Vol. 2 Chapter 5.1

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The Vampire Who Comes at Night

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


“What am I going to do, oooohhhh!”


The town – Ektura – was located to the south of Wolfin. A man screamed in the house of Baron Elladine, who governed the town.


The man who cowered in a corner of the room, holding his body with both hands and screaming was Royle Elladine, the master of the house. His face was pale,  his emaciated body was shaking violently, and he was weeping like a waterfall.


This was because……the other day, a rumour circulated in the town of Ektura, which was ruled by Baron Elladine.


The rumour was that the neighbouring town of Wolfin had been overrun by the Zain Royal Army…….In addition, it was said that Wolfin, a fortified city, was easily defeated by the Royal Army in less than a day, and that Viscount Wolfert was killed without being able to put up any resistance.


Hearing the report, Baron Elladine shut himself up in his room and spent his days cowering and shivering.


“No way!  It can’t be! Viscount Wolfert was killed so easily! I’m next! It’s my turn to be killed!”


Baron Elladine cried out, covering his head with a blanket.


The rumour that was tormenting and hunting down Baron Elladine came from none other than Sven Arbeil. Sven used secret agents captured by Raidorl to spread various information in the territories of the Eight Families of the East.


『The Royal Army overran Wolfin in just one day.』


『Viscount Wolfert, who defied the commander Raidorl, was cruelly killed but all of the his wife and soldiers who surrendered meekly were forgiven.』


『The Royal Army has absorbed the soldiers and militia of the Viscounts Wolfert and has increased its strength, swelling to an army of over 10,000 men.』


They were a secret agent under the direct command of King Granard but the superior officer who had brought them together had already died in battle. Their loyalty to the king was shattered when they witnessed the power from Raidorl and they were also unable to betray him after they were cursed by Dáinsleif, so they were demoted to serve Raidorl.


The secret agent, who became a loyal servant to Raidorl, spread exaggerated information, which caused a great stir in the hearts of the border nobility, including Baron Elladine.


“Uuu…… why should I have to go through this! I should never have turned to the Empire if this is what happened! I should have fought like the Arbeils and ……no, I should have just abandoned my home and ran away!”


Royle Elladine was a naturally timid man. His small-mindedness was unthinkable for a nobleman in charge of a kingdom’s borders and his family members were secretly appalled by his small-mindedness.


Originally, Royle was the second son and his elder brother was supposed to be the heir to the Barony of Elladine. However, his elder brother died suddenly of an epidemic, and Royle became a lord without any preparation or resolve.


“This is why I didn’t want to be a lord! I didn’t want to be responsible for the protection of the town! All I wanted was to live peacefully and quietly, doing my business! How on earth did this happen……!”


Baron Elladine exclaimed with tears in his eyes. This man, who was unbelievably cowardly and unmeritorious for a nobleman, was not even aware that he was a nobleman in the first place. He was not prepared to risk his life for his lands. He was not prepared to fight. That was why he surrendered unconditionally without a fight when the imperial army came to the town of Ektura.


“They will definitely kill me……I will be killed. The crown will never forgive me for turning to the Empire! I might be beheaded, I might be burned at the stake……! Maybe even torture me……hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”


Baron Elladine’s paper-white face trembled as he contemplated the future that awaited him. The petty Baron was frightened and no longer in a state of mind to intercept Raidorl and the rest of the Kingdom’s army.


Sven’s ploy was working brilliantly and if it continued, Ektura would fall without a fight in the not-too-distant future.




“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! W,what iis itttt?!!!”


But……suddenly, the door to the bedroom where Baron Elladine was holed up was slammed by someone.


The sound of a series of blows with a blunt instrument was heard, and soon the door was breached from the outside. Someone was trying to break down the door and break into the room.


“I,It’s the royal army! I’ll be killllled!!?”


The baron screamed in panic as the door Was destroyed. He flopped and rolled miserably around the room and tried to hide by crawling under the bed.


