Vol. 1 Chapter 8

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The beginning of the battle

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by SoundDestiny


The kingdom of Zain forces in a dense formation with their backs against the fortress.


The Western Invasion Army of the Arslanian Empire, in a horizontal formation on the hill.


The two armies finished their formation at the same time, as if by design, and engaged in a standoff at different heights.


The Kingdom Army soldier looks up at the Imperial Army on the hill as if challenging them. In contrast, the imperial soldiers glare down at the enemy.


The two armies wait impatiently for their commanders’ instructions, their sweaty hands gripping their weapons tightly.


“The Royal Army is not moving. They are going to attack us and intercept us in some way, aren’t they?”


Looking at the enemies lined up below, Barzen sniffed.

The Royal Army is eerily quiet, having made no moves since setting up formation.


[Go ahead. Come at me.] The voice of the enemy general, Bazel Garst, was clearly audible in Barzen’s ears as he invited him to join him.


“Very well, I will take you up on your offer! Let us see how you plan to deal with this great army!”


“First Army, charge!”


In response to Barzen’s instructions, his second-in-command, Safaris, raised his voice.




Some of the Imperial troops camped on the hilltop begin to move. The Imperial troops lined up horizontally are surging in like a tsunami, gaining momentum due to the slope.


“The high conquers the low. This is the basis of warfare!”


The Zain Royal Army has taken up a square formation with Fort Blaine at its back. The Imperial soldiers, outnumbered, charge side by side, spreading out to envelop the solidified Royal Army.


The imperial soldiers, who had been moving down the slope with great vigour, attacked the Kingdom Army furiously with the momentum they had gained.


Taking advantage of the slope of the hill, the Imperial troops were coming at them fiercely.


The development was just as he had anticipated in advance. Darren, who had been given command of the front line, immediately raised his hand and shouted.


“Spearmen, forward! Intercept the enemy!”


They did not intend to be violently beaten at this point.


At Darren’s command, the soldiers with shields in front quickly retreated to the side, and a new unit of spearmen emerged from the fortress and moved forward.


The soldier advancing forward holds a four-metre long spear in his hand, nearly twice as long as the lances used by the imperial soldiers.


The densely-packed Royal Guards held their long lances outstretched in front of them, creating a defensive wall of sharp lances.




“S-stop! Aaaaahhh!?”


The cries of the Imperial soldiers roared across the battlefield. The enemy soldiers who charged downhill with the same momentum were skewered by the long spears that suddenly appeared, without any way to do anything.


The Imperial soldiers who tried to stop in a hurry to kill their momentum were also pushed out by the soldiers following them, and suffered the same fate as those who charged first.


“This is the military art of the 『Spear Wall』. It is extremely difficult for infantry and cavalry to break through long spears that are tightly packed together. No matter how powerful the Imperial Guard is, we will not be easily broken!”


Darren says with a smile of satisfaction.


The Royal Army, with its long spears densely packed together, had no room for entry and stood in the way as a wall of spears. The lances used by the Imperial troops could not reach the Royal troops, and the cavalry were skewered with their horses.


“The momentum from the height difference seems to have had an adverse effect. We have made the first move.”


“Commander Darren! The Imperial Guard is flanking us!”


“They’re already here? As expected of the Empire,they’re quick to respond…..!”


Upon receiving the report from his subordinates, Darren quickly glances around and looks to the flanks of his own troops.


The imperial soldiers who had charged from the front had been caught in the crossfire of long spears, but a detachment had already flanked them. They are closing in to pinch the Royal Army from both sides.


“Unfortunately, I’ve already predicted that too.”


“Archers, fire!”


A voice echoes from the top of the ramparts, and arrows rain down on the imperial soldiers.


The arrows, fired to protect the Royal Army, originated from Fort Brain, which the Royal Army had at its back.


Soldiers lined up on the ramparts, covering fire at the Royal Army, which was positioned to defend the fortress.


“Now! Strike the enemy when they are frightened!”


“「「「「「 Haaa!!」」」」」”


The Kingdom soldiers thrust their spears at the Imperial soldiers, who had stopped moving due to the covering fire.


The Imperial side, the central continental champion, had the superior number and skill of soldiers, but their strength was halved when they had to be alert to arrows from overhead. There was no way they could break the dense formation of the kingdom.


