Executioner Goes to the Academy (LN): Prologue

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Prologue: The Day My Lover Was Executed

Every executioner ever has this problem. This problem has followed executioners through the ages and the solution to it is not a simple one to reach. Is it easy to cut off a human head? Yes or No. You wield either a great axe or sword, massive in size. The body you imagine is a medium-sized man. Do you have your answer? The correct answer is no. The human neck is not simple to cut through. For that matter, it’s not easy to cut human bones. Human bones, depending on who of course, can be as hard as iron, terribly tricky to cut through.

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There was once an executioner named Jack Trotch. Jack could not cut through a neck for the life of him. Prisoners were terrified of Jack’s table because he would sometimes cut only partially through the prisoners neck, causing him to swing again, all the while the prisoners still alive in immense pain. Jack’s infamy illustrates the difficulty of his execution. Not only technology, but of course, physical and mental strength is also required. You must also know the vital points of a human being to make it as quick and painless as possible.

I lean over the execution table, my next victim prepared. My name is Charles. My name is Charles and I have killed more than 1000 people at age 14.

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“.. .This is wrong.”

I hear cackling and applause. Applause to praise the death of the sinner. For me now, the sound of applause was no more audible than the sound of a fly’s wings. -It’s natural to kill the criminals traitors! Evil! -Well done, Executioner! The voice of the people sandwiched between applause. The name of the woman I have just executed is Henri-Sanson. Her smile was large and beautiful, and just because she laughed, the world seemed to be fun.

I executed her with my own hands.

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“Charles. I love you. ”

She said before her execution.

“I loved you too … Henri.”

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In the hot, hot summer, under the bright red sky, I killed my one and only loved one. Why did she have to die? I’ve been looking for the answer.

[TL Note: While we wait for our new editor to rise and help edit the latest Web novel chapter, I thought this would be a nice treat. There will be no regular LN releases.]

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