her and grabbed one of her rabbit ears and pulled with full force

Kuro Usagi: Wa-Wait a second! If it's only touching I would let you do it without a word, but I didn't think you would try to pull Kuro Usagi's lovely ears off on our first meeting! What are you thinking?!

Yu: Sating my curiosity.

Kuro Usagi: You can't do everything you please!

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Izayoi walked with a smile and pulled the other ear.

Izayoi: Ooh, these rabbit ears are real?

Xiao Qiangwei: Jesus Christ...

Yu released an ear and Asuka curiously pulled it, making Kuro Usagi scream while Xiao Qiangwei covered his ears.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Holy shit, woman, how the fuck is possible screaming so much?!'


Kuro Usagi, with the unexpected help of Xiao Qiangwei, calmed down the three teenagers and started explaining their current situation.

Kuro Usagi: Well then, welcome to the world of Little Garden. We summoned the four of you to grant you the privilege to take part in the Gift Games, in which only those with Gift of their own could partecipate.

Asuka: Gift Games?

Kuro Usagi: Indeed! You probably noticed, but none of you are ordinary humans, Those extraordinary abilities you possess are blessings you could have received from various deities, demons, spirits and stars.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Heh, you don't have idea...'

Kuro Usagi: Gift Games are events for those with Gifts to compete with each other. And lastly, Little Garden is a world, that was created solely for the purpose of those powerful Gift bearers to enjoy and reside in.

Asuka: I will start with basic questions if that is acceptable. First of all, who are that 'we' you mentioned?

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Kuro Usagi: Yes! Gift bearers summoned from another world must join one of the many Communities of Little Garden to thrive.

Asuka: No way!

Xiao Qiangwei: Aww, c'mon, it might not be that bad...

Kuro Usagi: I appreciate your enthusiasm, Qiangwei, but you must join one! Moreover, the winner of a Gift Game gets the prize provided by the Host. It's a really simple system.

Yu: Who is the Host?

Kuro Usagi: They could be all manner of individuals. There are Games held by deities with too much free time, with the purpose of testing mortals, and there are ones that are self-organized by various Communities so they can demonstrate their superiority.

Xiao Qiangwei: Since you are talking about the Gift Games so much, how much are important in this realm?

Kuro Usagi: They are the thing that could decide even the life of gods here.

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh? Interesting... But is it possible refusing the Gift Games?

Kuro Usagi: Unless in a special case, then yes, you can refuse them.

Izayoi: I have a question too.

Kuro Usagi: What question would it be? About the rules? About the game itself?

Izayoi: That doesn't matter. I couldn't care less about that, Kuro Usagi. The only thing I want to ask you… is about that letter we got. Is this world… fun?

Kuro Usagi: ...YES! Gift Games is a devil's game for those who transcended the limits of humanity. The world of Little Garden is much more fun than other worlds. I personally guarantee it!

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