But there was not enough space under the bed for a grown man to hide himself, let alone a child. Baron Elladine slipped his upper body under the bed and flapped his legs, hiding his head but not his buttocks.


“….. What are you doing? Father?”

[TL:Shirley uses Otou-sama お父様]




Finally, the door was completely broken down and the intruder entered the room.


While he was thinking that he was going to be killed……a familiar female voice was released from the intruder’s mouth.


The baron tried to get out from under the bed at the sound of the stunned voice but it seemed that he was strangely stuck because he forced his body into it. Even if he put strength into his arms, it didn’t  seem like his body would come off at all.


“Nuuu, I can’t get out! Let me out, help me! I can’t breathe!”


“Seriously, how clumsy you are, father……you guys, get my father out of there.”




The woman gave instructions to the men who appeared to be under her command. Someone grabbed the baron’s legs, which were sticking out of the bed and dragged him out by force.


“Owowowowow!! Uuu…what happened?”


“Have you come to your senses? Father.”


“Oh, you’re…… Shirley?”


The Baron’s only daughter, Shirley Elladine, stood before him after his escape from under the bed. Dressed in an incendiary dress with a deep slit, Shirley was flanked on either side by baronial soldiers with hammers and a fan of coloured feathers to cover her face.


Shirley looked down coldly at her father, who was  crawling on the floor in a most ungainly outfit, as if he had been disrespected.


“How dare you, a baron in charge of a kingdom’s lands act like this! How dare you not be ashamed! Pathetic, disgraceful, shameful! You are so wretched, you are so disgusting, you leave me speechless!”


“Uu….now you’ve spoken it all out.  A lot of abusive language directed at your father…”


Baron Elladine retorted in a pathetic voice but shrugged and shut his mouth with a glare from the…..daughter.


Even the baron knew that he was not a man fit to be a lord. He was also aware of his own pettiness. Even so, he could not help the fear that welled up from the depths of his heart. He could not stand tall and proud in a situation where he did not know when the kingdom’s army would attack.

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“Soon the Royal Army will come, you know? They are coming to kill me and take back the town! How can you be calm about that?”


“Think of what lords are supposed to do in this kind of situation! If you can’t calmly lead in an emergency, you don’t deserve to be in charge! Does father not have the pride of a nobleman?”




Baron Elladin let out an unspoken grunt and groaned at his cold daughter’s sermon. She looked up at Shirley’s face with a resentful look, but since it was a legitimate argument, he couldn’t even answer her back.


In contrast to the petulant Baron, his daughter Shirley had a very strong and arrogant personality. Baron Elladine was completely taken over by his daughter, who said things like 『the pride of the nobility』 at every second word, and he was no longer able to hold his head up.


“Seriously……father’s condition is really destroying the Barony of Elladine. I must do something about it.”


“You can do something? What?”


The baron’s eyes sparkled with hope as the girl said these words while covering her mouth with a fan.


“Of course. I have a winning strategy, you know?”


Looking down at her father, [FuFu! ] she laughed arrogantly.


“All I have to do is to bring down His Highness Raidorl Zain with a trick. Once His Highness is confined and entangled, we will no longer fear the Royal Army!”




Baron Elladine was stunned by his daughter’s unexpected response.


“Y,you’re going to use that…? Are you serious?”


“Of course I am! Now, wait for me. Your Highness Raidorl! I, Shirley Elladine, your future wife, will be with you!”


Despite her father’s stunned look, Shirley burst into a loud laugh that echoed throughout the house: [O-HO-HO!].


Sven’s plan to use secret agents to spread rumours and confuse the enemy camp was successful. Baron Elladine was violently frightened, making it impossible for him to intercept Raidorl.


However……the ruse took an unexpected turn and would later produce one comical incident.


  〇         〇         〇


From their base in the occupied city of Wolfin, Raidorl began the work to purge the remaining traitors of the Eight Eastern Families.


The first step was to reorganise the army.


Raidorl led a small force of 1,000 horsemen, led by Darren Garst and 1,000 soldiers under his command, but by recruiting…… mercenary and volunteer soldiers, the number had swelled to 3,000 men.


