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It was late, he had stayed up playing cards by the pool with Jinn and Ro-Ro. Quinn squinted at his clock and then continued staring up at the ceiling. He was trying not to wake Tal, who was draped over him.

"Mmm, can't sleep hun? " Tal moved slightly shifting until she was on top of him. Her blond hair tickled his chest as she stared down.

"I was sleeping, troubled dreams I guess." He wrapped his arms around her waist, comfortable letting her stay where she was. In the dark room, he could just see her face.

"You are worried, log in start the ball rolling." She traced his cheek with her fingertips before bending and kissing him.

"You've been smiling so much lately, it makes me feel good seeing you happy." Quinn felt himself involuntarily respond, Tal could light a fire in a thunderstorm.

She bit his lower lip and reached between them grasping him in her hand, "We have to be super quiet."

Quinn grinned at her, Tal was anything but quiet. "Got it, want to switch positions?"

She shook her head, "let me."


An hour later Quinn grabbed his headset and reclined next to Tal who was watching him with her head propped up. "I'll leave the chamber for you."

"Okay hun, I'm going to sleep a bit more and then shower." Tal threw an arm over him and snuggled closer.

"Won't be too long, love you Tal."

"Love you too Quinn."

"Log On TAP."

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data.....

Welcome Back Q, find your path!

Q looked around HQ, no one was here yet. "Might as well take a stroll." He exited and headed down to the river, taking a seat on the bank he noticed the blinking mail icon.


Subject: Please come back soon! Sender: (NPC) Mora Jol Attachment:Package

Subject: Cya Soon Sender:Bo Jangles Attachment:None

Subject: Rogue Skills Sender:(NPC) Lara Sy Attachment:None

Subject: Thank you Sender:Crimson Rose Attachment:None

"Open first mail."

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System Message: A Spider Queen Egg has be deposited into your inventory.

Spider Queen Egg

Embryo: Legendary

Description: This is a Spider

Queen Egg, use extreme



We should finalize the government details. Lara Sy has a briefing for us regarding Innisfrae, I should be able to handle these things while you're gone, but I find myself too distracted to think properly. I miss you, please come back. I've been so busy the past two days, I feel like an important part of me is missing without you here. My mother returned your Spider Egg. She has invited you into our family, at your convenience.

Mora Jol,

"Huh? Into your family? What does that mean? I've been thinking about you also, open second Mail."


I've been contacted by Crimson Rose regarding your request. Let's meet at the Exodus as soon as possible, I've an Avatar there that I use for social events.


"That's a great idea. Open third mail."


I have a full brief ready for Innisfrae. I'm available if you need someone to talk with. Please come back soon, Fora needs you, it's much nicer when you are around.


"That's very nice, I look forward to seeing everyone. Open fourth Mail."


I'm ready to create an Exodus account, I just need the specifics. Thank you for trusting me with this.

I've enclosed my rl contact information, let's talk as soon as possible.



"She's calling herself Crow, that's my win! I will call her when I log off."

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He heard a noise behind him, turning he saw Mojo frozen in place.

"Q'Ikah?" Her face lit up and she ran towards him, Q barely had time to stand before she jumped on him, hugging him tight.

Q stroked the top of her head, he wasn't always sure how to respond to Mojo, but he definitely missed her the past few days. "It's nice to see yo-."

Mojo cut him off when he pressed her lips against his, she had kissed Q before, but this felt different. She finally released him, her face split in a wide smile, oddly enough she was crying. "I'm so glad you are back Q!"

"We have a few important things to discuss Mojo."

The two of them sat on the banks and talked for quite some time, their only interruption was when Remmy saw him and bowled him over. She little gnome latched onto him and wouldn't let go for several minutes. Finally Tal had logged in and managed to lure her back inside.

"Q'Ikah, so many things can go wrong here." Mojo eyes were still dark with shock, his plans to deal with Exodus would stretch Fora to it's limit. "We will follow you to the end." She watched him staring at the river as the current created small eddys. "It's my wish to stand next to you Q'Ikah."

Q glanced at her, Mojo's face seemed to be asking something. "I wouldn't have it any other way Mojo'skah."

Q tried to pick his words carefully. Mojo lay her head on his shoulder, a moment later he felt her shaking as she cried softly. He gently put his arm around her shoulders, "it will work out, I promise."

After a short while she stood and held out her hand. Mojo's lavender eyes were unreadable, "come inside Q, there is something we should discuss."

Q followed Mojo inside and followed her to the main conference table. There were chairs scattered about, he took the seat next to her, as she pulled up the Faction hud.

"After we destroyed the Arachnid presence, the Fora Development Group faction received this option."

Faction Alert: You have been recognized as the ruling power in Fora, what type of government do you wish to set up?

"Has it escaped you that the name we chose for this land, is being used in all system messages?" Q had noticed it right away, since he was the one who picked the name.

"With the removal of the Arachnid Monarchy, we are now the recognized ruling body." Mojo's eyes were lit up in her excitement.

"Did you know there was a Spider Queen?" Q certainly had never heard of one before, although that would hardly be surprising.

Mojo shook her head, "it must have been an old existence. Talon was built as a starter City to welcome Heroes. This region was completely untouched by us before that."

"What type of government do you wish to form?" There weren't that many government's formed among the NPCs. Every NPC race had it's own sitting monarch.

"We've spoken about it at great length, I just never assumed that we would get to this point so quickly." She reached across the table and gripped one of Q's hands. "You are working so hard, bringing in out-world experts, Tradesmen and Craftsmen."

"We are all working hard Mojo, the thing's I've done might get more attention, but it isn't any less important then what the rest of you are doing."

Mojo nodded, her lips curling into a slight smile. 'He's humble.. a fine ruler if it comes to that.'

