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A few hours later, a tired group of adventurers quietly gathered back up the luminescent stones and replaced them in the basket. The cool night air was refreshing as they exited the caverns together. They slowly walked toward the wagons, Jinn had looped her arm through Q's as they chatted amiably.

"Somethings wrong!" It was Rhapsody who spoke, her TAP instincts flaring.

A scream sounded out from one of the students. All three of the NPC's were dead, their bodies littered around the campfire. Jinn and Rhapsody moved toward the bodies as they both started calling on their individual talents. Jinn started dancing, her hands moving exotically.

Rhapsody has cast *Under Cover*

She faded into the landscape, her skin changing color to match the terrain.

Jinn has cast *Rapture*

System Message: An AE buff is in effect. +50 to ATK, +50 to Defense.

"Get behind me!" It was Onion who spoke, his shield was out, and he moved in front of the other students.

A dark figure moved through the shadows right at Q, who was standing to one side. Q felt a sudden sting on his neck.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

"I'm poisoned! Please Cure!" Quinn shouted out.

Jinn reacted quickly, putting herself in the assassin's path.

Jinn has cast *Enthrall*

System Message: Target has resisted Enthrall.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

The Assassin's booted foot slammed into Jinn, knocking her to the ground.

System Message: Sinful Jinn has been stunned.

A shadowy Ax gripped in both hands swung mercilessly toward Q. Rhapsody instantly appeared behind the Assassin, barbed vines entangling the dark figure. Deadly looking spikes extended from her palms as she struck the assailant in the back.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

Tormented Rhapsody has activated *Nature's Fury* Critical hit for 15664 damage, one poison counter applied.

The dark figure screamed in pain, without a doubt she was female. The surrounding temperature seemed to plummet several degrees as all the vines turned to ice and were then shattered as she charged Rhapsody.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

"Get back Q!" Jinn shouted as the dark figure attacked her friend.

Sinful Jinn has cast *Midnight Breeze. *

System Message: Target's attack and movement speed has been slowed by 30 percent.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.


Q appeared behind the dark figure.

*Backstab* Critical hit 2 points damage, bonus damage 2 points.

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He slashed twice more for no damage before the figure spun and swung the ax again.


System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

The ax cut soundlessly through the empty air where he had been standing.

Daze has cast *snare*

System Message: Target has resisted snare

Daze has cast *root*

System Message: Target has resisted root.

Grace has cast *HoT Allied Light*

System Message: All allies heal 500 hit-points per minute for three minutes.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

Q could see the assailant clearly now, dressed in black and female. She wore a mask that covered her entire face. She flicked her ax at the arrows that Daze was shooting at her.

She spun again and charged Q, her ax gathered darkness around her as the temperature dropped several degrees. One hard chop aimed at Q's head.

'Obvious feint.' Q raised his Halberd like he was blocking the overhead strike but then ducked low, using the handle to block her kick. He arched his back and followed through with his heel, his scorpion kick landed on the handle of the ax, sending it flying from her hands.

System Message: You have disarmed your opponent.

She froze for a moment, in complete shock.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

*blink* Q picked up the dropped ax.

"You bastard!" The assassin covered the ground between them in a heartbeat.

*Return* He tossed the ax to Grace, who held it for a second before tossing it to Daze.

The assassin paused for a moment. Daze held the ax in one hand, obviously getting ready to throw it.

Q laughed aloud. "Gotta admit, that shit is funny right?"

An instant later she appeared in front of Q, two smaller hatchets in her hands.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.


A protective barrier rose up in front of Q and halted the attack inches from his head. The figure screeched in frustration as she brought down another chop, and then another. Each blow knocking Q back a few yards.

Jinn moved to block her path as Rhapsody extended her palms once more.

*Executioners Blades*

Both Jinn and Rhapsody were swept away by the attack, flying into the air like leaves on the wind.

System Message: *Critical Hit* Sinful Jinn has been slain.

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System Message: * Critical Hit* Tormented Rhapsody has been slain.

The Assassin turned back toward Q, cutting at his shield with both weapons. She seemed to rage uncontrollably for a few seconds before she stopped, her breathe ragged.

"Why won't you die?" An instant later the glow around Q faded, the dark figure laughed as she raised her weapons. "Now you are mine.!"

She took one slow step toward him and suddenly her head blew apart, showering Q in a mist of blood. Her headless body fell to the ground at Q's feet twitching slightly.

Shocked silence filled the night air, a few seconds later a loud boom sounded in the distance.

A small figure lay prone on a ridge 3500 meters to the west, slowly she sat up and stowed the four-foot-long sniper rifle in its case.


Gnome Sniper Rifle: Legendary

All head shots are critical damage x 3

Additional Effect: All head shots over

2 miles are instant kills, effect can be resisted.

The pink haired gnome adjusted her goggles back on her head and she brought out her binoculars. She smiled to herself as she once again spotted Q. "Well.. gotta let them fight a little bit," she muttered to herself.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 950 damage.

System Message: You have died.

Q hovered over his body in corporeal form. "Hmmm… dying in TAP, wonder if I hold some sort of 'death in most VR games record.' Something to look in to."

System Message: You have been offered a Resurrection by Amazing Grace, do you accept?

"Yep" Quinn reappeared over his corpse, it gradually disappeared. He watched Grace as she rezzed both Rhapsody and Jinn.

Quinn took a moment to examine himself. "No rez sickness, no loss of xp and I have all my gear." He glanced over at the headless corpse, "kinda wasted your time."

System Message: You have Successfully assassinated a target on your Hit List.

Crimson Rose: TAP Class Executioner.