Originally, the soldiers in Wolfin were recruited by the late Viscount Wolfert. It was to confront the Raidorl who were coming to conquer him but the soldiers  were now a part of Raidorl’s army.


The problem with increasing the number of soldiers was funding. An army spent money even if it did nothing. Soldiers’ salaries. Food, weapons and armour. Housing. Fodder for war horses. Clothing and other daily necessities – the more soldiers, the greater the consumption of supplies.


However…..Raidorl, who was loosely associated with the king, had been given only minimal resources. Raising funds for the army was an unavoidable problem in reorganising it.


“However,…… that problem was easily solved. Thank God, The Viscount has saved up a lot of money.”


In the former residence of the Viscount Wolfert in the heart of Wolfin, Raidorl said in a carefree tone.


The funding for the expansion of the army was solved with ease by using the hidden fortune in the basement of the Viscount’s mansion. 


What means were used and how long did it take to collect the money? In the basement of the Viscount Wolfert’s mansion, an excessive amount of gold, silver and treasures were stored for a single frontier nobleman.


“It seems the Viscount has been doing all sorts of shady things to raise money. I’m sure he’s regretting in his grave when His Highness uprooted all his ill-gotten gains.”


Sven, sitting opposite him, replied to Raidorl on the sofa.


Currently, Raidorl and Sven were clearing away a pile of papers on the table in the office. They had one town in their hands and an additional 3,000 soldiers. Paperwork and other desk work had also increased like a breeding rat.


The only people in the army who could conduct political and financial affairs were Raidorl, who had been educated as a gifted prince and Sven, a military strategist. Inevitably, the pressure of increased desk work was falling on these two.


“According to the back account book that was hidden ……it seems that Wolfert has been in league with the Empire for a long time, even before the war broke out. He has been diverting goods, trafficking in illegal drugs and even trafficking his own people as commodities.”


“He’s even more rubbish than I expected……I’d heard he was an arrogant man but he is really rotten to the core.”


Raidorl frowned at Sven’s explanation. It seemed that he had uncovered a part of the darkness and mystery of the kingdom that was not known.


“So imperial aggression was underway long before the war started? To have kept the lion’s den of worms swimming around for so many years……must mean that our king’s eyes were completely blind.”


“I think King Granard is pretty good when it comes to internal affairs but……it seems he couldn’t see all the way to the edges of the kingdom.”


“You become king knowing that, don’t you? The king should bear the responsibility for the outcome. It’s not a position from which you can make excuses.”


As he said this, Raidorl placed a bundle of papers in front of Sven. Sven quickly looks through the documents laid out on the desk and runs his pen over them. The deftness with which he handled the documents was remarkable and they were processed one after the other.


Originally, only military officers and soldiers, including Darren, served under Raidorl and there was a critical lack of brainpower who could engage in internal affairs. In this respect, the addition of Sven was a very welcome addition.


Sven was born as the third son of the Earl of Arbeil and was supposed to be an aide-de-camp to support his elder brother, who succeeded him. For this reason, he learned about domestic politics and economics from an early age and was probably knowledgeable about domestic affairs in general.

[TL: Aide-de-camp is a military officer acting as a confidential assistant to a senior officer]


Raidorl, too, had received a higher education like royalty until he was expelled from the royal palace but …… perhaps because of his innate qualities, Sven was far superior when it came to domestic affairs.


‘All in all, it sounds like I made a really good find. Although……’




Sven cleared out the paperwork one after another but there was still too much paperwork that needed to be processed.


No, it was not that there were too many documents, but that there were too few people who could settle them. The only civil servants currently under Raidorl, with the exception of Sven, were a few vassals who served the Counts of Arbeil and the Viscounts of Wolfert. Clearly, there were not enough people for the amount of work that had to be done.


“…… The shortage of personnel is a challenge for the future. The number of soldiers has increased but there is a lack of military officers to command them. When it comes to civilian officers, there are only Sven and a few more. It makes me want to cry.”


