Chapter 95: Is this a big joke?

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“Yes, Assistant Xu!”


Everyone immediately crowded around Xu Yang and Ning Xiaofei to stop them.

It has been tough fishing this big Buddha. If they miss this opportunity, it would be a great loss for the column.

“I’m also very optimistic about Miss Ning, but…” Xu Yang swept a glance over Pei Ruoxi and Ji Mo, “if you can’t keep her, then there’s nothing else to say. Mr. Xicheng said that he would only cooperate with Ning Xiaofei. Others…. there’s no need for crap talk!”

With this big plot reversal, Pei Ruoxi quietly retreated and left.

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Ning Xiaofei also noticed her retreat and raised her voice at once.

“Sister Pei, don’t run!”

Pei Ruoxi bit her lip and stopped.

“Rest assured, I’m not as timid as you are. I was willing to bet and lose. For things I promised, I will carry it out. But…” She glanced sideways at Ji Mo, “Director Ji, is this group a hotel or a vegetable market. When you want to come, you come and when you want to go, just leave?”

“Make no mistake, I’ll never tolerate anyone.” Ji Mo also raised his voice, “Xiao Zhou!”

The front desk receptionist hurriedly squeezed in, “Director!”

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“Call Finance Department. Ning Xiaofei was late three times without any valid reason. Deduct all under-times from her salary this month.” Reaching for the resignation letter on the table, he looked deeply at Ning Xiaofei, “This resignation letter, I’ll keep it. If you are late once more, I won’t care who you are friends with. No matter who supports you, immediately scram out of the column!”

With his temperament, he wouldn’t have tolerated her fault if not for her inviting Xicheng.

This little girl is too stubborn and proud. He must make it clear to her that some things come with a price.

His scolding this time didn’t anger Ning Xiaofei at all. On the contrary, her heart was full of gratitude.

“Thank you Director. I promise, I will certainly won’t be late again!”

After handing in her resignation letter but was still kept by the other party, this already is the best face given to her.

“You’d better do so!”

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Ji Mo snorted and turned back to his office.

Ning Xiaofei raised her face again and when she looked at Pei Ruoxi, her expression has restored its calmness.

“Sister Pei, tomorrow is Saturday. Do not forget…Your apology, I’ll be waiting in front of the TV on time, recording it for a souvenir.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun?” Xu Yang also laughed and joined in. “What apology?”

Ning Xiaofei smiled and said, “This is the case. Before, I made a bet with Miss Pei. If within three days, I can invite Mr. Xicheng, she will apologize to me in front of the people in the whole country. If you have time tomorrow night, you can watch too. Also, you should take note of Ms. Pei’s show. It’s definitely wonderful.”

Xu Yang followed her along and responded, “Okay. Then, I’ll get Mr. Xicheng to see it together. Miss Pei, don’t forget, otherwise… I won’t know how to explain to Mr. Xicheng.

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Pei Ruoxi was so mad but she could only ground the back of her teeth helplessly.

After shooting a cold glance on Ning Xiaofei’s face for a while, she turned and separated herself as she walked to the door.

Ning Xiaofei swung her phone right behind her.

“Sister Pei, you can send it to your circle of friends. Remember to forward it!”


Pei Ruoxi slammed the door.


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