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Quinn pushed open the door on his VR chamber, he ignored the accompanying hissing noise and stepped out slowly. He noticed his room door was closed and Tal was sitting on his bed. "Guess the secret is out, I have the softest bed in the house."

Tal pushed a hand into the mattress, "Seems exactly like mine. Why don't you take a shower, we can hang out a bit after."

Q tried to smile but couldn't find one, "okay, just be a bit." He grabbed some fresh clothes and stepped into the bathroom. Right away he noticed the mirror had steam on it. "Anna been using my shower again?"

"Nope that was me, wanted to make sure I didn't miss you." Tal responded from the other room.

He carefully put paste on his toothbrush, his hands shaking slightly, he frowned at his reflection. "There's no retreating now… "

A few minutes later Q had cleaned up and changed, Tal was still sitting patiently on his bed. Her prosthetic wasn't on. He caught a glimpse of it from under his bed as he sat down next to her and leaned back on his pillow.

"Truthfully, I'm a bit old for you Quinn." Tal leaned against him, tucking her head against his chest.

"Maybe so, this isn't something I feel up to discussing at the moment," he pulled her in a bit closer.

"That being said," she turned slightly, throwing her leg over him. "I don't mind being a bit selfish, I deserve a bit of happiness too." She stared at him, her pretty blue eyes shining as she checked his reaction.

"You aren't someone that can be trifled with Tal, the timing of this may be a bit off." Q let his hand caress her leg.

"How come you are okay with this?" She glanced down to where his hand rested against the stump of her knee. "Shouldn't you find this a bit ... repulsive?"

"Everything about you is beautiful Tal." Q shrugged and placed a hand against her chest, "this is what is matters."

"My heart?" She lowered her voice to a whisper and kissed the side of his face.

"Well.. I meant boobs… but heart is important too." He kissed the top of her head, trying to smile, "Tal…any other time this would be the best thing ever."

"I should take no for an answer, but I'd rather just push forward." She turned and gently straddled his waist. "We are going to have a deal Quinn."

"A deal?" Quinn rested his hands on her hips.

"In TAP you have a few interests right?" She let her hands rest against his stomach as she made an interesting movement with her hips. "Mojo, Lara Sy maybe even Jinn and Rhapsody."

"Um.. You're information isn't accurate at all." He frowned thinking of Mojo, "it was Leah who made sure Mojo was part of our circle. The other three are important friends, but nothing more."

Tal gripped her shirt and pulled it over her head, "What is the acronym again? For the real word?"

Quinn stared blankly, struggling to form a reply. "You mean irl?" He slowly moved his hands up the sides of her waist, stopping at her ribs.

Tal nodded, "in irl, you will belong to me." She covered his hands with hers and moved them up until he was cupping her breasts. Holding his hands in place she bent forward and pressed her mouth against his.

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Quinn lowered his hands back to her hips, gripping them firmly he spun, pinning her beneath him. He kissed her softly, her low moan against his mouth made his blood boil.

They moved against each other slowly, touching and tasting, but taking their time. When he finally entered her, she moaned loudly and clung to him.

"Shh.. Tal, you can't be so loud." Q didn't want to broadcast to the rest of the house.

"I sent them all out for the night," Tal had a smile that could melt ice.

Quinn blinked. "You sent them …Oh I see."


When the rest of the housemates came home a few hours later, Tal and Quinn were sitting together on the couch, sharing some ice-cream.

"How is that possible Little Q? Plain old vanilla is your favorite?" Tal was surprised that there were three tubs of ice-cream in the freezer and all of them were vanilla.

"Yep, it's the best. Sundaes, Rootbeer floats." He looked up as Anna, Ren and Pops came in.

Anna pushed Ren's wheelchair next to the couch and then plopped down. "Everything okay?"

Tal looked at Quinn who was grimacing through a brain freeze, "yep… to clear things up, we are dating."

Anna's eyes widened, Tal had told them that she needed a few hours alone with Quinn. "Wow girl! That is awesome!"

Pop froze in place, a huge grin locked onto his face. "Quinn! Great job boy! Great job!"

Quinn nodded like he had accomplished something amazing, "yep."

"You know, another grandchild isn't out of the question." The old man cackled as he pranced into the kitchen.

"….." Tal.

"I'll keep that in mind." Quinn stood up, "need a lift to your room Ren?"

"Yes.. if you don't mind." She wrapped her slender arms wrapped around his neck, when he knelt in front of her. Tal stood up and began to follow them. Ren's breath tickled his ear as she whispered, "you did good Quinn."

He lead Tal into Ren's room and carefully set Ren down on the bed. He noticed Ren was smiling at her mom, while Tal seemed to be looking everywhere else.

"Wow, this is a big surprise." She pursed her lips as if considering it, "I love it mom, but you better take good care of Quinn."

Quinn settled her on her bed, she hugged him tight. "Thanks Quinn."

Tal watched them interact as she pulled Ren's pajamas out of her dresser.

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He frowned at her. "Hey.. what happen to the Teddy bear ones, with the feet?"

"Come on! I'm too old for those." Ren bit her lip, those were super cute.

"Suppose so." Quinn laughed, "remember you use to lay on your back and give puppet shows with your feet."

"We still have them mom?" Ren looked a bit unsure.

Tal nodded, "of course, I wouldn't throw those out." She smiled at Ren, "don't let Quinn bully you into wearing them."

