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"Log-On Exodus, Gaming Hub, TAP Gate."

Quinn quickly accessed the hub gate and chose Talon as his destination. He used the city portal to access HQ, there seemed to me no one around. He took a seat at the conference table and took out the black chest left for him by his mother.

"Might as well take a look." He opened up the lid and took out the first item. It was a gold cased book, finely engraved with wings.

Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin

Skill Book:Primal

Description: Permanently adds the form

of Ba'Avriel Assassin to your ability list.

"Hmm? Who the hell is Ba'Avriel?"

System Message: Do you wish to learn Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin?

"Yes" Quinn stood as he was enveloped with a soft blue light, it lasted a few moments and then faded. "I still feel the same." A noise from the bunk area interrupted his thoughts, quickly he put the black chest back into his inventory.

"Commander?" Lara Sy was a chronic early riser, the rest of the Songbirds were sleeping peacefully while she would rise at the crack of dawn.

Q couldn't help but stare. He had heard from Ren that the Songbirds had been all over Exodus shopping after the party was over. Lara had her hair cut much shorter and dyed a pale blue. "Wow.. you really look nice Lara."

Lara ran her fingers through her hair, "I was worried that it was too short."

"Nope, it suits you. Are you working today?" Quinn knew they would use a two person rotation working at the Songbird Tavern, Ren had insisted that she be included in the roster.

Lara shook her head, "no today is Lark and Robin. I'm on tomorrow with Ori."

"Any idea where I might find Leah?" Quinn didn't want to use his hud to contact her, incase she was resting.

"I would guess the cottage." Lara smiled at him, as someone who prided themselves as a dark operative, he had taken her completely by surprise. She hadn't suspected that Leah was still alive.

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"Weren't you sitting by my dad during the banquet?" Apparently Gus Obreen knew a lot of jokes.

Lara laughed thinking about how funny Gus was, "Is it true that you are playing matchmaker with him and Serli?"

Quinn laughed also, but didn't answer as he headed for door.


Quinn had a general idea where the Cottage was located, so he walked toward the east bank of the river. He spotted it easily enough, near the spot he had once went swimming with Leah. It was about 10 meters from the river, a two story cottage with log and brick siding, topped with a dark shingle roof. It had a open porch that wrapped all the way around, since Q was approaching from the back, he could tell there was a rather large hot spring attached.When he was about 50 meters away, he felt a sudden pressure.

Security Alert: Cottage Owner recognized, you may pass.

The house lights were all off, when Q opened the back door, there was the slightest scent of mint in the air. He closed the door behind him. He was standing in the kitchen area. Walking around he explored the first floor. There was a pantry off the kitchen, the shelf in there possessed an actual inventory that was as large as any he'd ever seen.. Pass the pantry, there was a common area with two couches and a brick fire place. A fire was burning, although Q could not smell any smoke, nor see any wood stacked nearby. There was a small bedroom with an attached bathroom connected to the common area. Taking a quick peek inside, it had a large bed and dresser, along with built in book shelves.

The stairs leading up was located next to the front door. Q ascended them as quietly as he could. He could see a single hallway with three doors. The first two were open and contained bedrooms nearly identical to the one downstairs. The third bedroom had double doors, both of which were closed.

"This must be the master bedroom, Edit TAP Kit, Lounge Wear." Quinn's clothes changed into flannel lounge pants and a long sleeve cotton shirt. "Might as well be comfortable."

He quietly opened one of the doors and stepped inside. There were large windows on one wall and a glass door that led to a balcony. Q could see a large bathroom, with a candle lit inside. There was a nice size desk that had floor-to-ceiling book cases on either side. Every moment Q spent in here, he liked it more.

And then there was the bed... Quite possibly the largest bed he had ever seen. It was covered with a huge comforter, that one could only assume was some sort of down. The sheets and pillowcases shimmered in the dim light, so Q guessed they must either be silk or satin. Under the sheets were two women, intertwined in some complicated manner that seemed a bit shocking and comfortable at the same time, Leah and Mojo.

Q took a step closer to the bed, his eyes taking in every detail... because details are always important. Q scratched his chin deep in thought. He could hear two distinct voices vying for his attention. The first, was commenting about how nice they both looked with their hair down, and how it would be a shame to wake them when they were resting so comfortably. The second voice was a bit louder then the first. It noticed how they both looked like two pieces of bread, and if he slid in there, he could make himself a 'happy life' sandwich.

He sat on the edge of the bed nearest to Mojo, watching them. They were really beautiful women. They seemed to waken nearly at the same time, Mojo's lavender eyes were even brighter in the darkness and seemed unreadable. Leah smiled at him and then placed a hand on Mojo's shoulder, slowly pushing the silk sheet down while her hand caressed Mojo's bare skin.

"Do you need an invitation Quinn?" Leah's voice purred quietly in the darkness, she leaned down and bit Mojo's ear gently, the dark elf moaned softly...

Quinn shook his head as he flung his clothes in all directions.

Several hours later, Q could see the dim light of sunrise filtering into the room. Mojo was laying half on him, her soft skin smooth against his. Leah's chin was propped up with her arm, while she stared at Q. They talked quietly, occasionally Leah would lean forward and kiss him deeply. Her face was still blushed from passion, but in the morning light, she seemed innocent and pure. Gently she eased Mojo aside and mounted her lover's hips again.. resting her hands on Q's chest as she began to move.

Q finally got out of bed when the sun started shining in his eyes. He glanced at the two women who were still sleeping and then grabbed his clothes before going into the bathroom. He dressed quietly, noting the numerous bite marks on his body.

Q walked down the stairs, the inside looked different in the light of mid-morning. He sat at the table, sampling an apple that was in a basket. It crunched as he bit into it, juice running down his chin. "Now that is a good apple."

