Vol. 1 Chapter 5

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The Royal City of Dark Clouds

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by SoundDestiny


After a few days, Mertina came to the frontier city to visit Raidorl.


Darren Garst, Commander of the Thousand Horsemen of the Zain Royal Army, came to the frontier city of Raid. The young general on horseback is followed by a thousand soldiers led by him.


“Heh…… you’re here already? You move faster than I imagined.”


Looking down from the top of the ramparts at the soldiers lined up outside, Raidorl murmured in admiration.


They want to welcome  a royalty, albeit exiled. Whether they resorted to gentle or violent measures, Raidorl expected them to come here a little more prepared.


“That’s how cornered our country is, Your Highness….. Raidorl.


Standing next to Raidorl was Mertina.

A slave collar is placed around the neck of the neat-looking noblewoman. A thin chain extends from the metal fetters, the end of which is held in Raidorl’s hand. 


The treatment as if she were a dog was too harsh on the Prime Minister’s daughter, Mertina, but it was too light  of a punishment for the disrespect she had shown towards a royal family by casting a cursed curse on them.


“Our country has been driven into a corner by the imperial invasion, and there is no other way to save it than to put our trust in Your Highness ……!”


“You speak with the permission of no one. I never gave you permission to do that, did I?”


“I’m so sorry……higguuu!?”


Mertina’s thin body jerked up and she collapsed, losing all her strength.


Her white skin was slightly flushed and a hot gasp escaped from her rosy lips.


Looking down at his former fiancée, who now looks ravishing as if she were in heat, Raidorl’s lips twisted in mockery.


“You look pretty good, don’t you? I wonder what the Prime Minister would look like if he saw you now.”




Mertina’s lips quivered slightly at Raidorl’s taunting and she looked up at the young man in a cowering position. Her upward gaze is not only tinged with resentment at being treated unfairly, but also with a hint of flirtatious lust.


Mertina tried to bind Raidorl with a curse, but on the contrary, she was captured and subjected to severe interrogation.


Mertina, who claims that the curse was not ordered by the king or the Prime Minister, but by her own decision, was not willing to submit to the interrogation, and as a result, she was treated in a way that was unthinkable for a noblewoman.


Raidorl was already prepared to return to Royal Capital and confront his brother King, who was imposing his unreasonableness on him. Hence, he is thirsting for information about the king and the Prime Minister.


Therefore, he tortured and interrogated her to gather as much information as possible. Mertina kept her mouth shut like a shellfish and did not divulge any information.


‘I don’t like my childhood friend, but I respect her for this. I wonder how much loyalty to the country she must have had to grow up to be such a woman’


Mertina’s personality was the epitome of a selfless and dedicated servant, and Raidorl nodded his head in admiration.


What kind of education did the Prime Minister give her to create an iron maiden like her?


Raidorl would like to avoid returning to his birthplace, which has become hostile territory, without having any information.


After a few setbacks, Raidorl decided to leave Mertina in Neimilia’s care.


“Mufufu, leave it to me! This Neimilia knows everything a woman cries for! In a week, I will see to it that this girl is trained to be a faithful dog!”


After saying this, Neimilia powerfully slapped Mertina’s chest and placed a series of various curses on her body.


Curse to weaken her spirit.


Curse that chip away at her alertness and defiance.


Curse to make her defenceless against pain and pleasure.


And, lastly a curse that gives her intense pleasure from exchanging words with and being touched by Raidorl.


It was about a week ago that Neimilia placed the curse on Mertina, who had a strong spirit, began to crack.


“『Human can resist pain, but they cannot resist pleasure or happiness.  No matter how much they are trained to endure torture, that does not change..』”


The mere act of being approached by Raidorl is enough to bring on pleasures close to sexual intercourse, which must be unbearable for a noblewoman who has been forced to live a chaste life.


Mertina, whose spirit had been poisoned by a witch’s curse, had not yet lost her loyalty to her country, but her heart was steadily turning to the side of Raidorl.


In fact, she has already opened her mouth to some deep information about the Zain Kingdom. Although she has not revealed definitive secrets, she is a far cry from where she was at the beginning.