The Imperial Guard, which should have charged in with great enthusiasm, was rapidly reduced in numbers, with the few surviving Imperial Guard barely able to crawl to the rear.


Darren exhaled and looked up at the Imperial troops position on the hill.


“……The first exchange was won by us. But it was only a part of the enemies that we beat. The battle is just beginning.” 


With the『spear wall』 and covering fire from the fort, they succeeded in destroying the advance guard of the Imperial Army.

However, the main Impartial still remained intact on the hill.


The Royal Army and the Imperial Army. The decisive battle between the two armies was still far away.


“I see, using a fortress as a strategic weapon instead of a fortress as a cage……That’s Bazel Garst! And is that his son commanding the front line? You youngsters are doing it!”


Witnessing the defeat of his own soldiers, Barzen speaks of his admiration for the enemy general in the Imperial Army camp.


It is a disgrace for a commander that his allies have suffered so severely. However, when they are beaten so painfully, a kind of respect springs up from the superior enemy.


Being slightly defeated by a commander who is one or two times younger than him, Barzen’s chest had something of a refreshing feeling apart from regret.


“….Grandpa, shall I go after all?”


Celia, who had walked up next to Barzen with a happy expression on her face, tilted her head and asked.

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The Imperial Princess had been wearing a military uniform earlier, but now she has changed into a blue-silver armour suit.


The armour, forged from the finest mithril, was only permitted to be worn by royalty and was first-class armour with excellent physical and magical resistance.


“Hohoho, don’t be hasty. The war has only just begun!”


Barzen laughs like an old man to reassure his beloved princess, and strokes his chin and beard with a relaxed hand.


“The enemy is stronger than expected. It’s a painful blow, but it’s also the best part of warfare. You must stand firm, Your Highness!”


“Really? Then I’ll just watch from here…..”


Celia nodded in agreement with Barzen’s words, but her face showed a somewhat unconvinced colour.


Her gaze is directed towards the dead bodies of soldiers lying on the ground around the Royal Army.


Her well-shaped lip ispursed, apparently unable to accept the deaths of her allies as a necessary sacrifice.


‘She is a gentle princess. If I could, I would not let her be in a position to stand on a battlefield like this……’


Princess Celia Von Arslanian is a person who is loved by everyone with a true heart of gold.


If she had not been chosen by the Holy Sword, she would not be standing in such a bloody place and would be living a life of loving flowers.


‘And eventually marry a man from a powerful noble family….’


Barzen forgot about the situation and got so lost in such sentimentality that he coughed and held his eyes.


“Move the damaged First Army to the rear! The Second Army will surround the enemy unhurriedly and slowly. The Third Army should spread out on the hill and fire its bows to cover the encirclement by the Second Army!”


Shaking off the slightest hesitation that had arisen within him, the old general, who had fought many battles in his career, furiously sent out his orders.


The sun shining brilliantly in the sky had only just passed its zenith.


The battle had only just begun.


  〇         〇         〇


“Heee, that’s great! You’re fighting a good fight against an enemy more than twice your size!”


Standing on the ramparts, watching the battle between the two armies, Raidorl claps his hands in admiration.


Bazel Garst is standing next to Raidorl, watching the battle in a commanding role, while a short distance away is Saara Leifet, who has been left behind as Raidorl’s escort.


There was no sign of Neimilia, perhaps because he did not bring a maid to the battlefield.


Looking down from the ramparts, the Royal Army had successfully lured the Imperial Guards into a bitter counterattack. The Royal Army’s unexpected counterattack, which was thought to be crushed by their numbers and geographical advantage, was a painful sight to behold from above.


“Perhaps there’s no room for me? You are the Protector of the Realm. I bow down to you.”


“No. Only in the beginning do they fall for our tricks.”


The general, who was praised, shook his head with a calm expression on his face.


“The earlier attack was only possible because they didn’t know what we were up to. I am sure that the enemy general, Gracos Barzen,would be able to quickly regroup.”


“You’re praising the enemy general a lot. Is the Imperial commander so superior?”


“A fierce general in spite of his age. If it weren’t for the legendary armour of the Holy Sword, men like him would have been called heroes.”


Garst answers Raidorl’s question with a distant look.