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He reached forward and activated the table's hud, there were additional commands for the cottage. "Damn.. all sorts of things." Q looked up and noticed that Mojo had gotten dressed. There was no awkwardness in her manner, she bent down and kissed Q for a long time before releasing him.

"Good Morning Q'Ikah."

"Morning... sleep well?" Q realized the blunder as soon as he said it, but he kept a straight face and remained quiet.

Mojo laughed aloud. "Did we do much sleeping?"

"Q did fall asleep a few times," Leah teased from the stairs..

'Hmm.. Good thing I had you there to ease my boredom." Mojo gave her a mischievous look.

Leah smiled gently, her face turning red.. "good thing."

"Come outside, I'll show you something nice." Quinn walked out the front door and approached the riverbank.

"You've already showed us something nice." Leah ran to catch up with him and grabbed his hand as he walked.

Quinn stopped and turned back toward the cottage, Mojo was just catching up. He stepped away from Leah, "okay this is my first time, so bear with me."

"I like first times." Mojo's eyes didn't bother to hide their dark thoughts.

"First times are nice," Leah agreed.


"...." Leah.

"...." Mojo.

System Message: You've become a Ba'Avriel Winged Assassin, in this form you cannot wear armor, nor equip any weapons.

Quinn flexed his brown wings, they were much bigger than he thought they'd be. He noticed the midpoint of each wing had a wickedly sharp talon attached to it. He flapped the wings gently, he feet raised off the ground for a moment before settling back down. "Wow, that's a lot of lift."

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"Where did you get that Quinn?" Leah stepped closer, her hands softly touching the feathers on his wings. "


Quinn stared at the two silhouettes of he companions. They were glowing bright red.

"Your eyes just turned red Quinn'Ikah. What are you seeing right now."

Apparently no one was going to call him Q anymore, "it's body heat I think. The two of you are glowing red."


Quinn's body faded into nothing. "Well, it comes with some sort of thermal vision and stealth, but I can't equip armor or weapons in this form. That sucks, how is a winged assassin suppose to kill anything?"

He raised his fists, "they feel strange." Quinn flexed his fists and ten inch bone spikes extended from both palms. "Oh I see.. I won't be able to fight much, this is definitely an ambush form not a front liner."

"Too bad you can't shoot in that form." Mojo stayed at arm's length, something about the form put her on edge. "It's a predator form, if this exists, then you can bet the race exists also."

"I'll display it."

Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin

Description: Permanently adds the form

of Ba'Avriel Assassin to your ability list.

"It says Ba'Avriel, then Winged Assassin. It's as if Winged Assassin is one of classes." Leah's green eyes showed her interest, "this could be really bad right?"

Mojo nodded, "that could mean there are Ba'Avriel:Paladins or Ba'Avriel:Mages."

"Dark Elf history goes back pretty far, any mention of the Ba'Avriel race?" Quinn knew that TAP mirrored Earth's Geography, but a large portion of that was still unexplored.

"I'll ask my Mother to look into it." Mojo finally got the nerve to step closer and stroke the feathered wing.

"Paladin? I bet they can wear armor. Damn it,... I'm the poor cousin." Quinn crouched and the sprang into the air, flapping his wings hard he climbed quickly. He spent several minutes testing the wings, blink still worked fine, but he couldn't touch any of his weapons.

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System Message: Advanced Flight I has become Basic Aero Maneuvering.

Quinn spread his wings letting a thermal updraft shoot him into the clouds. "I had Advanced Flight almost maxed out, doesn't that mean that Basic Aero Maneuvering is a step up? What happens if we face a Ba'Avriel that has Advanced Aero Maneuvering?"

Leah shielded her eyes with one hand as she watched Quinn. "He's just testing it out, he won't be long."

"Thank you Leah." Mojo was watching her, a contented smile on her scarred face.

Leah returned her smile as she slid on her jetpack. "What are we doing down here?"

Quinn was experimenting with blink dives when he spotted his two companions approaching. "Took them long enough."

He chased each of them several times, using his wing to whack them on the bottom. Mojo shot him an indignant look the first time he did it. Apparently the dark elf princess had never been spanked.

"Quinn, why aren't you out of breathe?" Leah was gasping for breathe in the thin air, Mojo was experiencing the same thing.

"Must be another effect of the form. I'm working harder then either of you, but it isn't bothering me." Quinn dived to a lower altitude so his friends could breathe a bit easier. With jetpack in hand he dropped Ba'Avriel and donned the pack, firing it up quickly he headed toward HQ.

"It would be safer to land first Quinn." Mojo's eyes seemed a bit scared, Quinn had dropped a few hundred feet while transitioning.

Quinn pursed his lips, "I definitely need to be able to transition faster that, that took a couple of seconds. With practice I bet I could do it in one."

"Just tell me next time Quinn." Leah had a hand over her chest, "watching you fall suddenly was scary."

Quinn grinned at the two of them. "Deal with it." He jetted off toward HQ, hugging the ground as tightly as he could. "Race you back to HQ, first one back is boss!"

"Really?" Mojo chased after him, not bothering with hugging the terrain. Slowly she was gaining on him. She looked over her shoulder at Leah who was lagging behind a few yards. The Apple Princess had missed a lot of flight time while she was hiding at Concert Hall, her flight skills weren't quite as high as the others.

"Damn it." Mojo realized that she wasn't going to quite catch him, HQ came into sight and she was still twenty meters behind.

Quinn had his arms raised in victory as he approached the HQ door. "I guess that make me the B-"

*I wish you were me.*

Leah instantly switched places with Quinn, shutting down her jetpack she opened the door while glancing over her shoulder. "Boss."

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