“『She still seems to be rebelling, but it’s only a matter of time. In a little while, you’ll be killing your parents for master.』”


Seeing Neimiria smiling as she uttered such horrifying things, Raidorl was convinced that [Aa, she’s a witch after all].


“Well, the knight came to pick me up as planned, but he really doesn’t have any hostile intentions towards me, does he?”


“Nkkuu…… of course, His Majesty the King has ordered that if His Highness returns to the Royal Capital, he should be politely brought to him. ……”


Given permission to open her mouth, Mertina answers Raidorl’s question, her body shaking with pleasure.


“And moreover, Darren Garst, the commander, is a man of pure heart……and would never be disrespectful to His Highness!”


“Hou…If you’re asking me to believe you, it’s too late now. Whoever it is, I don’t trust anyone under my brother’s thumb.”


With a cruel smile on his face, Raidorl looked down at the knight who had stepped forward to the castle gate.


No matter how pure and clean he was, he must be an enemy to him just because he owed allegiance to his brother King Granard, who had banished him.


‘It doesn’t matter. Whoever I’m dealing with, if you’re hostile to me, I’ll show no mercy. ……!’


“I am Darren Garst. By order of His Majesty the King, I have come to receive His Royal Highness the King’s Brother Raidorl Zain! Please open the gates for us!”


Unaware of Raidorl’s determination, Darren raised his voice.


An adventurer waiting at the gate turns to Raidorl and looks at him for instructions. Raidorl nodded and signalled for the gate to be opened.


Darren and several knights under his command entered through the open gate. Other cavalrymen were waiting at the gate and did not appear to set foot inside the frontier city.


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Raidorl descends from the ramparts and rides out in front of Darren on his horse.


“Thank you for coming such a long way. I am Raidorl Zain.”


“Oh,……! This, Your Highness, is a long time coming!”

On seeing Raidorl, Darren immediately dismounted from his horse and knelt on his knees. The knights under his command soon followed their superior.


Apparently, they intend to honour him, the king’s brother. Raidorl looked down at the knights, who were kneeling and face down, and his eyes narrowed.


“You can look up now. Did you say your name is…… Darren Garst? Are you the son of General Bazel Garst?”


“Ha! I once came with my father to the royal palace. I’m glad to see you in such good health. Your Highness.”


“Hmmm ……?”


Raidorl looked at Darren’s brilliant physiognomy and searched his memory. It was a long time ago, but he did remember meeting him. He was struck by the fact that he bore no resemblance to his father.


“I see…..It’s been a long time, Darren.”



Darren bows deeply again in response to Raidorl’s words.


From the attitude of the knight with the face of a nobleman, a sense of reverence for Raidorl was clearly visible. It seems that he is not acting, but really respects him  as a member of the royal family.


The treatment as royalty, which had not been directed at him for a long time, made him feel more uncomfortable than happy. Raidorl scratched his head and decided to move on quickly.


“Enough with the greetings, let’s get down to business. Darren, you’re here to take me to Royal Capital……That’s not a mistake?”


“Ha, I have received word from my men that His Highness Raidorl is going to join the battle. Therefore, I am here to welcome you.”


Darren gives Raidorl a probing look. Perhaps he doubts whether Raidorl is really going to take part in the war.


It is a natural reaction to have doubts, since a person who has been treated coldly until now has actively offered to help.


“Don’t worry. I keep my promises. It’s true that my brother and your father have a history with me. But I don’t want my country to be destroyed either. I will fulfil my duty as a man born into a royal family.”


Raidorl snickers at Darren’s concerns and proudly declares.


“People and subjects respect and are loyal to royalty. Therefore, in return, the royalty must devote themselves to the defence of the country with all their might, body and soul. This is the teaching of my late father, the previous king. For the sake of my beloved father, I will fulfil my duty as a royalthy of Zain.”


“The spirit of His Highness……is truly admirable. As one of your subjects, I will support you, to see that your will is carried through to the end.”


“I’m looking forward to it. By the way…”


Raidorl looks at Darren, who is holding his hand over his chest, and changes the subject.


“I can leave any time, but what about Mertina? Should we take this woman to the Royal Capital too?”


Raidorl glanced behind him. Standing there, was Mertina, who had climbed down from the ramparts and was standing there looking out of place.


