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"A perfect run, I leveled up!"

Wow, that was so awesome."

"I wanna be in Havoc group!"

Jinn slowly approached the fallen boss a smile on her brown face. She gave Rhapsody a

meaningful glance as she looted the Gnoll Chieftain. "Damn, what a stingy bastard," she said as she linked the loot in raid chat.

*Mining Crafting Book*, *Advanced Mining Pick*, and *Refined Iron* x 15

"Anyone take up mining?" Onion spoke in a sarcastic tone as he repaired his gear. He hadn't taken any damage from these low level mobs, but the Flame AE caused his armor to erode down to 90 percent.

A small hand raised as Amazing Grace stepped forward. "I'm a miner," she said shyly.

Jinn looked around, and since no one else spoke up the pale cleric was awarded everything.

"Thank you so much!" Her big smile was contagious as the raid started gathering closer, everyone eyeing Jinn expectantly.

"Hmm? I guess you want some praise?" Jinn gave them a wicked grin, "without a doubt this turned out as a complete success! Each of you followed directions perfectly and worked well together. I'm very proud."

The grinning students cheered and patted each other on the back. During this time Jinn caught Rhapsody's eye and motioned toward Q. Rhapsody nodded with serious expression.

Back at town, the raid finally disbanded. Daze and Q had been chatting the entire walk back. They had been congratulated several times by their classmates on their outstanding teamwork.

Q had caught Amazing Grace staring at him a few times, each time she had quickly looked away.

"I'm not use to attention,' he leaned close to Daze as he spoke in a lowered voice."

Daze watched him with her dark eyes, "me neither. Hey, want to trade contact information?"

"Yep! I was going to ask you that, but.." he hesitated.

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"You totally choked because of my hotness?"

Q nodded seriously, "it's like you are reading my mind."

Daze smiled prettily, completely oblivious to her classmates whispers.

"So she's really sweet?"

"What a nice personality!"

Jinn approached them, Rhapsody trailing behind her. Jinn grabbed Q's hand, "okay everyone that's a wrap. Feel free to log off and take a break. There may be a special event later this evening, so be sure to check in!"

Q tried to pull his hand free from her grip. "Um… total lack of decorum here!"

Rhapsody appeared on the other side of him and captured his free hand. "We want to chat with you for a bit Q."

"I refuse!!" He glanced at Daze as they started to drag him away. "Some help here?"

Daze smiled sweetly, "do you think they need any more help?"

"Oh god, I've been betrayed already!!" He gave her a fake glare as he was whisked away.

"I'll make it up to you, promise," she called after him.

A short while later he sat on his bed, across from him the two women were seated on chairs.

"Okay. There are a lot of crazy things going on around you." Jinn spoke quietly, her beautiful face serious.

"Gnome guns? Was that some sort of instant jump ability?" Rhapsody leaned forward in her chair, the interest in her eyes apparent.

Q had expected this. In fact they had prepared him for the questions. However being strong armed didn't sit well with him. "This is a misunderstanding," he said with a serious face.

Jinn folded her arms across her chest while staring at him, "a misunderstanding?"

"Yes, the two of you seem to think that I'm obligated to answer your questions." He paused while smiling pleasantly, "of course that is a complete misunderstanding on your part."

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"….." Jinn.

"…." Rhapsody.

The two women stared at him, Q returning their looks without a care in the world. Finally Jinn couldn't take it.

"Q. You have misunderstood our intentions," Jinn explained.

"Oh? You mean you aren't trying to butt into my business because of your natural nosiness?" Q sighed contently, holding all the cards was a pleasant experience.

"You little…," Rhapsody put a hand on her shoulder before Jinn could finish.

"What's it going to take for you to have a bit of faith in us Q?" Rhapsody twirled her green hair around a finger as she lowered her voice.

"I guess I'll take a kiss from each of you," Q said solemnly.

"The hell?" Jinn looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

Rhapsody nodded pleasantly and abruptly dived at Q knocking him backwards on the bed. She grabbed his face and pressed her soft lips against his mouth, after some time she pulled back and looked at Q's stunned expression.

"More?" She pressed herself against him and kissed him again. Finally Q reacted, rolling from under her and crashing to the floor with a loud bang.

"Hey! Are you crazy?" Q's normally composed features were in complete disarray.

Jinn had been frozen to her chair this entire time, her face completely shocked.