“The only thing I have over the man is my youth. Had he not been born in the Empire, the Empire’s territory might have been much smaller than it is now.”


“Heh …… that’s a big deal.”


With a curious smile on his lips, Raidorl turned his attention to the hill where the imperial camp was located.


Even Raidorl, whose eyesight is better than that of a human being due to the blessing of the Holy Sword, cannot see the enemy general there.


Even so, he felt his blood boil just at the thought of an amazing commander there.



“I shouldn’t have said that. It’s my first battle and I’m strangely excited. It’s demoralising to get carried away on the battlefield.”


“As a vassal, I am very proud of you. You are indeed the chosen hero of the Holy Sword, to be more joyful than fearful on the battlefield.”


“It’s not that big a deal. I’m just a kid who hasn’t grown out of it.”


Raidorl slapped both of his cheeks with a bash, tightened his loose face and turned his attention once more to the battlefield.


The Imperial troops were hit by a painful counter-attack and the First Army was half destroyed, but the rearguard units soon moved forward.


They did not charge with the momentum of the hill like the First Army, but slowly spread out across the battlefield with their shields raised above their heads to block arrows.


While using their shields to block covering fire from the fort, they gradually narrow the distance between them and the Royal Army. Behind them, another force is deployed, firing their bows at the Royal Army, which is in a dense formation from the heights of the hill.


“He has already found a way to counter-attack. How troublesome, you damned old bastard.’”


Garst swears with an unusually twisted expression on his face.


With a quick glance at the general, Raidorl was amazed at the quick counter-attack by the Imperial troops.


Arrows fired from Fort Blaine at the Imperial soldiers are blocked by shields above their heads, making them less effective. Conversely, arrows are being fired from the hilltop at the Royal troops, which are also blocked by shields.


If the conditions are still the same, then the difference in numbers is still highlighted in the war situation.


The Imperial Army had already surrounded the Royal Army and was attacking from the front, left and right.


Thanks to their custom-made long spears, the Royal Army still maintained their good defending, but as time passed, they were pushed to the rear due to the difference in troop strength.


The Royal Army has already been pushed to within sight of Fort Blaine and is losing its escape route.


“It appears that the time for Your Highness to fight has come. Leifet, escort His Highness downstairs.”


“Yes, sir. Your Highness, this way, please.”




Led by Saara, Raidorl descends inside the fortress walls. As he descends the stairs, he gently reaches for the sword at his waist.



The holy sword Dáinsleif was repeatedly vibrating in its sheath.


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[Let’s fight them quickly. Cut them down quickly.]


The holy sword, which has met its first wielder in two hundred years, is chirping as it strikes its fangs together for the first time in a long time on the battlefield.


“Don’t be in a hurry, it will start soon. It’s my story, our hero story..”


“Your Highness? What’s wrong?”


“Nothing. Shall we get going?”




Raidorl shows his fangs and laughs, shrugging his shoulders at Saara, who has a questioning look.


It is not only the holy sword at his waist that is excited about his first battle. Raidorl is also excited by the battle, his blood boiling with excitement.


  〇         〇         〇

“It’s getting tougher…”


The Royal Army clashes with the Imperial Army. Darren Garst, who was in command in the middle of the battle, let out a rough breath.


At first, the Royal Army had gained the upper hand by deception, but as time passed, the Imperial Army reeled back and is now being encircled.


Although covering archers are being fired from the fortress, it is the same for the Imperial Army. Arrows fired by the imperial troops lined up on the hill were raining down on the Royal Army’s heads, and they were barely defending themselves with shields over their heads.


It was only logical that the Imperial Army, with its greater numbers, would have the upper hand. The Royal Army was gradually losing numbers and was slowly being driven back.


“Commander Darren, are you all right?”


“Yes, no problem……!”


In response to the words of the knights under his command, Darren strikes down the flying arrows with his sword.


Darren, the commander, was poised in the rear of the Royal Army, but the enemy attack was already close enough for their archers to reach his spot.


“The right-wing captain, Lucas, has been killed! It is no longer possible to hold the line!”


“……! I see….. Lucas is gone.”


Hearing of the death of his comrade in arms, Darren’s brilliant face is distorted with grief.


His well-defined face is still beautiful even when tinged with melancholy, and even his subordinates, who were supposed to be of the same sex, couldn’t help but admire him.


