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Q stretched his legs while enjoying the feel of the sun on his face. The area they were traveling through were mostly small farmlands. Pops was enjoying the view, while Tal was leaning against him. He could tell she was still worried. "Hey, what do you think about living together?"

Tal stared at him, her face slowly turning pink. "Quinn.."

"Oh god, really?" Quinn made a face at her, "You're like a hundred... I meant the four of us."

Tal tilted her head to one side, "a hundred, am I?"

"I thought we could get a big house someplace close, and all stay there." They were his family and he wanted them to be around.

"Sounds like a great idea but let me think about it." Tal gave him her an evil smile. "You should think too little Q."

"Huh?" Quinn scratched his chin, "about what?"

"About what I'm going to do to you for saying such a mean thing." Tal leaned closer, clicking her metallic toes on the wagon floor.

"Oh shit…" Q smiled innocently, "was only teasing of course."

They arrived outside the barn a short while later, Q stepped off and gave Tal a hand. Normally he would have helped Pops, but since it was VR, Pops leaped down without a second thought. The barn door swung open and a slim redhead stepped out.

She was wearing brown leather armor and her hair was tied up in a complicated braid. She smiled when she saw Q. "Greetings Guests, I'm Leah Fintree." She bowed her head slightly.

"Miss Fintree, this is Tal and Pops." Q seemed a bit taken back, Leah wasn't normally so formal.

Tal smiled at her and extended her hand. It seemed to take Leah by surprise, but they shook hands. "Nice to meet you."

With the formalities over Leah's smile widened and she hugged Tal. "I'm so happy to meet both of you."

Pops wasn't surprised when Leah hugged him also, he knew a hugger when he saw one.

Leah led them inside, Mora Jol and Yayia were standing around a table looking at the 3-D map of the area.

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Tal saw the map and immediately moved toward it. "This is so detailed. She didn't wait for an invitation to start making adjustments. "This rock basin would make a good lake, the area to the North can be relegated to farming once it is drained."

"Drained? Is something like that possible?" Yayia eyes watched the map carefully.

"Yes, of course. It will take some manpower though. Tal zoomed out of the local map and brought up the land main land mass on the hud. "What is this area called?"

"Fora," Q volunteered. Talon was the only named geographical feature on the map. The isolated landmass was actually Florida in the real world, the entire Northern border was a Mountain Range that extended from the eastern coast all the way to gulf. To make matters worse, the area to the west was an Arctic zone. Of all the starter cities, Talon was by far the most remote and inaccessible one. The only way in were the Portal Gates. Q had shortened Florida to Fora because…. He really liked naming things.

"You can create farms from swampland?" Mojo was staring at the map. If they managed to open up a few square miles of farmland, Talon would become self-sufficient. Her lavender eyes stared at the tall engineer as she continued to make notes on the map.

"Yes, that is short-term however." She gave Q a look, "can I be frank?"

"Please do," they weren't used to Tal, Q knew that she had already planned all this out. "Will short-term interfere with long-term?"

Tal nodded at Q. "Exactly right." Tal rotated the map and zoomed out. "Q mentioned you want to build cities, there is a lot to do. We should create the landscape we want in Fora first. This way we don't end up doing things twice. You will want a farms, a port, perhaps new sites for 3 or 4 cities, all these connected by roads beforehand. A mass transit system for travel in between cities, I assume portals can't be set up where ever you like. Even if they can, they present a huge security risk...."

Q took a seat with Pops at a nearby table as Tal started rolling. It would literally be hours before she stopped. Mojo looked stunned, while Yayia was nodding her head and taking notes.

After two hours Q finally lost his patience and walked back to the table. They were staring at the 3-D map so hard that no one even noticed. There were three additional cities sites marked, including a port city. Vast areas of swamp were relabeled as farm and grazing, Q noticed at least 3 large lakes would be formed in the low areas. Tal must be in heaven, no habitats or EPA to worry about. It was literally a blank slate.

Finally, Tal looked up, the intense look in her eyes softened when she noticed Q had returned. Unexpectedly she threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. "I'm really having fun." She whispered, her breathe tickling his ear.

"Quinn, we would like to formally join hands with your group and form the Fora Development Group." Mojo smiled for the first time all morning, her scarred face that normally was so serious seemed to be showing a bit of relief.

A moment later the door flew open with a bang. A pink haired gnome came charging in, skidding to a stop right in front of Tal. She stared up at the tall engineer. "I'm Remmy!"

Quinn had told her of Remmy, "Hello Remmy, I'm Tal."