"Pardon? " Rhapsody purred at him as she sat up on the bed and fixed her hair. "You did ask for that right?"

"Oh god…you crazy woman." He gave his teacher an expectant look, "don't you have anything to say? I'm your student!"

Jinn shrugged at him as she finally regained her calm, "yeah, Rhapsody is sixteen. So…"

"I guess this means we are together now?" Rhapsody sighed as she placed her hand on her chest, "it's a bit sudden but I can't say I'm not happy about it."

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"Oh god, my great life has ended." Q shook his head, what the hell happened? I was winning a minute ago!

Jinn smiled sweetly at him her head tilting to one side. "I believe we were asking about the Quarry Raid."

Rhapsody sighed loudly, "I guess I can forget about you taking advantage of me, if you'll share your little secrets with us."

Jinn looked at Rhapsody, her face serious. "I think you should have a chat with that cute redhead. You know, the Apple Princess, Leah Fintree."

"What's that even mean? She won't care a bit!" Q cursed silently in his head.

"Right, but I wouldn't want there to be any misunderstanding," Rhapsody gave him an innocent look.

"Keep in mind that your silly antics are completely useless, I'm only sharing because it suits me to do so."

Q took out several items from his bag and placed them on the bed. Among them were an ancient pair of goggles, a worn diary and several cracked stone tablets with writing on them. Inwardly he smiled at the items, it was ridiculously easy to age something when a time mage was helping you.

"Woah, what is all this stuff?" Jinn knelt on the floor bringing her face close to the items, careful not to touch anything.

"Is that an inheritance?" Rhapsody stared at him in shock, her mouth opened and shut several times before she could speak again. "A bloody Gnome inheritance?"

Q nodded seriously, giving them his best solemn expression. Of course Remmy had written the diary, and etched the stone tablets before handing them over to the time mage. "I believe it is, go ahead and take a look. There were a few skill books, but they turned to dust after I activated them."

Jinn and Rhapsody carefully looked through everything on the bed. "...and so I leave to you all the knowledge I have gained throughout my adventures. May the meager skills I pass on keep you safe," Jinn read from the last page aloud.

"You found this with your dogshit luck?" Rhapsody was busy trying to put the goggles on her head.

"I was exploring near the quarry. I climbed down an old shaft and found a skeleton with these items. I buried the bones and put the rest in my pack." He pulled out the pearl handled Gnome pistols and put them on the bed, these were in a case next to the pack.

"That isn't dogshit luck," Jinn picked up one of the pistols, it felt cold to her touch. "It doesn't activate for me at all."

Rhapsody grabbed for the other one, her eyes filling with hope. "Damn, me neither." She sat the pistol back down on the bed. "I'm as about as jealous as a person can be right now."

"Well, perhaps I shouldn't mention that you may have influenced my discovery?" I shouldn't say it, but I need to redeem my complete defeat.

"Hmm?" Rhapsody looked a bit confused as one eyebrow raised up. "What do I have to do with it?"

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"Well I had a jeweler craft me this from the stone I won off of you at the Apple Festival." Q smiled to himself, here it comes.

Lucky Strike Pendant

Unique Item: Created by a master jeweler.

Description: +20 Luck

Additional effect: All critical strike damage is doubled. Effect

cannot be countered or avoided.

"....." Jinn.

"God.. are you kidding me? Where the hell did you get that?" Rhapsody eyes widened in disbelief. "You know a master jeweler? You bastard! I want that back!"

Q shot her a look filled with thankfulness. "You were most generous."

Rhapsody's twirling finger gripped her hair tightly as she gritted her teeth. "I'm so Jealous!! That should have been me."

"Um.. you are an NBK… and if I'm not mistaken, you are the one who recently discovered the NBK TAP class. So that makes you really rich right? A title and property deeds...." Q had little sympathy for people who didn't realize how great they had it.

"Countess Tormented Rhapsody," Jinn giggled as she said it.

"….." Rhapsody.

"Anyways, I think we are done here." Q gathered all the items and then leaned back on the bed. "I need a break."

Rhapsody gave her friend a nod and then blew a kiss at Q. "Don't forget the special event at 6pm."

Jinn nodded not even trying to hide her smirk as she walked out the door. "6pm Q, we will pick you up here!"

Q laid back on the bed with a heavy sigh. Seriously. That vixen is only sixteen?

"Log Off TAP."

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