“Lady Mertina….”




When Darren unintentionally called out her name, Mertina lowered her eyebrows and averted her eyes as if she was troubled. Her eyes were weak and moist for some reason, and her shoulders and knees were shaking slightly.




Darren was at Mertina’s behaviour, who looked as if she was in agony.


It must have been very painful for her to be used in a plot to bring Raidorl to the Royal Capital on her father’s orders. Darren interpreted Mertina’s condition in this way.


But the fact is that she is enduring the pleasures of the witch’s curse, but there is no way Darren is aware of this.


“….The disposition of Lady Mertina, the Prime Minister’s daughter, is not something I can decide on at my own discretion. However, the crime she committed constitutes treason against the royal family. Therefore, no one can blame His Highness Reidor for the way in which Lady Meltina has been dealt with.”


“I see. ……So it’s up to me to decide?’


Raidorl made a slight thoughtful gesture and nodded.


“Then I will take custody of Mertina. She may be a traitor, but she is the daughter of the Prime Minister. I’m sure I’ll find a use for her in due course.”




Darren’s shoulders drop in relief when he realises that the worst possible outcome of Mertina’s execution has been averted.


“For now, I’ll leave Mertina in the frontier city. She won’t be of any use in the war anyway.”





Hearing Raidorl’s words, Mertina’s beautiful face contorts in a complicated manner.


Relief at being free from domination, if only for a short while. Loneliness at the departure of the man who taught her the pleasures of womanhood. Anxiety at the prospect of going to the battlefield where Raidorl, who is becoming a bigger part of her day, might die. The mixture of emotions torments Mertina from the inside.


“I’m looking forward to your return, Raidorl-sama.”


Mertina said this while squeezing her own chest with her hand.


Not 『Your Highness』, but 『Raidorl-sama』. Mertina seems surprised at herself for having unintentionally referred to him by his childhood name.




Raidorl’s eyes widened at the unexpected surprise. He looks closely at his childhood friend who is slumped in embarrassment, and opens his mouth with a complex expression that is hard to describe.


“I’m off………Tina.”


   〇         〇         〇


Greeted by a thousand cavalrymen, Raidorl Zain climbed into the carriage provided.


He left the pioneer city in the hands of the guildmaster Zafis.


Before he was originally sent to the frontier to become a lord, Zafis and other influential people in the town had ruled the town. It would be possible to run the town well enough without him.


‘It doesn’t necessarily mean that my elder brother or the Prime Minister won’t make some crazy scheme,……, but I’d like to believe that they’re not that stupid’

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Pioneer cities are responsible for preventing the flow of demons from the jungle in the south of the Kingdom of Zain.


If they create chaos with the frontier cities, demons would flow into the kingdom and they would be caught between the empire and the demon hordes.


Although King Granard and his prime minister have banished the Raidorl, there is no doubt that they are trying to protect the country in their own way. They would not go out of their way to harm the pioneer cities and destroy the country.


‘At any rate,……it’s hostile territory from here onwards. I’ve got to brace myself.’


Raidorl looks out of the carriage window with a leering glare, while his heart once again grows angry.


The young prince, his eyes determined, hears a concerned voice.

“Master, is there something bothering you?”


“No……It’s nothing.”


Raidorl responds by waving lightly at the girl in the maid’s uniform.


Raidorl is about to ride into the lap of his elder brother, who has disinherited him and is accompanied by his only companion, Neimilia. A young man, a holder of the Holy Sword Excalibur, and the witch, dressed as a maid, sit side by side in the carriage.


And sitting opposite them is a young knight in a suit of armour. He was Darren Garst, the commander in charge of this unit.


“If you are not feeling well, please tell me at once, your Royal Highness Raidorl.”


Raidorl’s lips twisted sarcastically at the young knight’s attempts to see his colour.


“’Heh, so you do intend to respect me as royalty, in a manner of speaking.”


“Naturally. You are, without doubt, a legitimate royal of the Zain royal bloodline.”


“Hee…..then, you’ll take my side if I have to fight my brother?”


“….. Your Highness, please don’t say anything improper. Even if it is a joke, not everyone will take it lightly.”


