I’ve become the top idol of the forest.

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Birds are constantly clinging to my face, squirrels are burrowing into my body, rabbits are clinging to my feet, deer and wild boar are brushing against my face.


“Yup, I didn’t know being a celebrity was so hard. ……!”


I crawl for my life out of the smokescreen of the animals’ infatuation.


I hurriedly reduce my “Charm” status to one.


The animals suddenly come to their senses.


As if they’ve realized that I’m a celebrity look-alike, they return to the forest with a sullen look on their faces.


“Huh. ……. I never thought I’d get into this kind of trouble if I raised my status.”


I drastically reduce the “charm” and evenly distribute the points.



Name Leopin

Occupation Trainer(Tamer)

Lv 13

HP 10 ⇒ 2010

MP 10 ⇒ 2010



Life 1 ⇒ 201

Endurance 1 ⇒ 201

Toughness 1 ⇒ 201

Spirit 181 1 ⇒ 201

Resistance 1 ⇒ 201

Agility 1 ⇒ 201

Concentration 1 ⇒ 201

Strength 1 ⇒ 201

Magic 1 ⇒ 201

Dharma 1 ⇒ 201

Intelligence 1 ⇒ 201

Liberal Arts 1 ⇒ 201

Five Senses 1 ⇒ 201

Sixth Sense 1 ⇒ 201

Charm 3001 ⇒ 101

Luck 2

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Dexterity 300



“A hundred points wouldn’t be too much to scoff at.”


I pull myself together and decide to go to the pond in the forest.


As usual, there are animals drinking water in the pond.


Normally, when I approach the pond, the animals stop drinking and become wary.


But the fawn and the rabbit at the edge of the pond come bouncing up to me like pets whose owners have come home.


When I crouch down to pet them, they don’t seem to mind.


Rather, they rub their heads against my hand as if to say, “Pet me more.”


“It’s so cute. I don’t need to train her anymore. ……”


I think to myself, but then I put my mind to it.


The fawn is looking up at me with dull eyes as I activate my “training” skill.


“Become mine! Training Taming!”


The fawn reacts as if it has heard a thunderclap.


And a heart-shaped light rises from its head.


“Looks like it worked. …… Sit!”


The fawn folds its knees and sits down.


“Stand up!” I say, and it immediately stands up.


“Oh, that’s great! Turn!”


The fawn spins around to my finger movements like a dog trained in tricks.


“Haha, that’s cute! It’s so cute!”


I grab the fawn by the face and squeeze it, and it squeals sweetly.

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“Alright then, let’s go for a walk in the woods, follow me!”


As I start walking, the fawn waddles after me as if it is following its parents.


And the rabbits line up behind us, making me feel like a forest piper.


As I skip, the fawn and rabbits jump up and down.


They are so cute and happy that I forget to look ahead.


The next thing I know, there’s a huge rock in front of me, and I hit it before I could dodge.


…… Fluff!


But the feeling is too soft for a rock.


As I wonder what happened, the rock swells up ……!


It is a bear that looks to be twice my height.


Its huge fur-covered body shines with shark-like eyes.


There is a large scar on its chest, and I know.


“This one is….! It’s the “Owner/Master/Leader” of this forest. ……!”


I immediately try to jump away, but the bear moves much faster than I expected.


The bear uses its blade-like paw to press down on my side.


“Oh, no, ……!”


I shout, and my body is lifted high into the air.


The bear growls high in the air, as if it has already won.




It is a heavy bass sound that made the surrounding air shake.


I immediately use my “Dexterous Job Change” and attempt to change my job to Ninja.

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At the same time, I used “Dexterous Body” to allocate my status and try to get enough power to compete with the bears. ……


But no matter how many skills I activated, the effect does not take effect.


“Why? Why can’t I use my ‘poor dexterity’ skill?”


I didn’t know the cause, but I am in a desperate pinch. I flail my legs.


“Let go of me! Let go of me!”


But of course, the bear would not let me go.


The bear lowers me to its eye level and opens its mouth with a gulp.


It has such a big mouth that it can swallow my head in one gulp.


“If I don’t, I’m going to be killed. ……! If this happens, I’m going to be ……!”


The moment he tries to eat me, I’m going to give him a blow to his throat with all my might. ……!


I swung my fist, but again, he is faster than me.




As I roared, it’s mouth approached me at once, and before I can fight back, I took his attack right in the face.


…pero pero!


A warm, wet tongue attack.


“Uwopu! T- tongue!?”


I think it is going to be fangs!


As I think about it, my face is licked all over the place.


“Oh no! That tickles!”


The bear moves his face even closer and rubs his cheek against my face. Squealing with each rub.


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“Y- You could be ……! Become mine! TAIMING!”


I feel the bear’s hair all over my face and activate my “Training” skill.


A heart mark appears on the bear and I command, “Put me down……!”


Then the bear lowers my body to the ground, seemingly regretting its decision.


I fall back on my butt.


“I guess bears can be tamed with “animal fascination”. …… Thanks to this, I’m saved. ……”


The bear stares down at me and mewes, “Kuhn,” as if it missed me.


“Wow, okay, okay, don’t look at me like that. Sit down!”


The bear then sits on his butt to mimic me.


It makes a loud thumping sound, but it sits down quietly like a stuffed animal.


It is such an adorable gesture despite its large size that I couldn’t help but blurt it out.


“Do you want to come to my house?” I ask. 


I ask him if he wants to come to my house, and the bear raises his paws in delight.


“All right, then, from now on, you’re my friend!”


“Kuoon!” (I dont know onomatopeias for bears growls XD)


“We’ll have to give you a name, …….


Yeah, how about ‘Mark’?”


“Kuokuon, Kuoon!”


“Ha-ha-ha. That tickles! All right, Mark, let’s go back to the house!”




I climb on Mark’s shoulders and head home.


This is the moment when the “Special Training Class”, which had been all alone for so long, gains a new friend.

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