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In the end, Quinn used another build order to make a nursery for the named Halflings. The best building option ended up being the town hall schematic. The Nursery was placed on the edge of the Halfling village. Mari Fintree showed up with a half dozen women and took over the care of the ten infants.

Quinn had just exited the building when Leah walked by herding a small group of goats. Her wavy red hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was barefoot. "Um.. what's with the goats?"

Leah looked over when he spoke. "Apparently goat milk is the best thing for halfling babies."

"Really? How the heck do you know that?" Quinn felt tempted to follow her and see if she knew how to milk a goat.

"She read the history book you obtained genius." A small voice spoke from above him. Angel's black wings barely flapped as she hovered effortless over the herd. She had been helping Leah all afternoon.

"Oh.. the book on TAP civilizations? I'm still reading it. " Technically true, since he had read the first few pages and then sat it down. "Anyways, I promised to meet Yayia and Mojo at HQ."

Leah nodded and gave him a quick wave before continueing on. Quinn turned toward the Courtyard path and activated his blinking mail icon.


Subject:TAP Reward Sender: TAP Admin Attachment:Package

Subject: Field Exercise Sender: Lara Sy Attachment:None

Subject:Meeting Request Sender:Jana Sai Attachment:Package

Subject: Special Request Sender: Yayia Attachment:None

"Damn... Nanna usually reads all these. Open first mail."

System Message: A Royal Gryphon has been deposited into your inventory.

Dear Q,

We thank you for your efforts on behalf of all TAP players. This is the first racial addition since the game first went live. Please enjoy this Royal Gryphon Mount.

TAP Admin.

"What? No way.."

Royal Gryphon

Pet: Mount

Description: Flying mount,

will defend itself if attacked.

Q whistled under his breath. He examined the harness, a name was stitched in gold thread, Minokawa. "That's your name? Way too long, let's call you Kawa." Quinn noticed his com-chat blinking, so he opened it. Grace's pretty face greeted him.

"Quinn did you get a Gryphon mount?" Grace's normally pale face was beet red. "I can't believe I got something like this!"

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Quinn smiled at his former classmate. The normally shy cleric was jumping up and down. "Yep, mine is named Minokawa."

"What? How do you know it's name?" Grace froze in place, she was indoors so she hadn't tried to summon it yet.

"There should be a name stitched into the harness." Quinn watched as she examined her harness.

"Verai.. it says Verai in gold letters." She looked up at her hud for confirmation.

"Oh.. very nice name. Be there in a few minutes Grace." Quinn cut comm. "Open second mail."

Commander Q,

The Songbirds formally request one day of your time. It is important for comrades to bond regularly.

Would such a thing be possible?


"Yep, I can do that. I'm not joining in on a heist though...unless it is super-cool. Open third mail."

System Message: Phoenix has been deposited into your inventory.


The Sai clan has completely collapsed, my former clansmen have joined other clans. Even my brother no longer calls himself Sai. Is this really necessary? Must you completely destroy us? I was an arrogant fool for most of my life. I seek redemption. Could you meet me in Fenway?

Jana Sai



Offhand Only.

Description: A fire damage

counter is added with every

attack, stacks up to 10 times.

Additional Effect: Increase chance

of critical hits.

"That's a nice weapon. I better ask Mojo about this before I commit to anything." Quinn carefully put it back into his inventory. "Open fourth mail."


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I am being recalled to Zi'Fendyl by the High Council. This is the High Elf capital city. Would you come with me? I've asked Tal to come as well.


"Oh.. first I've heard of it. I don't see why not." Quinn closed his mail as he approached Ravenwood's portal. He chose Talon instead of HQ. "I want to check on Tal and Remmy."

A few moments later Quinn stepped into the marketplace. He found a clear space next to the fountain square and activated the harness. Instantly a giant black gryphon appeared, its wings were furled as it looked around with intelligent eyes. When Q approached, it lowered its head. Q touched the feathers on his neck. "Wow, so soft." He stroked the Gryphon's head, "let's be friends Kawa."

A crowd had quickly started to gather as soon as the giant Gryphon appeared, Quinn climbed nimbly into the saddle and the beast immediately took to the air. "Woah, that is serious lift." Kawa climbed steadily, once they were high enough Quinn leveled off and pointed him toward the Quarry.

The engineers had been blasting the Quarry for a few days, this was going to be the site of a lake in the near future. The only thing out here was the Chief Brisbane Raid. No one had any qualms about flooding his spawning point. Quinn spotted them after a few minutes, he banked and circled the small camp a few times. Tal and Remmy were easily noticeable from his altitude, unexpectedly Ren was also there.

Quinn landed Kawa just outside of the camp, it turned its head and coo'd at him. Apparently the flight was too short. "Next time we'll go longer," he slid off the gryphon and walked toward the camp.

"Where did you get that Quinn?" Tal was the first to arrive, she gave him a quick hug.

Ren and Remmy were next. Remmy was carrying detonators.

"Nice mount Quinn, are you here to blow things up?" Remmy thought the gryphon was nice, but few things compared with making things explode.

Quinn shook his head, "next time for sure."

Ren stared at the Gryphon for a few seconds. "What is that?? Can I have it?" Ren stepped closer and started stroking its feathered chest, Kawa lowered its head and rubbed it against her. "It flies right? Can I fly it?"

"Sure. " Quinn boosted her up, and before Tal could protest she soared into the sky.

"Quinn! She's never been on one of those.." Tal's pretty blue eyes filled with worry as she watched Ren slowly circle the camp.

