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[some moments later]

Xiao Qiangwei, Izayoi, Asuka, Yu, Jin and Shiroyasha were already at the Northern Districts, shocking the former five, because while Xiao Qiangwei was trying to leave because he didn't wanted to cause any problem and Izayoi was dragging him at the seat, Shiroyasha just clapped her hands and were already there.

Then before they could leave to visit the city, they heard a loud and coarse voice and then an explosion near them.

Kuro Usagi: I have finally found you… MHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Everyone turned to find Kuro Usagi with a pissed off face and shallow red hair

Xiao Qiangwei: Hiiiiiiihhh!!!

Izayoi: Quickly run away!

Kuro Usagi: Don't you dare run!

Yu: Eh? Wait a moment…?

Xiao Qiangwei comically flew away from fear from being caught while Izayoi took Asuka in his hands and jumped away, meanwhile Yu was caught from Kuro Usagi, who had a really suspicious smile.

Kuro Usagi: Tonight, there will be a looooooooong lecture with Kuro Usagi. Fufufu, please thoroughly prepare yourself.

Yu: Un… Understood.

Then she threw Yu at Shiroyasha, who flew with her.


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Shiroyasha: Whoaa! Oi… Oi! Kuro Usagi! Haven't you been quite rude lately! What's more, I'm the Eastern District Floor maste-

Kuro Usagi immediately interrupted her and said.

Kuro Usagi: I shall leave Yu in your care then! Kuro Usagi needs to catch the other problematic children and Qiangwei!

Shiroyasha: Oh… is… is that so, although I don't know what happened, but good luck, Kuro Usagi.

Kuro Usagi: Good!

then she jumped away following the escapists.s


Xiao Qiangwei was admiring the place from a building, right now he was using his 'Hidden Steps' to hide from everyone, the place was really impressive, and so different compared to the outer gate at the Eastern District.

Xiao Qiangwei: I wonder if she could find me... Who cares, later I will go to her to tell what happened...

then he started to walk in a street while looking around, and disappeared from the world itself.

Xiao Qiangwei was amazed from the scenario.

Until he seen Izayoi with Asuka in his hands escaping in air, who were just caught from Kuro Usagi and Leticia, then all of them fell in front of Xiao Qiangwei, who slowly walked away without making noises.(Izayoi here didn't do the bet).

But he stepped on a stick and made noises, making Kuro Usagi turn towards him with a creepy smile, while Xiao Qiangwei had cold sweat over his neck, then he used lightning to charge himself and ran away.


Xiao Qiangwei: FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuck....

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Xiao Qiangwei slowly started to losing ground with Kuro Usagi who ran as fast as she could, until he turned in a corner and immediately used Hidden Steps, and hid himself while running away.

Kuro Usagi stopped immediately and used her rabbit ears to sense his steps, then she ran in that direction and with some difficulty, she could find Xiao Qiangwei who was running a bit slower, Xiao Qiangwei felt a pair of eyes on him and turned just to find an hand right in front of him.

Xiao Qiangwei: Evil God's Domain: Space.

When Kuro Usagi heard those words, she felt something going wrong with the area around her and then Xiao Qiangwei disappeared while she banged on the wall that Xiao Qiangwei was running to, the things the Domain could do are many, like teleport, swapping, or even distort the space around.

But he liked the most swapping places with other people, right now he stopped and looked at Kuro Usagi.

Kuro Usagi: You…

Xiao Qiangwei: Calm down woman, don't kill me... I didn't knew anything about the situation.

Kuro Usagi: So you will surrend?

Xiao Qiangwei: Sorry but my pride will not let me surrend after all the mess we did, so let's go at the end of this instead of stopping halfway.

Kuro Usagi: 'I will never catch him if he uses the Evil God's Domain… I hope it works...' Then let's do a Gift Game.

Xiao Qiangwei: Interesting, talk.

Kuro Usagi: It will be Tag, if I can catch you in 20 minutes, then I will win, otherwise it will be your victory.

Xiao Qiangwei: Rules?

Kuro Usagi: You will only use your physical abilities, no domain, and no gifts, I will abid at the rules too.

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Xiao Qiangwei smirked and nodded, telling her to continue.

Kuro Usagi: The prize will be the the right of an order to either of us.

Xiao Qiangwei's eyes widened and then turned to her.

Xiao Qiangwei: Isn't that too much? You are basically giving me your life with that prize, I could even order you to give me a coin as I can order you to please me or die, are you really sure?

Kuro Usagi smiled at this and said.

Kuro Usagi: I used this as a prize because I trust you to not doing anything brutal with me.

Xiao Qiangwei was shocked, then he started laughing.

Xiao Qiangwei: I will accept your challenge!

Then a Geass appeared in front of them, and it had written in...

Gift Game name: Tag

Rules: The game will start 10 seconds after the runner moves. You can use only physical abilities, Gifts and Domains are prohibited.

Winning condition (Xiao Qiangwei): Don't be touched from the opponent for 20 minutes.

Winning condition (Kuro Usagi): Touch the opponent within 20 minutes.

Losing condition: Failing to satisfy the winning condition, break the rules.

Kuro Usagi: when the winner is announced, the winner's paper will have the rights to command, while the loser's paper will be burned

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Xiao Qiangwei: Nice, but I don't think it was a good idea giving me 10 seconds.

Kuro Usagi: It doesn't matter because I will surely win.

Xiao Qiangwei: Just because you are faster than me without using the Evil God's Divine Veins it doesn't mean that you should be confident, because I have something you will never have.

Kuro Usagi: And what would it be?

Xiao Qiangwei: Unlike you, in my past life I was hunted from many people because of my gifts, either they would kill me or force me to work for them, there were even people who were of one or two realms above me, but I am still alive. You know why?

Kuro Usagi was a bit sad after hearing a part of his past but then got a serious look and concentrated on Xiao Qiangwei, that disappeared from his place, and surprisingly appeared just beside her.

Xiao Qiangwei: I have experience...

Kuro Usagi: 'How?!... Is that a 'profound technique' like he called them? No... I don't feel nothing wrong with the Gift Games... So it means it was achieved from just physical abilities... Tsk... He found a loophole'

Then Xiao Qiangwei disappeared with 'Trackless Step', since it was a technique made from the combination of breathing and footwork, it didn't broke any rule.

After 10 seconds of running, Kuro Usagi jumped in a building and concentrated on her hearings, while she was doing that, Xiao Qiangwei stopped moving and slowed his heart beats.

This continued for 2 minutes until Kuro Usagi sensed an anomaly and looked at where should be Xiao Qiangwei, and after concentrating a bit, he found him standing there trying to not do any sound.

Kuro Usagi: 'Found you!'

Then she jumped at high speed towards Xiao Qiangwei, who moved from her way, making her crash at the ground, and then he jumped over the buildings and ran while stopping using Trackless Steps.

Kuro Usagi followed him and one minute of chasing she almost touched Xiao Qiangwei, but he turned and clapped his hands as strong as he could right in front of her, stunning her vision and hearing for some seconds before she lost track of him again.

Kuro Usagi: This will be really interesting...

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