"The workers from Fenway arrived?" Q had hired a large group of Tradesmen to start on the rebuilding project for Talon.

"Yes, Tal and Remmy have drawn up the rebuild plans and assigned them an engineer to work with." Mojo knew that rebuilding Talon was only a small part of their plan.

"I think if you went with a Senate type democracy, your supporters may start immigrating here." Q remembered that the Fora Development Group initially only had about 50 thousand people world wide.

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"We thought much the same thing. Our proposal is six NPCs and you as the presiding vote."

Q made a face, "does that mean I wouldn't have to get involved in government unless there was some sort of deadlock?"

Mojo nodded at him, "yes, that is what it means."

"I don't mind breaking a few ties."

World Broadcast: The Fora Development Group Faction has formed a new Government in Fora. There are seven seats announced. Daiga, Mora Jol, Rembrandt, Yaiya, Bezri, Toma and Q as the presiding seat.

As the news that Q had returned to HQ started to spread, several NPCs had come. Yayia had surprised everyone by hugging him. The Songbirds immediately pounced on him, subjugating him to group hugs and kisses. For the first time since he relogged, they made him laugh. They all talked at once, forcing Q to answer questions as they made him feel welcomed.

Q grinned at them, "Thanks, I love you guys!"

Instantly they twittered in reply.

"Oh.. so tweet."

"All of us at once? So manly.

"We feel the same way."

Q was still smiling when he made his way over to Remmy and Tal. "How are the Jetpack prototypes coming along?"

Remmy handed him a sleek looking pack along with a bracer. "The grappling hook and Jetpack are meant to be used in tandem. The grappling hook can be used in combat as well as assist in maneuvering."

Ren logged in and made her way to Q and her mom, right away she noticed the jetpacks. "Hey guys! Is there one for me?"

Remmy nodded, "We have 30 ready to go."

Q noticed Jinn and Rhapsody logging in and motioned them over. Rhapsody narrowed her eyes at him, they had been teasing each other around the house quite a bit.

"Welcome guys, we should get started." Q caught Lara's eye and nodded to her.

Lara walked over to the conference table and activated its hud, enlarging it she zoomed in on a continent, Q noted that it would be Africa in the real world.

"This is the continent of Pern, its location of note is Pearl, the starter city for this land mass. The Southern part of the continent has an arctic climate, as you move centrally it becomes a vast forest. The biggest forest in all of TAP. This forest is bordered to the North by a mountain range that effectively seals off the Northern Dessert region of the continent. Pearl is located in the center of the Pern forest, Innisfrae is located in the foothills of the mountain range to the North." Lara paused as Remmy seemed to want to say something.

Remmy loaded her personal hud onto the screen, all the maps were updated for Pern. "I lived in Pern my whole life, by horse travel from Pearl to Innisfrae takes three days. Innisfrae was razed to the ground by an unknown group of Heroes, they were very strong and well organized."

Lara nodded, " Hades Shadetree is part of that group, thanks to Q we were able to get our hands on several important documents that pointed us towards this." Lara pulled up a second hud, it was a huge cannon.

Remmy enlarged it and took over, "This cannon was one of twelve. It was in the process of being installed by Engineer Bran when the city was attacked and the cannons were stolen."

"I've seen the schematics on these guns, there would be no way to transport them." Tal was looking at something on her hud, "am guessing they hid them somewhere instead."

"You are correct," Lara brought up a map of Pern, "a few miles South of the Innisfrae ruins is a basin. The twelve cannons were brought here and then sunk into the water. Since then Construction on an odd looking metal track as begun, it extends from the foothills near the basin and extends South into the arctic zone.

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"It's a train track, fairly common in our world." Tal zoomed out and examined the track line, "it's perfectly laid out, this was done by an engineer. Are trains common in TAP?"

"What's a train," Lara asked?

"Now this is interesting, why a train? Why not build a portal and bring it through," Q asked?

"The cannons are made from Kubrite, you can't bring them through a portal." As a gnome engineer, Remmy knew more about the cannons then anyone, "they were designed and built in Innisfrae."

"This train, will be ready to transport the cannons South in two weeks." Lara closed the hud and turned toward Q. "That's everything we've been able to gather."

"Thank you Lara, your team did a good job." Q turned toward his friends, "what do you think?"

"I want those guns back Q, they're gnome guns and they've no rights to em." Remmy crossed her arms in front of her, her sweet face was serious.

"I want those tracks Quinn, and the train schematic if we can get it." Tal was thinking resources, all that track would save them time.

"You want the tracks?" Jinn had moved forward and was standing next to Q, "can't we just make them ourselves?"

"Certainly, we can," Tal agreed. "That's enough track for our entire infrastructure. That would save us months if we could take it."

"So... take the cannons back, steal the schematics for the train and help ourselves to the track." Q looked around the room, "anything else?"

"A portal can be made for the tracks, however we'll have to figure out something else for the cannons." Yayia had taken a seat and was paging through the Shadetree documents.

"A train heist then, Remmy issue everyone a jetpack and bracer," Q looked over at Tal, "anything else?"

Tal nodded, "cold weather gear for everyone, we'll figure out how to move the cannons."

Q grabbed Mojo's hand and pulled her outside. "I'm going to log and do a few things, I want everyone proficient at using the Jetpacks."

"I will see to it, " Mojo stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for coming back Q."

Q hugged her and then handed her a deed. "Set this up down by the river please, restrict access."

Deed: Luxury Cottage

Unique: Temporary

Description: Can only be set up on

owners property or on unclaimed

Lands in TAP territory. Must remain for

1 day before moving.

Mojo smiled, her lavender eyes flashing at Q. " See you soon, Q'Ikah."

Q nodded. "Log Off TAP."

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