“Even if we continue the battle, defeat is inevitable. However, Father has not yet given the order to retreat. We need to stall for a while now………..What’s wrong?”


“Heh, ah …… ha!”

“What’s wrong? Are you wounded by any chance….?”


“No, I’m fine! I was just thinking about something!”

(TL: lmoa, the author change Saara to an unnamed soldier captivate by Darren’s beauty) 


He couldn’t tell Darren that he was admiring his face, and his subordinate pulled a face and waved his hands in the air to cover it up.


Darren looks quizzical, but is unable to pursue further with his red-faced subordinate and clutches his sword again.


“If we are destroyed, the kingdom will no longer have the strength to defend Fort Blaine. This is the crucial moment. Just stay on for a little longer……”


Before Darren could finish, the sound of a trumpet echoed high above the battlefield. The high-pitched sound that cut through the air emanated from Fort Blaine.


“…… It appears he has saved our lives. That’s the signal to retreat”




When his subordinate asked him with an anxious look in his eyes, Darren returned a troubled, ambiguous smile.


“Now, it’s up to His Highness Raidorl Zain……we’re retreating.”


“Ha! Yes, sir!”


Darren sent out instructions to the soldiers around him and began to retreat backwards.


Behind them, at Fort Blaine, the front gate had been opened before they knew it, sucking in the Kingdom soldiers like water flowing into a hole.


The sun, which had risen to its zenith, gradually tilted to the west, and the battlefield entered a new phase.


  〇         〇         〇


Five hours after the battle began, a major change appeared on the battlefield.


The Royal Army, which had until then remained on their feet with their backs against Fort Blaine, were now retreating back into the fortress.


“The Royal Army is retreating!”


“Keep attacking the fortress! Don’t let them close the gates!”


In pursuit of the retreating Royal Army, the encircling Imperial troops charge into the fortress.


“Aaa, it appears that we have won!”


Dallas Safaris cheered at the sight of the Imperial soldiers heading for the city gates.


“General Barzen, you have led us well!”




At the congratulatory words from his second-in-command, Gracos Barzen nodded his head with a somewhat unflattering look on his face.


“….. something wrong, Grandpa?”

The old general’s expression darkens as she peers into his face, and Celia asks with a worried look on her face.


Barzen realises that he has worried the lovely princess and opens his eyes and taps his own forehead.


“No, no, it’s nothing serious……I just thought it was too quick and easy.”


The Imperial Army initially suffered a painful counterattack, but soon reeled them back in and were on the verge of victory.


The Royal Army had already retreated inside Fort Blaine. Some Imperial soldiers were holding the gates as they were about to close, while other Imperial soldiers were avalanching into the interior.


If things continue as they are, the fortress will be brought down and the Empire will win in no time.


‘Bazel Garst is no fool. He would not be an incompetent general who would take a gamble he could not win. Then why did he venture into the field?’


Barzen’s face fell in thought.

He had thought that they had prepared a trump card to take the fight to five minutes in the field, but that trump card has yet to appear.


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Or do they still have time to save their trump card at this stage?


‘If this continues, we will win. What’s the matter? Garst!’


“Wha……! General Barzen, look!”




The deputy’s shout made Barzen look up.


Ahead of him, the soldiers who had entered Fort Blaine through the gates were rushing out.


The soldiers are crawling to escape, even throwing away the victory they could have seized in the next few seconds.


A jet-black slashed their backs.


“What’s that……is it magic?”

Dozens of Imperial soldiers are blown away by a black slash. Barzen’s eyes widen and he murmurs at the sight of his allied soldiers, who are floating lightly through the air like flower petals.


Apparently there are sorcerers in the fortress who were skilled in offensive magic.


Why they had preserved them until now, Barzen doesn’t know, but surely a high-ranking magician could be a trump card to throw a stone in the war situation.


“….. No, Grandpa. That one is different.”


“Your Highness Princess?”


Celia murmured in a hard, nervous voice.


Barzen looks back with a doubtful face at Celia’s unusually stern tone.


The princess in blue and silver armour has a pallid face and tightly pursed lips. Her small shoulders were shaking slightly, as if she was frightened of something.


It was the first time he had seen Celia, with her picture-perfect naivety, show so much nervousness.






