Moonlight Dormitory

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“When you finish your meal, I’ll give you a map to the dormitory, so come and get it if you’re done.”

 When the amount of food on the table became low, Vice-Principal Harman shouted out information about the dorm.

“Vice-Prinicpal Harman, are we all in the same dorm?”

 Rand asks.

“No, I allocated it properly. Rand, unfortunately you are alone.”


 I emptied the plate in front of me, finished the meal, and went to get a map from Vice-Principal Harman.

“You are in the same dormitory as Karen Alitane, Gashamal Fuma and  Nestor Van Gogh.”

 Karen is the girl who was involved in a fight with Himari a while ago. I only remember that Gashamal is a girl and Nestor is a boy.

“All three have already left.”

“The dormitory where you live is the 8th dormitory.”

 Vice-Principal Harman says the name of the place where I will be for a long time and cared for.

“Moonlight Dormitory.”

“Moonlight Dormitory.”

I echo what Vice-Principal Harman says.

 I left the class building with my luggage, the painting.



 The time is around 19:00.

 I am walking toward the dormitory where I will live.

“It’s far.”

 I mutter.

 A map depicting the location of the dormitory is in the right hand, and the painting is in the left.

 The residential area is built up of dormitories and the homes of merchants and teachers living in the Academy. Therefore, it is located right in the center of all areas.

 Long buildings are lined up at regular intervals both vertically and horizontally. All around here are dormitories. The sky is dark and only moonlight and streetlights are relied on to see.

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 It seems that the place where my dormitory is located is still far away, and as I walked along the map’s path, trees came out and the buildings disappeared.


 I couldn’t help sighing at the scenery in front of me.

 It’s a slope. It is also a slope with a fairly strong rise. I can’t see past it.

 It seems that there is a dormitory beyond this slope.

 Do I have to walk up this slope every day? It seems that hard labor, no matter the quantity, will always be in the cards for me.

 When I went up the hill I was out of breath but I finally saw the dormitory.

“This is it huh… Moonlight Dormitory.”

 It’s two stories. The other dormitories I saw on my way here were shiny brick.

 It’s made of wood and stone, rather than the shiny brick like the others. It’s wide widthwise.

“Welcome to Moonlight Dormitory.”

 A man with dark brown hair is sitting on the roof of the dormitory. He wears round sunglasses.


 The man jumps from the roof.


 His feet couldn’t stand the impact of the fall, and he knelt on the ground.

“Gah, that’s less cool than I thought. Hurts like a sumbitch too.”

“… If you jump from such a high place, that will happen.”

 ”Anyway,” The man cleared his throat.

“You are Charles. All the new students except you have already arrived.”

“I see.

“I’m the Moonlight dorm manager. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, thank you”

 While making a quick bowing, I turn my eyes upward to look at the dorm managers face.

 The dormitory manager is a man with long brown hair. A turban is wrapped around his head, just hiding the top. There is no doubt that he is older than me. He is mature looking with the stubble on his chin. But I don’t think he’s over 20. He’s probably about 18, four years older than me.

 I didn’t recognize the dormitory manager’s face.

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 However, I am familiar with the hair color and the turban on his head.

“You were the flying dragon rider, yes?”

“Did you remember? Yes, it was a training session this morning. Look, there’s a hut to the right of the dormitory, you can see it, right? That’s a dragon hut. The flying dragon I was riding in the morning is in there.”

 I can see a hut with an iron fence surrounding it..

 Behind the fence is a dragon with his head poking out of the hut with a runny nose.

“Come on, enter. I’ll show you the dormitory.”

 He pulls the door open and the dormitory manager goes inside. I follow him.

 There is a kitchen on the first floor of the dormitory, with long desks and chairs alternating. It’s like a dining room.

“This is a common room. You can use the kitchen freely. Most of the dormitory students eat here.”

 There were two boys in the lounge.

“Well, what do we have here, man?”

These two have explosive hair, afro’s of the highest class. 

“Hey, three men and one woman, I won the bet.”

Was I mistaken about one of the boys, getting them confused with a girl? I could’ve sworn Gashamal was a girl.


The person who apparently lost puts two 1000 currency bills on the table.

“Let’s introduce ourselves. That Afro guy is Risette. I’m his awesomeness, me.”

“Nice to meet you, freshman.”

“Yes, thank you…”

“There are many other dormitory students, but I will introduce other dormitory students later. I will explain the rules of the dormitory and the facilities, so take notes if necessary.” 

 Then the dormitory manager starts showing me around.

 First floor. Common room, shared toilet, shared laundry room, shared storage.

 Outside is a dragon hut, a unicorn hut, and a storeroom.

 The second floor is all dormitory students’ rooms.

“You can freely eat the food in the lounge. Oh, and the chime bird crows every morning except on holidays, so you don’t need to have an alarm clock.”

“Chime hird?”

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“It’s a ridiculously loud bird that wakes us every morning.”


“You will understand tomorrow.”

 After finishing all the explanations, the dormitory manager gave out the key.

“Your room is room 202 on the second floor. I live in room 220. If you have any questions about the dormitory, please visit the room.”

“Got it”

“Hey, this is the key to the room”

“Thank you”

 I receive the key for Room 202.

“Is there anything else you would like to ask?”

“One thing.”


“Why is this called  Moonlight Dormitory?”

“It’s called Moonlight Dormitory because the moonlight hits it well. There is no deep or philosophical reason.”

 Then I broke away from the dormitory manager and I unlocked my room and entered.

“This is my room from today on.”

 The room is large. Entrance, living room, toilet, closet, shower room. Furniture such as sofas, water heaters, beds, and long desks are also substantial. It’s not cramped even if it’s full of furniture.

 I enter the world of painting and carry my personal belongings from the mansion to this room. The execution sword can be left in the painting. The painting matched the interior of the room and the atmosphere, so I hung it on the wall in front of the bed.

 I look over the room.

 It’s dusty… I should like to clean it a little, I think.

 I pick up the broom I found in the closet and startcleaning the room. When I opened the curtain to look outside, moonlight rushed into the room. As the dormitory manager says, the moonlight hits well.

 After cleaning, I put the broom in the corner and jumped on the bed. It’s a bed that is neither soft nor hard.

 I turn over and bury my face in a pillow.


 I fall asleep in my uniform.

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〇 Comment: Charles-Henri Sanson 

 Date: Thursday, April 1st 

 Pick-up items: None

 We all played a game today.

 I was able to deepen my friendship with everyone and had a meaningful time I’m sure I won’t forget.

 I think I could have deepened my friendship further if there was no unnecessary pressure to drop out if we couldn’t find the class building.

 The recreation rules were also ambiguous, and I felt that a little more detailed explanation was needed .

 I would like the school to do something about the lack of explanation.

◆ Comment ◆

 This is not a place to complain about school.

〇 Diary: Himari Lanfer 

 Date: Thursday, April 1st 

 Pick-up items: None

 I was able to clear it thanks to my “squad”, but I am amazed at the low level of this class.

 A red-haired man and an orange-haired woman came out to try and lead, but they couldn’t give any instructions, and the silver-haired woman just complained.

 The stupid man…  is stupid. He was hungry and probably had only rice in his head.

 I’m worried about the future of the class.

 Only Charles is barely recognizable to me. Everyone would have been expelled without me.

◆  Comment ◆

Remember the names of your classmates!

〇 Diary: Rand Taylor

 Date: Monday, April 1st 

 Pick-up items: Benmashi

[TL Note: Benmashi is Chinese herbal medicine apparently…. It helps with constipation.]

 I want fish.

◆ Comment ◆

 You’re an idiot.

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