“We can’t do anything about military officers but I am trying to recruit civilian officers, especially merchants. I think they will gather in a while……”

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“The military officers are out of their depth. Not many of them have experience leading a hundred soldiers, let alone a thousand. The soldiers we have gathered are all mercenaries and militias…….”


“If we were to choose, wouldn’t it be great to draw personnel from……other eight eastern families? If we have the privilege of Your Highnesses to do with prisoners of war as we please, we can save people who would otherwise be executed and welcome them into our vassalage. If we can bring competent enemies to our side, we can strengthen our army even more, can’t we?”


At Sven’s advice, Raidorl nodded his head.


One of the covenants made between Raidorl and Granard concerned 『the right to kill, spare and take prisoners of war』. This gave Raidorl the right to do as he pleased with those he captured in war.


Under the guise of prisoners of war, capable personnel from the Eight Eastern Families could be extracted and openly used to strengthen the military force to confront his older brother.


‘We have got a good military officer, a secret agent and three thousand soldiers. The civilian officers are waiting for people to respond to the recruitment and the rest are military officers who can command the army…..’


The soldiers under the Viscount’s command had dealt with bandits before, but they lacked experience in actual warfare, and it was difficult for them to command on the battlefield. It would take more than a month for a newly recruited soldier to become properly useful.


“Now is the time to build up your strength little by little, Your Highness. Don’t be in a hurry. Luckily, the rumours we spread seem to have roused some of the nobility, so even if we don’t make a move, they’ll probably try something from the other side, won’t they?”


“……Something, you say. What are you going to do if they collude and confront us?”


“At that time, it would be a matter for His Highness to reap the benefits of his power. His Highness has only one body. If the enemy moves separately, it will be difficult to deal with them but if they attack in unison, it will be easier to crush them.”


“…… You’re a truly horrendous child, Sven.”


Raidorl  shrugged his shoulders in amazement but did not deny it.


The rumours spread by Sven using his secret agents had caused no small amount of confusion in the houses of the Eight Eastern Families. If they were driven by fear to surrender, it’d be good, because Raidorl would win without a fight. If they colluded and invaded Wolfin, then he could use the power of the Holy Sword to defeat them all together.


The boy’s scheming in anticipation of this only sent Raidorl’s spine chilling.


“….. How long will it take for the enemy to make their move? Shall we wait patiently?”


“Yes, yes, let’s do what we can for now, shall we? Like, for example, the paperwork that’s spread out in front of us.”




Raidorl let out a small sigh and turned to the paperwork, which he was not good at, as Sven said.


 〇         〇         〇


After working late into the night on paperwork, Raidorl finally returned to the room in the mansion that he used as his bedroom. Upon entering the room, he stripped off his clothes and jumped into bed, wearing only his underwear.


“I’ve been an adventurer too long. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any brain work and it’s excruciating ……”


When he was living in the royal palace as a prince, he used to study hard with his tutor, but……such memories were a distant memory. Today, Raidorl was living as a swordsman and adventurer. It would have been far easier to hunt demons in the wilderness or dense forests than to sit at a desk and file papers.


“……Really, if I don’t get more civil servants soon, I’m going to die of overwork. Oh, for God’s sake. It’s not funny that a desk job wins against an Excalibur Holder.”


Blurring his words, Raidorl closed his heavy eyelids, unable to resist the lure of sleep.


Normally, this was where the erotic maid would have jumped into bed and the night’s fighting would have begun. Since Neimilia was not brought along on this expedition, he would be able to sleep peacefully.


Raidorl was fatigued from his unfamiliar desk job. Within ten minutes of getting into bed, he had sunk into a deep sleep.




A short time after Raidorl fell asleep, the doorknob of the… moved slowly and the door opened with a giddy click.




A small figure entered the dimly lit room, with moonlight streaming in through the window, unannounced and unassisted. The mysterious figure who entered the room turned its head from side to side……and eventually caught sight of Raidorl sleeping on the bed.




