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The group advanced up the stairs to the deck exit without any mishaps. Quinn paused here and opened his inventory. "Here Yu.. better take these," he handed her a dagger and armor.



Offhand Only.

Description: A fire damage

counter is added with every

attack, stacks up to 10 times.

Additional Effect: Increase chance

of critical hits.

Armor of the Raven

Medium Armor: Heroic

Description: Increase protection

against melee damage.

Additional Effect: Night Vision

Yu stared at the items for a moment and then equipped them. "This is your backup gear?"

"Huh? No.. my backup is way better than that stuff." Quinn waited until she gave him the thumbs up then he booted the deck door down.

The upper deck was wide open and in complete chaos. Quinn stayed in the doorway but stole a glance back at Yayia, "Who's who?"

The time mage stepped next to Quinn and scanned the surroundings. "Those dressed like us are most likely passengers who are defending themselves. Gold signifies the council guard, so try to avoid attacking them."

Quinn nodded, half the people on deck were wearing black gear, equipped with hoods and masks. She didn't mention them so he assumed they were bad guys.

A hooded figure down knocked down a woman who was protecting two high elf boys.


Quinn appeared behind the hooded figure.

*Backstab* Critical hit 14,405 points damage, bonus damage 14,405 points.

A Tuli Rebel has been stunned.

Quinn grabbed the the assailant by the shoulders.


Quinn slammed the rebel into the wall.

"More Incoming," Tal shouted and tossed a flashbang at a group of three that had noticed their attack and were moving toward them.

A Tuli Captain has been stunned.

A Tuli Rebel has been stunned.

A Tuli Rebel has been stunned.

Yu Stealthed immediately.

*Backstab* Critical hit 6,405 points damage, one fire damage counter applied.

Yukina has slain a Tuli Rebel.

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"More on the other side Quinn." Yayia adjusted her time piece.

Yayia has activated *Time Loss*

A Tuli Rebel is frozen in time.

A Tuli Rebel is frozen in time.

"Crap.. not good." He turned when he heard Tal power up her jetpack. "Take the right!"

Tal nodded and accelerated toward the two time-frozen rebels.



Quinn took to the air immediately, gaining altitude with a quick flap of his wings. He turned back toward the rebel group and equipped his daggers, Ba'Avriel form immediately dropped.


Quinn appeared behind the rebel caption.

*Backstab* Critical hit 33,546 points damage, Bonus Damage 33,546 points

A Tuli Rebel Captain has been stunned.

Yayia has cast *Rapid Ageing*

A Tuli Rebel Captain has been slowed by 40 percent.

A Tuli Rebel has been slowed by 40 percent.

A Tuli Rebel has been slowed by 40 percent.

Quinn grabbed the rebel captain by the neck.


Quinn and the captain returned to air. Quinn kicked away from him.



Quinn banked and glided to the ground, immediately dropping Ba'Avriel form. He winced as the rebel captain slammed headfirst into the deck.

A Tuli Rebel Captain has been crippled.

*Backstab* Critical hit 11,655 points damage, one fire damage token applied.

Yukina has slain a Tuli Rebel Captain.

*Quickdraw* Critical hit 77,343, Bonus damage 77,343

*Quickdraw* Critical hit 65,566, Bonus damage 65,566

A Tuli Rebel has been slain.

A Tuli Rebel has been slain.

Quinn trotted back to the group, ignoring their open mouthed stares. "These are much louder then my gnome pistoleros... smoky too."

"You like them?" Tal had just returned, she powered down and landed neatly next to Yu.

"Love em.. What happen to the two rebels?" Quinn didn't see the group that Tal had gone after.

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"Flight checked them." Tal raised her rifle, pretty blue eyes scanning the deck.

Quinn gave her a deadpan look. "They failed?"

"Yep," Tal nodded.

"Fighting is done here, let's see who we can help." Yayia produced several bandages from her inventory and handed them out. Tal and Quinn headed in opposite directions.

"How does Quinn get in the air without a jetpack?" Yu had watched him appear in the air, several feet above deck on multiple occasions.

Yayia shrugged, "good question."

Yu helped Yayia bandage several wounded passengers. They talked amiably while they worked.

"Hey what did Tal mean by flight checking the rebels?" Yu had used all of her supplies but continued to assist Yayia.

"Mmm? She tossed them over the rail, presumably to check if they could fly." Yayia gave her a serious look.

They stared at each other for a moment and then started laughing.