Darren frowns and complains bitterly. Raidorl y shrugs his shoulders and scornfully smiles.


“You’ll have to forgive me for this level of complaining. I’ve been discarded as a useless prince and called back for their own reasons. Of course I would have such feelings right?”


“…… Your Highness. It may be impertinent for me to say this, but His Majesty Granard sincerely hopes that you and His Highness will make peace and stand together against the Empire. I would be grateful if you would take these feelings into account.”


“Feeling…I think it’s a selfish argument but it’s refreshing.”


Raidorl became a Holy Sword holder and got in the way, so Granard banished him to the frontier and cut him down.


Now he needs the power of the Holy Sword, so he asks for reconciliation without properly asking for it.


Both are for the convenience of the kingdom. Or more accurately,  Granard’s self-centered convenience.


‘If they had just left me alone,……then there would have been no quarrel between us’


“Milia. Give me some tea.”




Raidorl called the maid by a nickname he did not normally call her by, and ordered her to be straightforward. The reason why he does not call her ‘Neimilia’ as usual is a measure to prevent Darren from realising that she is one of the 『Witches Of Doom』.


The names of the six witches who almost destroyed the world are so well known that they appear in picture books, and anyone with good instincts might recognise them because of her golden eyes.


Neimilia, under orders from her master, took a water sac and a wooden cup from her bag and began to brew tea in the carriage.


“Please wait a moment while I heat it up.”




When Neimilia clenched the cup of tea in her hands, the liquid inside bubbled up, and soon a mellow aroma rose from the cup along with the steam.


“Yes, it’s ready. The milk is still …… not coming out, so please forgive me.”


“…… Don’t put anything extra. Thank you.”


“Amazing! Is this woman a magician?”


Darren’s eyes widened in surprise as Neimilia handed Raidorl a cup of tea.

In this world, people who can use magic are called sorcerers.


It is said that there is only one person in a thousand who has a background in magic, and they are often protected by the state and nobility as valuable human resources.


“Magic without chanting……! How did a sorcerer end up on the frontier…..”


Darren muttered in dismay.


Children of sorcerers are also more likely to inherit their magical backgrounds, and even if they do not serve in the royal court, they will have no trouble finding someone to marry. This is even more so if they can use magic without chanting.


Since the nobility and wealthy merchants are so generous with their marriage proposals, it was hard to understand why so many magicians would go to the trouble of living in a dangerous frontier city.


Darren, who froze in surprise, received a cup of tea from Raidorl with a wry smile.


“What’s the matter? I don’t remember showing you anything amazing.”


“I see……. I see what your highness is doing…but why did His Highness bring her alone?”




“There are not more than ten magicians in the court who are skilled enough to use chantless magic. If you have a man of that calibre as your bodyguard, then you don’t need any other bodyguard, do you?”


Darren says it while nodding, his honest-looking face tense slightly.


It was understood that the maid called Milia was a sorceress of great ability. The question was why Raidorl had revealed this to Darren.


“…His Highness is warning me, isn’t he? I have a good sorcerer escorting me by my side. So don’t pretend to be a fool or do unnecessary things…”


“Haha, you’re being too cautious. I don’t mean anything deep like that. I just wanted a cup of tea because I was thirsty.”


Raidorl smiled and sipped from his cup.


Darren looks bitterly at him, who is drinking the steamy tea while blowing on it.


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Darren realised inwardly that Raidorl did not trust them. He doesn’t trust the King – not even a shred of trust for his own brother, Granard.


The reason why he accompanied Darren to the capital is not because he is seriously trying to save the country. He must have some other agenda.




Darren remains silent and mulls in agony. The more he thought about it, the darker his thoughts sank, and he began to anguish as if his guts were filled with lead.


Whether or not he knew the inner thoughts of the young commander, Raidorl had a calm expression on his face as he sipped on the tea the maid had brewed.


“Uun, after all, tea brewed by Milia is delicious.”


“What a waste of words. It was worth putting in the special honey.”


“…..I’m withdrawing my previous statement. What the hell did you put in my drink?


Raidorl and Neimilia begin to argue in the carriage as if they were a married couple in a comic dialogue.


As he looked at them, Darren sighed with a headache-inducing expression on his face and slowly shook his head.