Quinn shrugged in reply. Ren circled twice and then started trying tricks. Every once in a while you'd hear her scream and then laugh, finally after about twenty minutes she landed.

She leapt off and hugged Tal tightly.. "You have got to fly him mom, it's amazing!"

The blonde engineer shook her head, "I don't think so, I'm not good at those sorts of things."

Quinn smiled and took one of her hands, "have you checked your mail today?"

Tal shook her head, "we've been so busy." She quickly opened her mail and received the package, her full lips hid a small smile. "I've got one too?"

Quinn nodded and led her to his gryphon, "first you say hello Tal."

Tal tentatively stood in front of the beast and place a hand on its feathered neck. They made eye contact, each staring at the other. Tal tilted her head to one side, the Gryphon tilted its head to one side.

Quinn covered a laugh, "his name is Minokawa."

"Minokawa? I like that." She stepped closer and placed both hands on the soft feathers. "You are a very handsome Gryphon, Minokawa."

The black Gryphon rubbed his feathered head against her making her smile. "He's very gentle."

Q reached up and pulled the fold-down seat that served as a back rest when there was only one rider, "come on, I'll go with you."

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"You will?" Q lent her a hand and made her move into the front seat. "Gotta fly it for the full effect!"

Q jumped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Pull up softly on the harness, and he'll take off."

The black gryphon soared smoothly into the air and started flying in wide circles.

The sun was warm on their backs as Kawa glided effortlessly. Tal was enjoying the feeling of banking and soaring. "It's a bit different then the jetpack."

"Same principle though." Quinn wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Thank you for coming with me, I don't do great with new things." She leaned back against him, enjoying the feel of his warmth.

Quinn smiled into the back of her neck and let his hands move upward slightly, caressing Tal's flat stomach.

"Um.. Is this the place for that Little Q?" Tal glanced downward, the people on the ground were too small to see.

"Just teasing." Quinn laughed, the sound carried away on the wind. He leaned back slightly when Tal suddenly turned completely around on the saddle and straddled his legs. "Umm.. hey... aren't you flying this thing?"

Tal's blonde hair fell into her pretty blue eyes, out of habit she pushed it behind one ear. Her full lips parted slightly when she kissed him. "You want to try right?"


"Wow, they were up a long time." Ren watched as her mom and Quinn finally came in for a landing. Her mom's beautiful face was flush from the excitement of flying. "You look like you had fun mom."

Tal blushed slightly and nodded, "sure did."

Quinn stayed in the saddle, taking a moment to help Tal down. "I have to head to HQ, sorry to fly and run."

Tal laughed loudly, not even trying to cover the humor. "Lunch in a bit right?"

"Yep, cya then." Quinn waved and Kawa immediately took off, within a few minutes the engineers camp was no longer in sight.

By the time Quinn could see HQ, he spotted another Gryphon flying. Kawa screeched a greeting to the other Gryphon but didn't alter its flight at all. They landed easily near HQ, the other Gryphon followed and landed also.

Quinn slid down, just in time to see Mojo do the same. "Is that Grace's Gryphon?"

The white haired dark elf nodded slightly, "we've all been taking turns flying."

Quinn unsummoned Kawa and stowed the harness in his inventory. Mojo was already heading inside, Robin was apparently next in line, she took to the air just as Quinn opened the door to HQ.

"Hi Quinn." Yayia greeted him from the conference table, she had been chatting with Lara and Grace. She pushed out the chair next to her when Quinn approached the table.

"Sorry I'm so late. I was flying quite a bit." Quinn shrugged apologetically at Mojo who took the seat on the other side of him.

"It's fine Q'Ikah, there was no hurry." Mojo glanced at Yayia, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Oh before I forget, Jana Sai sent me this." Quinn took the dagger from his inventory. "I didn't reply of course, I wanted your council before I did anything."

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Offhand Only.

Description: A fire damage

counter is added with every

attack, stacks up to 10 times.

Additional Effect: Increase chance

of critical hits.

Mojo's eyes flashed when she saw the dagger. "Did she propose marriage?"

"What? No of course not, here look at this." Quinn reopened the mail from Jana on the tables hud.

Mojo looked at the letter for a few moments, "sorry Quinn. I spoke out of turn."

Quinn waved it off. "You were surprised right? Don't worry, it shocked me too." Quinn flashed her a grin, "besides that, one dark elf wife is enough for me."

The women at the table all stared at Quinn in shock. Mojo's mouth opened then shut several times as she struggled to get words out.

Quinn was completely oblivious, he busied himself with stowing the dagger back into his inventory. "Oh.. you said something about Zi'Fendyl? Need my help with something?"

Yayia was the first to recover, "yes I'm being recalled by the High Council."

"I don't mind helping you out. How far is it?" He watched Yayia open up a map and zoom in on Zi'Fendyl. Quinn noted that its location would be Portugal in the real world. "What's the climate like?"

"It's quite lovely Quinn, warm and heavily forested." Yayia closed the hud while bowing her head slightly. "I'm in your debt."

Quinn waved a hand in the air. He hadn't noticed that hardly any of the NPCs called him Q anymore. "If you can't count on me, then who can you count on?"

Yayia laughed at his words. "Indeed, you are very reliable."

Quinn stood up and glanced around the table. "Is there anything else? I need to log soon."

Mojo shook her head. "No. I wanted to discuss the importance of accompanying Yayia, but surprisingly you agreed."

"..." Quinn.

The women at the table laughed at his expression.

"I'm teasing Q'Ikah," she leaned close and kissed him quickly. "Enjoy your lunch."

Quinn stood up, making a point to frown at the other women. They continued to laugh at him.

"Log-Off TAP."

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