Leopin has created a “base”.

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The principal and vice principal are completely devastated by this fact.


“Oh, really, a base has been created. ……”


“We were supposed to have a base at our school in two years. ……”


The principal came to his senses and blew bubbles at the vice principal.


“Hey, vice principal! This is a unique opportunity!


The record for the fastest time to set up a base in a pioneer school is 793 days!


If we can set up a base in just two days, it will be a huge record breaker!


If we apply for this, our drop in rank will be erased!”


“I’m sure you’re right, but …….


You can’t apply for a base that was set up by trash from the Special Training Class at ……!”


“Gugu, that’s right ……!”


The principal held his head in his hands, as if he had just forgotten a crucial detail.


Suddenly, the vice principal said, “That’s right!”


“Principal! If that’s the case, then we should move up our schedule and let the students build the base first!


If one unemployed trash can build a base by himself, the talented students can build a base by themselves.”


“That …… is also true! Then we’ll select a project leader from among the students and put him to work!


They waited until the early morning of the next day and called a student into the principal’s office.


“What can I help you with ……?”


“Oh, Weiss-kun! How are you feeling?”


“Yes, thanks to the teacher, I’m feeling much better.

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You see, I was not the cause of this downgrading scandal. ……”


“Well, well, well, what’s done is done!


There is something I want you to do!”


“Yes! You’re a Sage, Weiss!


And I want you to take advantage of your abundant ‘Intelligence’ and ‘Liberal Arts’ status and turn the residential area into a ‘base’!


“A base? Isn’t the building of a base still a long way off ……?”


“No, no, with a student of your caliber at the helm, it can be done now!


I’m specially appointing you as the ‘base chairman’ by my authority!”


“You can use students from other classes to build the base!”


“Fuh, I see, I understand what you’re saying.


It’s difficult to build a base with the current personnel and materials, but I can do it.


No, I’m the only one who can do it, it’s safe to say.”


“So you’ll take care of it?”


“Yes, but in exchange, I also have a request.


If you succeed in establishing the base, please appoint …… me as the student body president.”


“Oh, that’s a small price to pay!”




If you’ve broken the record for the shortest time to establish a base, that’s more than enough reason to appoint you as student body president!”


◆  ◇  ◆  ◇  ◆


I wake up to the morning sun shining through the window of my house and it feels good.

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“Uuu~n. I slept well, and since there was no black paper on the window like yesterday, I didn’t sleep in.


I guess it was a good idea to build a fence around the house.”


As I stretch, I look out the window of my house.


And saw a huge Minomushi hanging from a tree in the yard.


It seems to have been caught in a wire trap that I had set up, and as it struggles to get out, it becomes more entangled in the wire.


The Minomushi slowly spun around to look at me.


My eyes met with a familiar face.


“Shinobuuko, huh? You’ve been trying to sneak into people’s houses again, haven’t you?”


Shinobuko doesn’t answer, but stares at me with her usual blank stare.


The only thing that moved was her lips as she quietly said, “Save me.


 “Well, well, if you learn your lesson, don’t ever try to sneak in again.


If you need me, just come in through the gate.”


I take out the “Gisu no Shuriken” from my pocket and throw it at Minomushi’s thread.


The string snaps, and Shinobuko falls to the ground with a thud.


Shinobuko crawls away, her body wrapped around the wire, moving like a caterpillar.


She rolls over and turns around at me,


“The next time we meet, we will kill each other-degozaru!


She spits her usual discarded words and slithers away.


Then, as she continued, I heard a moan from under the window, “Ugh ……”.


I look down to see that the pit had caved in.


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As I peered into the bottom of the pit, my gaze collided again with a familiar face.


“What are you doing, vice principal?”


The vice principal lying at the bottom of the hole, barely pierced by the wooden spear I had set up.


He looks like he is going to die and pleads, “Help me …….”


I feel sorry for him, so I go out into the yard and use the “Gisu Ladder” I had made earlier to help him out of the hole.


The vice principal seems to have injured his leg from the shock of the fall, but he seems to be in good spirits.


When he notices that the suit he is wearing is tattered and covered in mud, he say,


“Geez! My custom-made suit is ruined! Commoners can’t afford this suit even if he works all his life! I haven’t even finished my monthly installment yet!”


And because I’ve been downgraded, my salary is going down!


And yet, and yet, and ~~~~?”


He hangs his head down, and pats the ground with frustration.


“Vice-principal. If you learn from this, please come in through the gate when you need me.”


The vice principal then glares at me.


“There’s no way I have any business with the students of the Special Training Class. ……!


“Then why were you in that place?”


But the vice principal doesn’t answer. Instead, he uses a fallen tree branch as a walking stick and starts walking like an old man.


Then he turns around at me, just like Shinobuuko.


“There are no classes today. It’s free time for the whole school to explore. You should be digging holes and playing.”


I don’t even know if it’s a throwaway line or not, and he staggeres away.


As I watch him walk away, my body begins to glow like morning dew in the sunlight.


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“I’m not sure if I’ve done anything wrong …… by trapping my classmates and teacher to level up.”



Name Leopin

Occupation Trapper

Lv 9 ⇒ 10

HP 1810

MP 1810



Life 181

Endurance 181

Toughness 181

Spirit 181

Resistance 181

Agility 181

Concentration 181

Strength 181

Magic 181

Dharma 181

Intelligence 181

Liberal Arts 181

Five Senses 181

Sixth Sense 181

Charm 1

Luck 2

Dexterity 280 ⇒ 380



Changeable occupations

Production System Lumberjack Appraiser Carpenter Masonry Leather Craftsman NEW! Woodcrafter Exploration System Ranger Treasure Hunter Combat System Battle Axe User Ninja Martial Artist  Trapper


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