  〇         〇         〇


Then, a few days later. Raidorl stepped into the royal capital for the first time in five years as the carriage rocked along.


The streets of the royal city have not changed much from what Raidorl knows. However, the number of people passing in and out of the main streets and the number of stalls lined up on either side of the road had clearly diminished, and the entire capital city seemed to have a somewhat dark shadow over it.


‘It’s wartime, so it’s not surprising that the air quality is poor…….It’s gloomy, the war isn’t going well, is it?’


If the war had favoured Zain’s, people’s faces would not be so gloomy.


The reason why the faces of the people passing through the town are so sombre must be because they sense, in their own way, that the Kingdom of Zain is being driven into a corner.


Raidorl looked out of the carriage window and predicted the war situation in this way.


If the Kingdom of Zain is  in a desperate situation the king may be forced to recall his brother, who may never want to see his face again.


“I will take his highness straight to the mansion. His highness’s audience with His Majesty the King will be tomorrow, so please take your time and relax after your journey.”


“The mansion? Aren’t we going to the royal palace?”


At Darren’s explanation, Raidorl’s eyebrows raised.


“There is a lot going on at the palace, so we have arranged a house in the noble district for His Highness. You may use that residence for the duration of your stay in the capital.”


“…… I see. I guess my brother doesn’t trust me at all.”


Raidorl clicked his tongue abominably.


Although Raidorl was banished from the royal capital and sent to the frontier, his royal status was not taken away. Therefore, he had always assumed that he would sleep in the royal palace.


However, the elder brother king apparently despises his younger brother to such an extent that he cannot tolerate this.


Is he afraid that Raidorl will rebel against him and come after him in his sleep, or is it simply that he has no face to show to his brother? Although the reason is not clear, it seems that he does not even want to put him under the same roof as himself.


“No, it’s not like that by any means…….”


“You don’t have to cover it up. I’ve known for five years that my brother hates me because of the Holy Sword.”




Raidorl turned his head out of the window and said softly. Darren looks down with a sombre look in his eyes and apologetically shuts his mouth. A long silence enveloped the carriage, with only the rattling of the wheels scratching the ground.


The carriage drove on for a while, and soon came to a section lined with the residences of aristocrats and leading merchants. The number of pedestrians has decreased dramatically, and a quiet, tranquil atmosphere envelops the area instead.


The carriage continues deeper into the aristocratic district, eventually coming to a stop in front of a particularly large building.


“We have arrived……This is the mansion.”


Darren speaks up as if he cannot bear the silence. One of the knights surrounding him dismounts from his horse and opens the carriage door.


Following Darren, who dismounted first, Raidorl and Neimilia step out.


“Heh,…… it’s quite a big mansion, isn’t it?”


Looking up at the large mansion standing before him, Raidorl looked in admiration.


The house has the appearance of a large nobleman’s mansion, with a vast garden filled with well-tended plants and seasonal flowers. The chalk walls and blue-painted roof have been carefully cared for and not a speck of dirt can be seen.


If one were to purchase a mansion of this magnitude with money, it might blow a year’s income in a pioneer city.


‘I see……I can see right through your heart, brother.’


Looking up at the grand and opulent mansion, Raidorl guesses what his brother King Granard thinks of him.


He fears and loathes him and does not want him in the royal palace. But he still wants to use Raidorl’s strength, so he gives him sweet candy canes.


The malice of wanting Raidorl to disappear and the calculation of wanting to tame the Excalibur Holder. Granard must be struggling with two conflicting emotions on a balance sheet.


“I hope you don’t mind if I do what I want in this house.”


“Of course. His Majesty has asked that you use it freely.”


“Aa,good. I’ll take your word for it and do as I like.”


“I will come back tomorrow to pick his highness up. I beg your pardon then.”


Nodding back at Darren, who bowed, Raidorl stepped without hesitation into the gateway doorway that the knight had opened. Neimilia follows behind him like a shadow.




As they disappeared into the house, Darren watched their backs with a look of hope mixed with a strong sense of anxiety.


  〇         〇         〇


“「「「「「 Welcome back, His Majesty’s brother Raidorl Zain! 」」」」」”


As soon as they entered the mansion, the butlers and maids, who were queuing at the entrance, all greeted him.