A figure let out a small laugh and walked slowly towards the end of the bed. This was followed by the sound of the rubbing of garments echoing through the room.




Raidorl, who was wrapped in the duvet, also made a slight tingling sound, as if he had sensed someone’s presence.


But he did not wake up. His eyelids were still drooping, as if the exhaustion he had built up was chipping away at his sense of danger.


The mysterious figure flipped up the duvet and slipped into the bed. The figure then crawled from Raidorl’s feet to his waist and then to his chest.



Having reached that point, Raidorl finally uttered the maid’s name in a sleepy voice.


The reason why Raidorl , who was supposed to be a skilled swordsman, allowed the intrusion to go so far was because the maid usually attacked him in his sleep. Neimilia’s daily routine had made him lose his sense of alertness towards anyone who entered his room and crawled into his bed.


“NFufu……It’s humiliating to be called another woman’s name. My husband-sama.”




The unfamiliar voice finally made Raydor realised something was wrong. He grabbed the duvet with his right hand, plucked it off and threw it away.


“Yaan! You’re……so violent, it’s embarrassing me.”


“Who are you………?”


The crooked thing that had invaded the bed was revealed. Raidorl’s eyes widened and she uttered a suspicious sound.


The figure straddling her body was a naked woman without a stitch of clothing on. Her wavy blonde hair hung down and she ran her fingers over Raidorl’s thick breastplate.


“A muscular, well-trained body. I’m so smitten with you.”


“….I’m going to ask you one more time. Who are you?”


Raidorl stared at the woman stroking his skin. The woman in front of him was definitely a woman he had never met before.


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For a moment, he suspected it was an assassin released by someone, but the woman was unarmed and he couldn’t sense any killing intent. If it was an assassin, he would have cut her down with his sword but she just stroked Raidorl’s body. The fact that what she was doing was similar to what Neimilia was doing also made him hesitant to slay her.




The woman smiled slyly and stuck out her tongue mischievously.


“It doesn’t matter now who I am. I am a woman. You are a man. And here in this love nest called a bed ….. Don’t we have better things to do than introduce ourselves?”




The woman licked Raidorl’s chest. She even dropped a kiss, as she would do to the lips of a loving man.


“Muscles to adore. A truly beautiful and complete body of a gentleman.  A husband worthy of me. The very body of a hero…….”




“Come, let us nurture our love together. My dear husband.”


The woman turned her wet eyes towards Raidorl. The woman’s face was reflected in a pair of azure sky-blue eyes that shone in the night like a cat’s. 


“………..I never attract any decent women. All I get are perverted women who fall for me and woo me.”


After a moment’s thought, Raidorl raised his fist and slammed the clenched fist into the woman’s head mercilessly.




The woman screamed like a beast whose tail had been stepped on and rolled off the bed.


Raidorl got up and sat cross-legged on the bed, looking down at the woman’s too-small naked body.


“I’m not impressed with your seduction. What kind of a joke is this…… you little brat?”


“Uuu……I never thought you wouldn’t see my charm…..”


“No, what are you talking about with such a poor body? Who would fall for a little brat’s tricks?”


Raidorl got dressed in amazement at the woman rubbing her head.


It must have been a woman who had rolled off the bed and was sitting on the floor but……she looked like a child. She was so small in stature that she might or might not reach Raidorl’s waist. A cylindrical torso with no concavity or convexity at all. Even younger than Sven. A girl……who could have been called a little girl.


“I hate to say it, but I have no taste for lusting after children. At least puff out your tits half as big as my maid before you come back here!”


“Auuuー…. it’s cowardly move to talk about my breasts ….”


“Your Highness! What is going on!?”


Thudding footsteps echoed from the corridor and the door to the room was opened from the outside.


Noticing the anomaly, Darren Garst,Saara Leifet, and security soldiers rushed into the room.


Darren breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Raidorl cross-legged on the bed, without a scratch and then froze at the sight of a naked young woman sitting on the floor.




