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Right now Kuro Usagi and Xiao Qiangwei were in the audience room after the mess they did at the festival with their Gift Game, with them there was Shiroyasha, Jin, the new floor master Sandora, some guards, and Mandora, the adviser of Sandora.

Shiroyasha: Looks like you two caused quite a commotion eh.

Xiao Qiangwei: If I knew the other kids would leave from the Community like that I would have stood in my room.

Mandora: You are merely No Names, and you dare to cause such a commotion in our festival! You should prepare to face the severe consequence of your actions!

Xiao Qiangwei was ready to talk back but he remembered that he was in their territory, so he kept his mouth shut.

Shiroyasha: That's enough Mandora, this matter should be decided by your leader Sandora.

Sandora: Little Garden Aristocrat and allies, I'm glad that you all could partecipate in the Rise of the Dragon Festival. Regarding the damage you two did, Shiroyasha has agreed to help repair it.

Fortunately there wasn't any casualties, therefore I've decided to not pursue this case anymore.

Mandora: Tsk…

Everyone else sighed in relief, then Sandora sent out everyone except for Mandora, Xiao Qiangwei, Kuro Usagi, Jin and Shiroyasha. Then Sandora revealed a cute smile.

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Sandora: Jin! Long time no see! When I heard that your community got attacked, I was very worried!

Jin: Thanks, it's good to see you look so spirited.

This scene warmed Xiao Qiangwei's heart and smiled at the kids that were talking to each other.

Sandora: Hehe, of course. After I heard that a Demon Lord attacked your community. I wanted to visit you but Father suddenly fell sick and to follow suit the inauguration ceremony. I couldn't find any time to visit.

Jin: That can't be helped, but I really did not expect Sandora-san to be the Floor Master-

Mandora: Don't you address her name with such insolence, you nameless brat!

Mandora interrupted the talking and unsheated his sword to attack Jin, but Xiao Qiangwei catched it with a finger, that was standing in front of the blade

Xiao Qiangwei: Did you really think I would do nothing when someone wants to harm my little boss?

Mandora: You trash…

Xiao Qiangwei: My community may be trash, but remember this, I don't need help to burn the entire Little Garden to nothingless, and no one will be able to stop me, not you, not the Thousand Eyes, not even the Demon Lords.

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Mandora glared daggers at him until Sandora tried to stop him, then Shiroyasha started talking.

Shiroyasha: Ahem, Qiangwei, Jin, do you remember when I talked about a request before we came here?

They nodded and then she took out a letter, and gave it to Xiao Qiangwei, who read it and his eyes widened before he smirked.

Xiao Qiangwei: Ohhh? A Demon Lord coming here?

Kuro Usagi/Jin/Mandora/Sandora: What?!

Xiao Qiangwei: So, Shiroyasha, how much do you know about the Demon Lord?

Shiroyasha: Almost nothing, just the normal things, like that he will do a Gift Game.

Xiao Qiangwei: Then try to gather as much as you can, meanwhile I will try to put foundations on my mortal realm before ascending.

Everyone started getting serious and then left the room while thinking about the incoming Demon Lord.

While Xiao Qiangwei was looking around the festival, a letter fell over him, over it was written God, so he raised an eyebrow and opened the letter, and read.

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"Dear Xiao Qiangwei,

This thing will be really important, so read it carefully, it is about your gift Author's Divinity. That gift is really strong but at the same time it is one of the worst, since you couldn't know it, your own strength is lesser than what it should be, because the gift is eating away your powers."

Xiao Qiangwei's eyes widened before he continued reading.

"It may seem like something really bad, and it is, since you can do only 1/10 of what you should be capable, and it will stay like that until you use the Author's Divinity, then there's the good thing of that, the power that it's eating away, can be released all at once with the triple of the strength.

You may ask, why did I put such a restriction on you? It is because you are fucking getting lazy! Since at a certain point of your life you become too strong, I decided to put a limitation on you, you may hate me for this, but it is a secret, to see if you are worthy…

I want to test you if you can beat the strongest in this place while using only 1/10 of your powers, but don't worry, if it really necessary, I will not care if you use the Author's DIvinity, but if you use it when you could win with your current strength, then you can say bye to the travelling.

PS: The gift was activated the moment you got the card.

PSS: The strongest guy in that realm is around the late stage of Divine King.

From God"

Xiao Qiangwei was a bit pissed from the letter but he was right, before coming here, he was already too strong since he was 16 years old. Then he sighed and left to the Thousand Eyes for a bath.

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There he met with Izayoi, Jin and the clerk, who were talking, and noticed him.

Jin: Hey Wei, how are you?

Xiao Qiangwei: good, I am still waiting for the Demon Lord.

Asuka just came from the bathroom while wearing a thin bathrobe, then the other females followed behind her.

Asuka: Aiya? What are you chatting about in this place?

Izayoi: ...Oh? This view is not too bad. Don't you think so, guys?

Xiao Qiangwei/Jin: Eh?

Izayoi: You could see Kuro Usagi and Ojou-sama developed body even despite the thin clothing they are wearing from...

While he was talking, Xiao Qiangwei was in his own thoughts.

Xiao Qiangwei: '1/10... I may live with that for a while... It will be a good practice'

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