Episode 4 

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Serious Executioner

I stand up and grab the sword stuck in the stage with my right hand.

 Using my left hand I undo the bandage wrapped around it.

 The sword gives off a black luster when exposed, like gleaming pearls that are the color of night.

 Before the execution, there is a ritual to be done.

 May the soul of the sinner who is dealt the cutting edge of my blade find the afterlife.

“To the sinful soul, the baptism of ruthlessness. To the innocent soul, forgive me and may you be blessed.”

 I hold the great sword with both hands now.

 I apply magic to the blade.

 The magic of the Executioner’s Prayer.

“Baptism….. [Steel Baptism]!”

 One magic is taught to the executioners of the Sanson family, it has been for generations.

 That is this. A baptismal work that purifies the soul of a sinner who met their end by our blades.

“What! What is that!?”


 The rubbing marks are engraved with spells and magic circles, white light emitting from the sword in their shape.

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 This is my weapon.

The Executioner’s Blade.

“The color of the big sword has changed!?”

“That white light… that’s definitely baptism…!?”

 Do you know my Holy magic, revered magicians?

 All the teachers are surprised, but only Cerberus’ owner, Garadoon, was looking at me with cold eyes.

“Power that works only on dark magic. Purification magic that exterminates sins … That power naturally works on demon beasts summoned by dark magic.-It’s a secret technique that has been passed down to the executioner’s family since ancient times.”

 A woman sitting in the audience said, the cigar smoking in her mouth.


 It is a technique to give the power of baptism to an object carved with the correct spell and a magic circle. The target of baptism is evil beings such as demons and evil spirits. Of course, it should also work for Cerberus.

 In a world with a guillotine, the city I was in was particular about decapitation with a sword like the Sanson family because it was said that the souls of those who were decapitated with this baptismal sword would be purified. In fact, I don’t know if the soul will be purified just because its Earthly forms was decapitated with a baptismal sword. Well, I hope it is, I suppose.

“This is stupid! That’s not a level that students can use!”

“Isn’t Rand’s specialty magic a Healing magic!?”

“After all, that child… he isn’t Rand!.”

 The audience starts to make noise, but it doesn’t affect me.

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 The indignation that has accumulated in my chest, I’ll show you! Hell’s watchdog…!

“This is the execution stage, and I, the Executioner. Come at me! Let there be carnage!”


 Cerberus is approaching me, intent on ending my life.

 I accumulate power in both my legs. The moment Cerberus jumps, I bring my blade down upon his neck.

 Cerberus’ lead head fell from his upper body.The baptismal technique seems to work properly.



 At the same time as the fall, 


 Cerberus opened his mouth wide as he tried to bite down upon the blade.

Cerberus’s bite attack. I avoid this by sliding under him and stabbing his underbelly.

“Physical ability equal to Cerberus!?”

 Someone in the audience shouted so.


 Cerberus rolls and latches his jaw upon my blade, stopping me from a further attack.

 The big sword cannot be pulled out. That’s quite troublesome.

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 Cerberus lifted both ends of his mouth, his sharp teeth making a terrifying smile.

 With the big sword stuck, I remove my hands from the handle and kick the right forefoot of Cerberus.


 Cerberus loses balance and falls.

 I grab the last neck of Cerberus and squeeze.

“Hey, girl, what are you going to do!?”

I grasp the last neck of the fallen Cerberus and pull, all thewhile twisting.


 Bones creak and break.

 The meat upon the neck breaks,

 The smell of blood and its warmth reaches me.

 Squeeze the neck as if you would die if you did not.


 Black flows and explodes up like a fountain and is scattered on the stage.

 The last neck of Cerberus has been obliviated.

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 This is the end of the execution.

 Stunned examiners.. Are stunned.

 The performance has ended and silence comes to the venue.

“Excuse me!”

 It was a boy with a bandana on his head that broke through the silence.

 The Bandana boy bows and shouts.

“Examinee number 022! I’m Rand-Taylor !! Thank you… what is that?”

 Oops, it’s the appearance of the real Rand.

 Rand raised his head, identified the corpse of Cerberus, and a large number of question marks seemed to fill the room.

“What did you do?”

 The examiners made a stern look, saying, “I want to hear this.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not an examinee.”

 As usual, I have a smile on my face.

 The examiners focused their eyes on one point. Not me. I gazed at the woman holding a cigar, who looks to have regard among the examiners.

 The woman laughs happily.

“Let’s talk outside for the time being. Come with me, Mr. White Hair and a Ponytail.”

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