Remmy stared at the metallic leg, her eyes wide with excitement. Tal strummed her metal toes on the barn floor making the little gnome jump back. "I.. I'm Remmy!"

Tal ruffled her pink hair with one hand. "We are going to get along great Remmy."

Remmy nodded like it was the best idea she had ever heard.

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With five signatures, Mora Jol, Yayia, Bezri, Rembrandt and Q; the Fora Development Group was formed. The NPCs would provide the manpower. Q and his group would provide the knowledge and funding. Together they would build a new Nation in Fora.

Pops stared sulkily at the group signing the documents. "I didn't get a chance to present anything," he muttered.

With Tal busy talking at the table, Q stepped quietly away to check his mail.


Subject: Day 3 Itinerary Sender: Sinful Jinn Attachment:None

Subject: Pioneer Bounty Sender:TAP Attachment:Currency, Legal Documents x2

Subject: Great Job Sender:(NPC) Mora Jol Attachment:Dagger

Subject: Thank you Sender:Concert Hall Attachment:Currency

"Open 1st mail."

Hi Everyone! Well, we are half done with our field trip. Today is an off day, if some of you wish to stay offline today, then feel free to do so. Make sure you are back tomorrow though!! It would be a great time to do some shopping.

Sinful Jinn

"Open 2nd mail."

System Message: Property deed has been deposited into your inventory.

System Message: Title of Baron has been deposited into your inventory.

System Message: 1 million credits have been deposited into your inventory.

Dear Q

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Congratulations on uncovering the hidden TAP Class: Executioner. You've gained a percentage of the reward. In addition, you have received the title of Baron. Your title entitles you to a monthly stipend in the amount of 50 thousand credits. You are now allowed to purchase businesses in all TAP cities. The property deed enclosed grants you 1000 acres of any unclaimed lands in TAP territories. There are building materials and workers included in the land grant.

May you find your path.

Pioneer Bounty Inc.

Q whistled. "Now I'm getting a house for sure. Open 3rd mail."

System Message: Dark Fang has been deposited into your inventory.

Dark Fang

Dagger: Rare

All damage done from behind is doubled.

Additional Effect: Target receives a

poison counter upon successful strike.

Counter stacks up to 4x

Dear Q,

I wanted to say that you are doing a great job. You are helping us with something very important and I am most thankful. Let's get together and discuss your plan for Shadetree. You may as well continue your path, with the level difference he's worth about 400 thousand credits to you. This dagger is just a present, because I like you. Use it well.


"Wow, that's really nice. I wonder if I should get her something in return? Open 4th mail."

System Message: 500 thousand credits have been deposited into your inventory.

Dear Q,

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We appreciate your discretion in this matter. Your signed NDA has been added to our files.

Vice-leader Sparrow

p.s. I promise you that I am much more pleasant then my predecessor.

"Hmm, the deed is nice. I should scout some land when I get the chance."

Quinn checked the time on his hud. His hud blinked right on time.

System Message: You have been sent a query by Silent Phoenix, will you accept?"

" Yes. Open Com-chat." A dark elf female appeared on his hud. "Nice to see you Phoenix, have the rest of you arrived safely?"

"Yes. All ten of us are in Zohai." The voice was familiar, it was definitely Zina.

Zohai is one of the more brutal starter cities in TAP. It's also extremely convenient for someone wanting to get to level 30 fairly quickly. It's real world location would be Brazil, however it wasn't a tropical paradise by any means. Inhabitants spend their days fighting a harsh desert climate, they are bordered to the far North by an arctic zone, a large tropical area borders the west.

Q thought back to the email he had sent them before loading Pop's data.


From now on your group will be called Zephyr. The ten of you will create Dark Elf characters in the classes I have already assigned. The specifics such as gender and looks are entirely up to you. By making a dark elf character, you guarantee that your starting city is Zohai. There are three Arena's within a short distance of Zohai. I want you to concentrate solely on PvP. The classes I chose for you mirror your strengths, the clock is ticking until TAP becomes an Exodus World. We must be prepared. I will be checking your levels as well as your Arena ranking. Focus on single, 5v5 and 10v10 fighting. I will send armor and equipment for when you reach level 10. Tell no one that you were Fodders. Your cover will be a group of co-workers who work at the same law firm. Don't offer any details besides that. Be suspicious of anyone who asks too many questions. I will visit in a few days.


"Very good. You have your assignments." She could pass for Mojo's younger sister. "Questions?"

"No Quinn, if we need anything I will let you know."

Q nodded. "Remember, absolute secrecy. Use the cover we talked about. No leaks." Q cut com immediately after he spoke.

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