The next morning.

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I get a call that classes are to resume after the restoration of the residential area is completed, so I head for the school.


When I peek into Mark’s house on my way out, I find him curled up and sleeping soundly.


I feel too sorry to wake him up, so I left the forest without talking to him.


The living quarters are being worked on by a professional contractor, and the work is progressing rapidly.


To avoid disturbing the work, I walk around the outside of the residential area.


There are a number of temporary tents set up, and students are working on something.


Akemi, the alchemist, has rented out a tent all by herself and is stirring a large pot.


When I try to approach her, I am confronted by a group of cronies.


But Akemi notices, and with a crane’s call, “Hmm, it’s okay, he’s okay,” the men regretfully give way.


I approach Akemi and ask, “Alchemy?” 


“Yes,” was the short answer.


“Haha, there will be a store in the residential area soon, so I’m preparing for its opening.”


There is only one business for an alchemist.


There is a sign beside the tent that says “Akemi’s Potion Shop” with a black and purple flower logo on it.


The next thing I know, Akemi is reaching out her nail polish fingertips to me and gently removing something from the shoulder of my coat.


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“The hair of the beast.”


Mark’s, I think.


“Mm-hmm, hold on a second.”


Akemi whispered with a sexy exhale and dropped the pinched hairs into a small pot simmering nearby.


She adds some sweet potato roots and a mushroom called “haranoboridake” to the pot.


As she stirs, she mumbles something that sounds like an incantation.


…… pong! There is a puff of white smoke.


Only a small amount of red liquid is remaining at the bottom of the small pot, and Akemi carefully transferrs it to a small bottle.


“I’ll give you this.”


“What’s this?”


“It’s the Whirlwind Voice Potion. If you take it, your voice will be carried farther by the wind. The distance the voice can reach depends on the strength of the roar of the beast it’s made from. …… With one drop of the potion, you can whisper to someone at least 50 meters away. But that voice will be heard by everyone 50 meters away.”


“That could come in handy, depending on how you use it. How much?”


“Oh, no, thank you. You gave me all the materials I used. I don’t want to give you anything in return, but you can come visit me when the store is open.”


Akemi’s long eyelashes flutter, and she winks as if her pheromones are leaking out.


I feel like I am getting a bonus, so I gratefully take the medicine.


Akemi and I part ways and I head for the school building.

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Today’s morning class is an elective.


As I walk through the school gates, I am thinking about what class to take when I see …….


The vice principal spots me and flies at me like a fly.


“Leopin-kun! I’m going to follow you! I’m going to take you to the class you should be taking!”


“The class I should be taking?”


“Yes! The students of the Special Training Class are immature, stupid people who don’t know what class is right for them. That’s why there is a rule that if a teacher gives you a lesson, you have to take it!”


“Oh, really? If that’s the case, I understand. What kind of class is it?”


“That’s still a secret! Follow me and you’ll find out!”


What I am taken to is an outdoor classroom on the outskirts of the school.


There are stables and corrals around, which gives me an idea, but I kept quiet and went along.


The classroom is like a big tent, and the students are already seated.


All of the students have small animals on their desks and are caring for them.


I am seated in the back, in the far corner.


A few moments later, a very sexy woman in a flashy dancer’s outfit comes somersaulting up to me and jumps on the podium.


“Hi, I’m Domanna! I’m the teacher of Trainer-Tamer! I treat pets and students alike! I’ll give the good ones a nudge and the bad ones a shove, so don’t let me down! I’m going to see how good you are, so let’s get started with the Pet Battle!”


“Pet Battle” …… is a battle between trained pets.

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It’s as popular a test of a trainer-tamer’s ability as a pet race.


Domanna-sensei looks around at her students as she continues.


“Well, is there anyone who is a little bummed that they forgot their pet or don’t have a pet yet?”


I honestly raise my hand. I have a pet, but it’s sleeping at home.


I am the only one who raised my hand, and the whole class laughs.


Ms. Domanna calms everyone down with a “Yes, yes,” and then points at me.


“You’re Leopin, aren’t you? If you don’t have a pet, I’ll lend you one just for today! But as a bonus, after school, you’ll get 10 whippings!”


I think I misheard and ask back, “What?”


“I told you before! I said before that I treat pets and students the same! And I have to whip the ones that don’t! But if you show me something amazing during this class, I’ll let you off with a simple whip!”


The vice principal, who is right behind me, clapped his hands loudly.


“Yes! Whips for failures! That’s a wonderful educational policy! Then I’ll lend you a special pet that I cherish very much!”


I can’t help but feel that the story is going in a strange direction, or that it’s already been made up from the beginning.


The vice principal kicked a small cylinder-like object at his feet and rolled it over to me, as if he didn’t want to touch it.


Inside, there is a small rat.


It is stuffed into the cramped tube, unable to move, and it is squeaking in pain.


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“You should use that! Garbage and rats are a perfect match! Mu-ho-ho-ho!”


I pick up the tube and pull it out of the stressful-looking tube.


You can use your trainer tamer skills to train the rats …….


But first, let me adjust my charm.


I activate the “Dexterous Body” skill of the “Poor Dexterity”.


I’m going to increase my “charm” status by about 100 …… for now.


…Let’s just say it now, …….


Why do I always have an unbalanced status distribution?


It is very difficult for the “Dexterous Body” to distribute increases and decreases, and if you are not careful at all, the values will be concentrated in one parameter at a time. I was distracted by the head teacher’s constant laughing and …….


My charm has once again gone over the limit.


Top idol, again. ……!


The next thing I know, all the students’ pets in the classroom are looking at me like I’m their favorite.


And then they all come rushing towards me at once.


In an instant, I’m like an “animal tree”.


The students all look as if their souls have been ripped out of them because I have suddenly taken the pets away from them.


“Eh Ehhhhhhhh!”

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