Barzen, who had been watching the trembling princess, turned his attention to the fortress in a huff at the screams that cut through the battlefield.


The gates of Fortress Blaine are still open and unbolted.


Countless Imperial soldiers had fallen around the gates, and even those soldiers who were safe had moved away from the gates and were pointing their weapons in a frightened manner.


Eventually,under the watchful eyes of many Imperial soldiers, a man emerges from behind the gates.


He was a young man in black armour. Even the sword he carries in his right hand is jet black, and his figure, painted black, resembles a god of death from folklore.






The man quickly swung his right hand. The sword shoots out a slash of miasma.


The slashes spread out in a circle around the man in black armour, brushing past the bodies of the Imperial soldiers surrounding the gate.


Instantly, without a drop of blood spurting out, the soldiers fall and lie on the ground like corpses.


“It’s not magic,……it’s a holy sword. It’s the same Excalibur as Claíomh Solas.”


Celia murmurs in a trembling voice.


The eyes of the imperial princess, staring straight at the man in black armour, are shimmering with hostility, elation, awe and fear.


The Claíomh Solas on Celia’s waist was also emitting pale sparks as if excited in the face of a divine weapon of the same rank that stood in her way as an enemy.

“I see, … the Kingdom of Zain has one too. One of the twelve holy swords…..!”


“You don’t…..think that’s the Holy Sword:Excalibur Dáinsleif!? Someone has been chosen for that holy sword whose owner has not been found for two hundred years!”


Barzen’s face contorted and Safaris exclaimed in shock.


The old warlord sensed that the tide of the battle had turned and the victory that was sure to be his was slipping away from his grasp.


“What an abominable power! The Holy Sword of the Evil Curse!”


Out of Barzen’s line of sight, the man held up the holy sword again.


The cursed miasma turned into a black tornado that swirled across the battlefield, knocking hundreds of Imperial troops to their deaths in one fell swoop.


It was a nightmarish scene for the imperial army.




At the centre of the black tornado that rumbles through the heavens, Raidorl lets out a mad laugh.


Around him, the horrific miasma was raging as a frenzied wind. It was a horrifying sight that froze normal soldiers to the core, but Raidorl, who was in the middle of the vortex, felt no fear.


On the contrary, he squinted his eyes as if he was comfortable with the torrent of evil power surrounding him, and his lips hung up in a crescent moon.


“This is the Holy Sword! This is my power! Hahahaha AHAHAHAHAHA!!”


A feeling of omnipotence, as if he had become a god or a demon, envelops Raidorl’s body.


An enormous amount of power flows like a tidal wave through the handle in his grip.


As if in response to his master’s frenzy, the Holy Sword Dáinsleif also intensifies the momentum of its storm.


The jet-black slashes from Dáinsleif are filled with a cursed miasma, and the bodies of the Imperial soldiers develop effects such as poison, paralysis and petrification, causing them to fall one by one.


“Such power……”


“He’s not human, he’s a monster!”


“What are we fighting……is that an incarnation of a demon god….?”


The Imperial soldiers, who had narrowly escaped the curse, had forgotten how to flee and were staring at the raging black tornado.


Raidorl had just reaped hundreds of soldiers, but there were still thousands of soldiers standing in his way.


“We’re outnumbered, so what! I’ll crush any difference in numbers! I’ll trample your geographical advantage! If there’s anyone who can stop me, come out”


This was the second time Raidorl had drawn the Holy Sword. He felt a surge of power that was greater than the previous time, as if his body had grown accustomed to the power of the holy sword. The overwhelming energy was incomparable to that of when he slaughtered the sub-dragon.


Having gained such immense power, Raidorl’s heart was filled with arrogant confidence.


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Originally, Raidorl had devoted five years of his life to fighting in the frontier city and was proud that he had become strong enough to call himself a strong man, and he thought he had already perfected himself as a swordsman.


‘But……there’s still more! I hadn’t reached my true strength!’


If they scorn it as arrogance, so be it.


If they insult it as pride, so be it.


However, Raidorl will never let anyone call him weak.


Betting on this holy sword, betting on Dáinsleif that has chosen him over two hundred years since the first King of Zain, he will no longer be defeated.He will not let anything take away his path.