Darren froze for a moment, but eventually gave a drawn-out smile.


“…..Sorry about this. I’m afraid I’ve interrupted Your Highness. Please continue to enjoy your entertainment.”


“Wait, wait, wait! You’re definitely making the wrong assumption!!”


“Worry not, Your Highness. I know that aristocrats and royalty have a taste for such things.”


“You’ve got it all wrong! Don’t look so kind! Don’t close the door!”


Raidorl hurriedly stopped Darren as he was about to leave the room with an unusually warm smile.


While they were exchanging these words, Sven suddenly appeared from behind Darren.


“’What’s all the fuss about this late at night……….I can’t sleep, you know?”


Sven, dressed in his pyjamas, rubbed his sleepy eyes and peered into the room. He then opened his eyes to see a young girl sitting on the floor, rubbing her head.


“Hm…..? Shirley……Shirley Elladine! How did you get in here?”


“….Ara? …Is that you, Sven? You’re alive.”


The young girl tilted her head slightly, her eyes teary from the pain, as Sven shouted, blowing away his drowsiness.




The name of the house sounded familiar, and Raidorl looked quizzically at the young woman. Darren and the soldiers under his command also stared at the naked young woman.


Under the gaze of everyone in the room, Shirley Elladine, daughter of Baron Elladine, awkwardly pulled up the sheets to hide her body.


 〇         〇         〇      

“In conclusion…… you’ve snuck into the mansion to sexually assault me?”




Shirley Elladine’s lips twitched in silence at Raidorl’s censorious confirmation.


Shirley had been naked earlier, but now she was dressed in borrowed clothes from a maid working in the mansion. The simple commoner’s clothes were out of place on the flamboyant-looking Shirley, but no one mentioned this because of the circumstances.


“Shirley, you are disrespectful to His Highness! You need to change your attitude!”


Next to Shirley, who was sitting on a chair, Sven’s eyebrows were raised in anger. The tone was a little more higher than the way he spoke to Raidorl, as if he was scolding his sister for misbehaving.


As for their relationship, it seemed that they had a childhood familiarity with each other. The Counts of Arbeil and Barons of Elladine were nobles of the same Eight Families of the East and their territories were close, so the two families were close friends.


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Younger than Sven, Shirley had often visited the Countess with her father and had been brought up like a brother and sister. There might or might not have been arranged marriage for the future but……that was a possibility that had disappeared now that the Counts of Arbeil had fallen and the Barons of Elladine had turned to the Empire.


After being scolded by Sven, Shirley reluctantly opened her mouth. Where had the fascinating and bewildering tone and atmosphere from a few minutes ago gone? 


“But that doesn’t mean that seducing His Highness is ……the right thing to do. To begin with, it’s the wrong thing to do!”


“Well, calm down, Sven. I’ve been wondering more than this for a while now, how did she get into this mansion?”


Naturally, the mansion where Raidorl, a royal and a general in the army, slept was  guarded by soldiers day and night. No matter how many children they were dealing with, it was impossible to let them in without permission.


“It’s……probably because she used her demon eye.”


“Demon eye?”


Raidorl tilted his head at Sven’s reply.


The demon eye was literally an eyeball filled with magic power and was a special ability possessed by some demons. Raidorl had fought Gorgons with the demon eye of 『petrification』 and Cockatrices with the demon eye of 『paralysis』 and remembered that they were both difficult enemies that could not be easily defeated.

[TL:Cockatrices have two legs of a dragon/wyverns, a tail of a serpent and a head of a chicken.]


Raidorl had heard that there were rare cases where the demon eye appeared in humans as well, but he never expected to……actually see it.


“Shirley has the magical eye of 『charm』. It has the ability to amplify the feelings of favour directed towards her and make her captivate others.”




Raidorl thought back to the time when Shirley had just crawled on him in the night. At that time, Shirley’s eyes seemed to glow in the night darkness, and it seemed that her eyes were emitting magic power.