Level 87

*Ding* Level 18

*Ding* Level 19

*Ding* Level 20

*Ding* Level 21

*Ding* Level 22

*Ding* Level 23

*Ding* Level 24

*Ding* Level 25

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System Message: You have been awarded 705 thousand credits for assassinating a target 70 levels higher then you.

System Message: You have assassinated a target with an undeclared TAP class. This gives you the option of announcing their TAP class and receiving part of their Pioneer Bounty. Do you wish to make a worldwide announcement?

Q smiled as he rubbed his hands together, so she sincerely apologized? "Yep, I want to do that!"

World Wide Announcement: A new TAP class has been uncovered by Q in Talon.

Base Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Barbarian

TAP Class: Executioner

Q sighed heavily and leaned back against the wagons. "Grace could I trouble you to rez our NPC friends?"

The cleric nodded and walked over to the bodies, slowly but surely the group started to recover.

Q watched Jinn and Rhapsody as they approached him, "I know you have questions, I promise to answer as best I can."

A that moment a wagon pulled up. A woman cloaked in black and a pink haired gnome were sitting in the back.

"Q, are you alright?" Mojo pulled back her hood giving him a slight smile.

"Hey Mojo!" Q had figured that Remmy was close by after Crimson Rose's head exploded, he hadn't guessed that the dark elf would be in the area also.

The entire class stared at the dark elf. Dark Elf NPC's were as rare as unicorns, Mojo didn't seem bothered by the attention.

"This is the honorable Mora Jol, she's a very important person in Talon." Q spoke solemnly as he introduced her to the group.

Mojo smiled at the group and bowed her head slightly, "well met."

Rhapsody bent forward whispering in Jinn's ear, "is it just me or does this punk know every hot chick in Talon?"

Jinn stared at the scarred dark elf, "damn.. seriously."

"This is Remmy, she's an engineer and one of my advisers." Q managed to say it with a straight face, Remmy's face lit up.

"Q!!" The pink haired gnome jumped out of the wagon and charged into him, her head only coming to his chest as she gave him a big hug.

"Remmy!! " Q laughed as he tousled her short hair. "What in the heck did you use on that crazy woman? Her whole head exploded!!" Q laughed aloud like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

Remmy was nodding at him. "It was me!! That was a bit over 2 miles, impressive right?"

"Two plus miles in the dark, while your target was fighting, it was amazing!" Q threw an arm around the little gnomes' shoulders as they talked.


Gnome Sniper Rifle: Legendary

All head shots are critical damage x 3

Additional Effect: All head shots over 2 miles

are instant kills, effect can be resisted

"Damn... that's the most awesome thing I've ever seen." Rhapsody stepped in front of Q and bent down getting a closer look. She smiled at Remmy, " Q's right, that was amazing."

Jinn's mouth was still open in shock. "Your name is Remmy? Thank you for helping us. So far away, that kind of range is astonishing!"

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Remmy's face turned pink as she smiled. "Yay!! Remmy is awesome!" She threw her hands over her head and cheered. Even the stoic Mojo laughed behind her hand.

"I appreciate it also," Rhapsody felt the need to thank the little gnome.

Onion had gathered the students next to the wagon as Jinn and Rhapsody stood next to Q.

Q waited until everyone was close. "Let's do a quick AAR, while everything is still fresh."

Daze took a seat on the ground, many of her classmates did the same, suddenly Q felt like an instructor. "What's an AAR Q?"

"It's an After-Action Review, we just take a look at everything that happened, and how we could have reacted differently."

Onion nodded, "that's a good idea. I'll start. We were caught completely off guard."

"Agreed, I was hit with a poison DoT on first contact. A vial of 'cleanse' and I'd survive that, a small error but avoidable." Q looked toward his teacher.

"I didn't do my job properly, I shielded my students like a front liner, which I'm not." Jinn's face showed that she was quite angry with herself.

Rhapsody nodded as she agreed. "We were too concerned with protecting rather then winning. And I froze when you disarmed her, you created the perfect opportunity for me. How the hell did you do that by the way?"

"Scorpion kick, right?" Mojo rubbed her forearm from reflex, the same move had surprised her.

Q nodded. "She was using a damage rotation, not very smart in PvP."

"Damn.. she was. I should have noticed that." Jinn stared at her student.

"What does that mean?" Daze spoke up, everything she had tried was resisted.

"It's common for PvE raids, they continually cycle through a set routine to maximize success."

Rhapsody closed her eyes, while recalling. "She faked the overhead strike with Jinn and then used a stun-kick."

"Funny part is, her own habits were working against her." Q had thought he was dead when she moved toward him. "Had she forgot about the rotation and just attacked, the best I could have done is a partial block."

"Which still would have killed you." Daze was still holding the ax Q had taken. She tossed it to him.

"Yep, with the level difference her damage output was too much, even for Jinn and Rhapsody." He caught the ax with one hand.

"How did you get that Q?" Jinn had seen the 'keep away' antics, but the ax should have disappeared.

Mora Jol held out her hand, and Q handed her the ax. "Equipment doesn't drop on death, but this was a disarm, completely different set of rules."

Jinn's eyes widened in shock as she remembered something. "You have your TAP class… how is that possible?"

"The objects I found in the tunnels." Q would rather have kept it under wraps a bit longer, but he was going to make an announcement soon anyway.

"You're saying the Gnome inheritance also contained a unique TAP class, and Crimson Rose was on your hit list?" Rhapsody's face was pale.

Q nodded. "Yes to both, but I am not going to declare it yet."

"That woman, you were on her hit list too?" Jinn held Rhapsody's hand, both of them were shocked by the assassin's strength.

"No, that's impossible. That was a personal vendetta I'm afraid." He pointed to the headless corpse.

"Crimson Rose is the vice-leader of Concert hall."

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