“More! Give me more power!”




The power is increased to the limit with violent destructive impulses. A high-pitched sound like metal being rubbed together returns from the holy sword clutched in his right hand, and the black storm gains even more momentum.


The tornado, which grew so huge that it covered the battlefield, was now like a single black dragon ascending to the heavens.


One by one, the imperial soldiers who witnessed the spectacle lost the will to fight and collapsed to their knees.


“We can’t win,……we can’t win against something like this.”


Someone muttered. These were the words that represented the thoughts of all the Imperial soldiers present.


There is no way we can win against such a force beyond human knowledge. It is absurd to even challenge it.


The Imperial Guard’s bodies are unable to even move as they are eaten away by the winds of the curse that has been cast upon them.


Deprived of the option of escaping, let alone fighting, the kneeling soldiers felt like sinners awaiting God’s judgement in heaven.




“O God, ……!”


Meanwhile, the Kingdom soldiers watching the battle behind Raidorl were also kneeling on the ground.


Although they too were bathed in the raging jet-black wind, the power of the Dáinsleif apparently only affects the enemy. The curse had no effect on them at all.

But even without the influence of the curse, they voluntarily knelt down on their knees and folded their hands in prayer.


In front of them was a bearer of supernatural power that could only be a god or a demon.


If it were an enemy, they would sink into disappointment and despair and have no choice but to lament, just as the imperial soldiers do.


But the Holy Sword:Excalibur Holder, the agent of God, is not an enemy. They are on their own side.


Hence, the Kingdom soldiers pray earnestly.


Be thankful to God that the mad wind is on the kingdom’s side.


Begging that the incarnation of that tyranny would not become an enemy.


They continue to pray earnestly and continuously.


“Hahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!!!”


Unaware of these soldiers’ feelings, Raidorl laughed loudly.


No matter how much he sprinkled the wind of curses, the power that was still rising was no longer something he was willing to refrain from.


How far could he go with this power, Raidorl couldn’t help but want to test it.


“Cursed sword fighting method【Jörmungandr, the great serpent of the apocalypse】!!”


Raidorl swung his sword forward with an ever-increasing exuberance.


The point of the sword was aimed at the Imperial Army’s position built on the hill.


The wind that had been raging around Raidorl became a gigantic slash and tore through the battlefield in accordance with the will of the young man who was the bearer of the holy sword.




It was like a giant snake opening its mouth and thrusting forward. Countless Imperial soldiers were swallowed up by the black slash that sliced the battlefield in half and disappeared.


Even so, the slashes never lost momentum. With a roaring sound, it tore through the battlefield, advancing straight towards the Empire’s main camp on top of the hill.


“I’ve won……this one, you won’t be able to prevent it!”


After unleashing an attack that could have changed even the terrain, Raidorl continued laughing and the edges of his mouth hanging open in victory.




But, just as it looked as if the attack would cut through the Imperial Army’s ranks, a shadow stood in its way.


The slender little figure is unreliable compared to the huge black slashes.


It is like a small boat pushing through a stormy sea.


“Protect us all! Claíomh Solas!”




The small figure flaps its right hand. Instantly, with a thunderous roar, a flash of lightning flashed.


The girl holds a thin, pale sword in her right hand. The dazzling thunderbolts emitted from it collide head-on with the jet-black slashes that come rushing in like a tsunami.


Black and white. The miasma and the lightning were in balance for only a few seconds.


Soon the thunderbolt breaks through the slash and the disastrous cursed wind disappears into a thousand pieces.


“Aaa…… right, I forgot. I’m such an idiot.”


Having been neutralised by a blow that could be described as an all-out attack, Raidorl’s mind, which was immersed in a feeling of omnipotence, cools down. He quickly sort out the situation and grasp it.


It is true that the person chosen by the Holy Sword may gain god-like power.


However, Raidorl is not the only one who has acquired the power of a god. There is at least one more person on this battlefield.


“So you’re the Empire’s Holy Sword:Excalibur Holder – Celia Von Arslanian!”


“That’s as far as you can go! I’ll be your opponent from now on!”


Raidorl bares his fangs and howls at the appearance of a powerful enemy.


To Raidorl, who is clutching Dáinsleif. An angry cry from Celia jumped at him with Claíomh Solas in her hand.

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