“I think she probably got into His Highness’ bedchamber by captivating the soldiers on guard.”


“….. If that’s the case, it’s very worrying. If she was an assassin, His Highness might not have got off scot-free.”


Darren, who was listening to the conversation next to him, muttered bitterly.


As the man in charge of the mansion’s security, the power of the magic eye, which could easily incapacitate soldiers, must be a threat.


However, Sven slowly shook his head at Darren’s concerns.


“No……It’s true that the magic eye is a rare ability, but Shirley’s power is not that strong. Her eye only increases the love and desire directed towards her, so it doesn’t work on people who don’t like her at all. It doesn’t even work on children like me and even those with strong magical resistance, such as sorcerers.”


“I see. So that’s why it didn’t work on me.”


Raidorl did not have a propensity for lusting after young girls and had a high magic resistance due to the blessing of the Holy Sword. There was no room for the charmed demon eye to work.


Shirley was able to reach Raidorl’s sleeping quarters, probably because she was lucky enough to use her demon eye on a guard soldier she happened to encounter.


“…..Wait a minute. By that logic, are you saying that some of the soldiers on night duty today have a propensity for lusting after young girls?”


“Well……that would be the case, wouldn’t it?”


When Darren pulled a face and asked, Sven awkwardly looked away and replied with muffled words. Darren’s shoulders slumped in disappointment as he discovered his subordinate’s bad proclivities. Next to him, Sarra, the only woman apart from Shirley, mumbled, [Gross ……].


Raidorl gave Darren a sympathetic glance and immediately turned his attention back to Shirley, who was sitting uncomfortably in her chair.


“Now …… the question is what to do with this girl.”




Shirley jumped on her shoulders. She might have taken such a bold action with childish recklessness, but no matter how one looked at it, what Shirley did was a mortal sin that deserved a maximum sentence. She tried to manipulate a royal by holding him captive with her demon eye. There was no way she could be forgiven.


Sven interrupted the teary-eyed young girl in a panicked manner.


“Your Highness! It may be impolite of me to offer this, but it seems that Shirley has no malice towards you! Please, I beg you to treat her with leniency ……!”


Although their relationship had been cut off since the Barons of Elladine turned to the Empire, for Sven, Shirley was like a sister with whom he spent his childhood.


The sight of a boy trying to protect his childhood friend reminded Raidorl of a certain woman. Raidorl also had a childhood friend. The relationship was sore for a number of reasons but there was a time when…..he genuinely wanted to protect her.


“Sven, you seem to have a good relationship with your childhood friend. I envy you a little bit. Because my relationship with my childhood friend are all twisted up.”




“Don’t worry, I won’t kill her. That girl’s demon eye is going to come in handy sooner or later.”


Nowadays, this might only work for people with a taste for young girls but when Shirley grew up and became a woman of age, there would be many people who would be captivated by her eyes. As an investment in the future, it was not a bad idea to forgive the sins of the young girl, Shirley Elladine here and bring her into the camp of Raidorl’s allies.


“The Barony of Elladine may be demolished and your lands taken from you but I will guarantee your life and property if you will surrender……willingly. If you demonstrate your strength and worth under me, you may even be able to rebuild your house in time.”


“………. Really? Will I live?”


“I’m serious. A warrior never says twice.”


When Shirley asked her with a pleading look, Raidorl nodded emphatically. She was probably reassured by his attitude. Shirley laughed like a flower blooming.


“Okay, then I will be under my husband’s command. And I will persuade my father to do the same.”


“Good, by the way, what’s this husband you’re talking about?”


“Ee? Husband is going to make me his concubine, isn’t he? Isn’t that the whole point of growing up as a child, to suit my husband’s own liking?”




At Shirley’s response, Raidorl remained silent and slowly turned to face Sven.


“……I’ll speak to her on your behalf.”


“Please do.”


It seemed that Raidorl had added more work to Sven as an apprentice soldier.


Sven looked a little pallid and Raidorl tapped him on the shoulder with a pitying glance.

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