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It is a spectacular sight of sorts to see these very well-bred men and women bowing in unison under their breath.


The first time Raidorl saw them was when he was living in the royal palace as a prince, but he had spent a long time in the countryside in the middle of nowhere and was involuntarily overwhelmed.


“Master, you must get your act together.”


“Hmm?, ah …… sorry.”


Neimilia, standing behind him, tugs at the hem of Raidorl’s jacket. Raidorl regained his composure and cleared his throat.


“Now that I am the lord of this house, who represents you?”


“It is I. Your Royal Highness.”


A man in a butler’s uniform with a moustache and moustache advanced.


He is around the age of stepping into his first years. His carefully coiffed hair and beard were dyed a romance grey, and the way he greeted the man, carefully folding his hips, oozed a sincere personality.


“You look familiar. I believe you worked at the royal palace five years ago?”


“Yes, it’s been a long time. My name is Sarawyn, a former attaché of His Majesty Granard.”


The butler, Sarawyn smiles at Raidorl with a loose-lipped smile.


His calm and composed mood is the same as it was five years ago. Raidorl remembers the time when he was a child and received sweets from Sarawyn at a tea party held by his brother.


“Aaa, yes, it you, Sarawyn. It’s been a long time.”


“It is a pleasure to see you again, your highness. Welcome back.”


“Thanks, by the way, ……there’s one thing I need to discuss, or rather tell everyone here.”


“Ha? What is it?”


When Sarawyn’s expression turns doubtful, Raidorl smiles with his mouth in the shape of a crescent moon.


“Everyone here is fired. Now get out.”




Sarawyn’s expression freezes at the all-too-unexpected words. The other servants in the room behind him begin to rustle.


“Wh-, is there something wrong with us? If there are any ….”


“There’s no such thing as a problem. I’m just asking you to leave because I don’t need you.”


Uncompromisingly, Raidorl refused them.


Sarawin’s gaze wanders from side to side in confusion, but he still insists.


“This house is as large as you can see. I’m afraid your maid can’t clean it all by herself. …..”


“That’s not your concern….. Let me put it this way. I only trust this maid here. I’m not going to have anyone else by my side.”




“You people cannot be trusted. So get out.”


When Raidorl says this out loud, Sarawyn’s face contorts in humiliation.


The old butler stared at Raidorl and Neimilia resentfully for a while, but eventually sighed as if he had given up.


“……I understand. I will inform His Majesty Granard of this.”


“Do so, thank you for your service.”


Raidorl fluttered and waved his hand. The servants hesitantly looked into Raidorl’s face as they walked out of the house, Sarawyn in the lead.


Eventually, when they had all left, he looked back at Neimilia.


“Check the……Mansion. Every corner.”


“Yes, Master.”


Neimilia pinches the hem of her apron dress and reverently returns the acknowledgement.


“【Shadow beast: ShadowServant】”


Neimilia’s shadow slowly changes shape to form a human form.


The shadows are women in maid uniforms. The faces of these maids, which look as if they have been kneaded into darkness, have no eyes or noses and are as smooth as eggs.


They are not human, of course. They were Neimilia’s servants, living in the shadows and born from the shadows.


“Explore the mansion, see if there are any dangerous objects or anyone lurking around. Those who are available, check the supplies in the house. Especially clothing and foodstuffs.”


“『As your will, Mistress』”


About ten shadow maids scattered around the mansion with gliding steps.


Since they were created from shadows, they were able to enter every crevice and explore every detail of the mansion. Neimilia nodded with a satisfied look on her face at her servants who were exploring even the crevices that ants can get into.


“Well, …… then, please rest at ease, master. Please leave all the mundane matters and management of the mansion to me.”


“Aaa, I’m counting on you.”


“If you are too excited to sleep, you can call upon me at any time. I will comfort your master with all my might. Mufufufu.”




Raidorl takes one look at Neimilia as if she were an insect crawling out from under a stone, and disappears silently into a suitable room.


Although her comments are questionable in many ways, Neimilia will be able to manage everything in the spacious mansion without any problems.


The rare and precious witch who once nearly destroyed the world has now become a respectable maid.

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