Chapter 8 : The Prize for Building a Good House

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Meanwhile, in the school building of the Royal Pioneer Academy.


Even in the luxurious castle, the two of them were in the most luxurious room.


“No! Oh no! I didn’t know that trash and Monaka-san were childhood friends!


“Hmph! thanks to them, one of the awards was ruined!


That prize money now has to be returned to the supporters…….”


The principal and vice principal have been trying to extort money from the supporters with some excuse or another.


In this case, they set up prizes and give them to the students.


The prize money, once in the hands of the students, would be consumed by the school throughout the students’ school lives and eventually will end up in the principal’s pocket.


However, the principal and vice principal did not give Leopin the first prize, the “Love with Monaka Award”.


Because …….


“I’m not going to give an award to someone from a special training class.


If you do that, they’ll run away with it in a second.”


That’s right. The “special training class” is like an “outcast room”.


If you give a prize to a student who might quit at any moment, you will surely end up losing the money.


For the elite principal and vice principal, giving money to a dropout is more humiliating than giving money to a thief.


“However, there is nothing we can do about what has already happened, so we’ll just give up and think we’ve tripped over a piece of garbage.”


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“Yes! Yes! That’s the principal, very positive!”


“By the way, vice principal, are you ready for the next award?


If we don’t give out our first award soon, our supporters will complain.”


“Of course! The next award is for building a nice house!


We’re going to go around the residential property and give the prize to the student who builds the best house!”


“Hmm. Hmm, I guess we’ll get a winner this time.


But just in case that piece of trash builds a nice house, ……”


“Don’t worry about that!


The best that the unemployed trash can build is a tiny doghouse!


Besides, I’ve moved the trash’s property into the forest!”


“I see, then it doesn’t matter what kind of house that trash builds.


It’s just a matter of us not inspecting it.”


The principal and vice principal looked at each other and smiled.


“”This time, 10 million will be in our hands ……! Yee hee hee ……!””


The two of them leave the principal’s office and head for the residential compound outside the castle.


But as soon as they left the castle, they saw …….


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“Oh ……! Look at that house!”


“Yes! It’s a two-story house!”


“How could they build such a house with no materials or tools? ……!


Look at all the shacks around us, they look like garbage!”


“He’s definitely going to be an amazing architect in the future!”


“There is no need to judge anymore! We’ll give the prize money to the student who built that house!


We will give the prize money to the student who built that house, and we will show off his excellence to all of our supporters!”


“Yes, yes! If he can build a house like that, we’ll be able to raise a lot of money using him!”


“Yes! The student who builds that house is truly the golden egg!”


With great enthusiasm, they headed for the two-story house.


In the house were the female students of class 1 and 2.


“Oh! This house is the house of Class 1 and 2!”


“It’s a fitting home for the future Great Saint, Monaka-san!


This must be the house that Superboy gifted to Monaka!”


Monaka replied briskly.


“Yes! The person I respect and admire the most built this house for me!”


“Oh, really? So you two have already vowed your futures together?”

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“No, that isn’t the case……. Of course, if he will allow it, I will…….”


As Monaka fidgeted, the principal was convinced that this was a good idea.


He secretly told the vice principal.


“Monaka’s reaction suggests that he and Superboy are on good terms.


Then we can give him the ‘I’m in love with Monaka award’ as well.”


“I see, that’s the principal! You’ve got a brilliant head!


Of course, I always carry the certificate with me!”


The vice principal quickly took out two certificates from his inner pocket and asked with excitement


“Monaka-san! We’d like to give that Superboy a special award!


And it’s a double one!


It would be a great honor, so please don’t be shy and tell us the name of the person you admire!”


“Ha, yes, ……! That person’s name is …… Leo-kun ……! Leopin.”




The vice principal suddenly starts screaming like a crazed monster bird, causing Monaka to shrivel up.


Then he tires up the two certificates and runs out of the house with a face like a boiling kettle.


The students on the grounds are in the middle of rebuilding their collapsed houses.

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The principal and vice principal stomps their feet in frustration.


“Gini ni ni ni ……! The house, except for Monaka’s house, is all garbage. ……!


This is all because of that garbage!”


“I didn’t think that that trash would come to this place!


I thought he was alone in the forest, covered in dust. ……!”


“In this case, vice principal, prepare for the next prize!”


“Yes, sir! I’ve already thought of that!


The next one will be the ‘First to Level Up’ award!”


“Oh, by the way, it’s about time we had our first level-up!


Judging by the level of activity, the class leader should be…….”


The principal and vice principal suddenly see a light in the corner of their vision, as if they have opened a jewelry box.


They look at each other and then shout as if it is by spinal reflex.


“Congratulations on leveling up! Now, take this certificate ……!”


But this is the student they least want to meet.


Leopin, who has just reached level four…….!




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