"No, no. I want them mom," she said suddenly, clapping as Tal brought them out.

"Yeah!" Q cheered when he saw the feet, "now those are real pajamas, put me up for one when my birthday comes!"

"Night Ren, I expect to see them at breakfast!" Q smiled over his shoulder as he walked out. She was looking really good, "it's best to count wins sometimes," he muttered to himself.

Q said goodnight to Pops and Anna as he walked up the stairs. Anna ran after him and hugged him close, "we should talk finances tomorrow Q-bear, I've some questions."

Q didn't comment for once, just nodded and head back up to his room.

Q collapsed on his bed, his thoughts slowly drifting, deliberately he avoided any thought of the arena.

A short while later he felt a warm body crawl in beside him. Quinn smiled into his pillow and turned to face her. "Going to stay the night?"

Tal nodded and snuggled in closer, "every night most likely."

Q slept in for once, his eyes focused on the clock near his bed, it was already 9am. "I'm still tired." he complained into his pillow. A soft body moved next to him, "wait, this is four hours past the time you get up." Q watched as she searched for her tank top, which he had removed in the middle of the night.

Tal leaned over and kissed him, her bare breast brushing against his chest. "Seen my shirt?"

"This one?" He pulled it from under his pillow and held it up. Tal's blond hair was sticking up crazily as she reached for it. "No need to rush is there?" Quinn tossed it toward the bathroom door.

Tal blushed slightly, "I need a shower Little Q."

Quinn smiled innocently, "lets take one together."

"Quinn, showering is difficult for me." She had a second open prosthetic just for the shower, Quinn had seen it before since he had been in her bathroom many times at the old apartment.

"You won't need that Tal." Quinn stood up and walked around to her side, smirking when Tal shielded her eyes. "I do believe the two of you have met, just rely on me and we'll be good."

An hour later Tal left his room to get dressed, "I'll make us some breakfast okay? SOS sound good?"

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Quinn nodded, "that sounds great actually. I'm going to pop in and see Anna quick."

Q peaked in from her doorway, she was sitting at her desk still in her pajamas. "Anna Banana!"

She turned at her desk, giving him a scowl. "Do I look like a banana?"

Quinn laughed and nodded. "Yep.. for real."

"...." Anna.

"So what ya want to discuss?" Q walked in and took the chair next to hers.

"A large portion of your current assets have been appropriated for a bid in Exodus." Anna brought up Q's financials on her hud.

"Yep.. that's part of the area they are expanding for TAP Exodus." Q took note of the amount, "that's a lot of credits."

"You are going to try and compete with the big whales?" Anna brought up a map of the gaming hub. "HYLO has to play by the rules and bid, but realistically they are going to get whatever they want."

Quinn scratched his chin, "I've a plan for that."

"Going to share?" Anna frowned in frustration, she knew he was keeping secrets. "Quinn... you can trust me."

"I know it Anna, a few days and we will talk about everything." Quinn patted her on the head, "you are part of this family."

Anna's eyes sparkled. "I am?"

"Definitely." Quinn stood up and walked toward the door. "I ordered some things for building garden plots, keep an eye out for them tomorrow."

"Will do boss!" Anna smiled at him when he left.

Quinn paused at the door. "You eat yet? Tal is making SOS."

"No, but what is SOS?"

"Better to tell you after you've eaten," he grinned at her and left.

Tal was already cooking by the time he arrived in the kitchen. "Where's Pops and Ren?"

Tal looked up just as Q hugged her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. "Pops brought Ren to physical therapy. She leaned back against him, "love you Little Q."

Quinn inhaled the scent of her hair. "Love you too Tal."

"This girl wants some of that too!" Anna called down from the railing, where she had been watching.

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"Love you Anna," Tal called up to her.

Anna nodded, "yep. Love you too!" She skipped down the stairs and sat on one of the empty chairs.

"She's pretty cute right?" Quinn let go of Tal and grabbed some Orange Juice from the fridge.

Tal cocked her head to one side as she looked at Anna, "very cute, for sure."

Anna's grin just got wider as she listened. "I love compliments, keep em coming."

"Nope.. you'll get spoiled." He sat down at the table, as Tal brought out a plate of biscuits.

"Smells good.. looks like spiced beef. What's in it?" Anna grabbed a biscuit and put it on her plate while Tal walked around the table ladling out the gravy. "Family secret I'm afraid."

"Quinn said I was family earlier," she looked at him for confirmation.

"Yep.. sure did."

They held hands briefly.

"Thank you for the food."

"And god bless Quinn." Tal held onto his hand a moment longer before letting go.

"Oh hey I nearly forgot, I received Miss Sentac's flight itinerary. Tomorrow at 1400 she'll arrive at Las Vegas International.

"Jinns coming?" Tal looked surprised.

"Sorry Tal, I forgot to mention it." Quinn poked his food in frustration, "seems like everything is a bit harder now days."

"A bit of time off will do you good Quinn," Anna said between bites, "this is really good Tal."


An half hour later, Quinn was studying his notebook on his bed. He knew a lot of really smart people, it was time to start pooling those resources. They'd start when Jinn arrived.

Tal stopped in his doorway, "any plans for the day?"

"Nothing pressing, I have a hammock in the garage." Quinn sat his notebook down on the bed.

"Is it big enough for two?" Tal's blue eyes stared at him.

"Hmm, not really,' he admitted. "But that will make it more interesting."

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