Quinn had been leaning against the rail, watching as Tal continued to help the injured. "She's probably the only player in TAP who is better looking than their avatar."

A Nabi Artifact has been activated. *Gravity Multiplier.*

A Royal Zeppelin Gravity Field has been increased by 10 fold.

A moment later Quinn slammed face first into the deck. "Shitballs.. what is this?" He struggled to breath as he turned his head slightly, everyone on deck was down, including Tal. The only one standing was a man on the opposite side of the deck. Quinn gasped for breath, struggling to access his inventory. "Bastard ass...Hurry..."

Quinn has activated Yayia's Time Piece. *8 Second Rewind*

Quinn had no time to think of a plan, he dived headfirst over the railing. He wind rushing through his hair.



The Dark Robed man laughed at the people on deck. "Did you think you could stop us?" He was holding a shackled young woman by one arm. "I shall sell your precious princess to slavers, she'll spend her days servicing soldiers." The Dark Robed man turned slightly, a smaller Zeppelin was approaching, he smiled when he saw it.

The young woman kicked at the man, her silver hair was stained with blood but her eyes were fierce.

The man slapped her several times, laughing each time she cried out.

On the far side of the ship, the barrel of a rifle slowly started to rise from the deck. Tal gritted her teeth as she struggled to bring the sites up. "You bastard.."

The Dark Robed man unlatched the boarding gate and waited as his ride drew near. He shook the silver haired princess with one hand, enjoying the sight of her discomfort.

*Snipe* Tal has hit Erlynd Vesurvi for 3,444 damage.

Vesurvi screamed in pain and grabbed his injured arm, the silver haired princess pulled away, took one look at the approaching ship and threw herself overboard.

Quinn stayed close to the bottom of the Zeppelin as he crossed underneath it. As he neared the far edge, he dived for a moment before coming up at a steep climb. The silver haired girl nearly landed on top of him. He pulled her close and soared upwards, the robed man and everyone facing the raid watched in amazement as the princess was spirited into the clouds by a winged man.

"...." Tal.

"You okay?" Quinn made a fist and used his palm spike to break her restraints, it took several tries. They were meant for stabbing. "Oh.. sorry." He pulled the gag that covered her mouth.

"Y-Yes.. thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck, "they should retreat quickly, now that their plans have been foiled."


Quinn's eyes glowed red as he watched the second Zeppelin slowly pull away. "Looks like they are leaving."

"I'm Luca Chamyl." She sighed heavily, "can you see them through the clouds?"

Quinn nodded, "I'm Q. Should we let them get away with that Lucky Charms?"

She stared up at him. "I'm Luca, not lucky."

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"Oh, I'd say you were very lucky. Hold on please." Quinn accessed his inventory and pulled out a detonator.

Quinn banked and turned back toward the second Zeppelin.

"Won't they see us?" She held tight to Quinn, barely able to see in the cloud cover.

"No, they've climbed into the clouds also, the timing is perfect." He handed her the device. "Hold this for a moment."

She looked down at the square object, a bit smaller than a jewelry box. "Is this gnome tech?"

Quinn nodded, "yep."


Tal, Yayia and Yu watched the clouds from the rail.

"Where is he?" Yu was positive she got most of the action on cam, this was beyond big.

Yayiya pursed her lips, "Could be anywhere. Those were nice wings." She glanced at Tal, "did you know he had wings?"

Tal shook her head. It didn't really concern her, as a military officer she knew there was only one sure way to keep a secret, not tell anyone. "As our leader, he decides when and how much to share."

"How in the world were you able to make that shot?" Yu shook her head on wonder, she had been on the verge of passing out the entire time.

"A Nabi artifact, those are quite rare, I didn't think..." Yayia's sentence was interrupted by a deafening explosion, followed by several smaller explosions. A large cloud in the distance glowed orange for several seconds before it started raining debris.

Tal laughed, "solves the Quinn mystery."

A minute later Quinn flew out of the clouds, the princess was visible in his arms. The deck quickly filled up with guardsmen.

Quinn glided to a clear spot on the deck. He dropped Ba'Avriel form when he spotted his group walking toward them.

System Message: You have Successfully assassinated a target on your Hit List.

Beryl Czar

Level 88

*Ding* Level 53

*Ding* Level 54

*Ding* Level 55

System Message: You have been awarded 365 thousand credits for assassinating a target 36 levels higher than you.

System Message: You have Successfully assassinated a target on your Hit List.

Dark Madness

Level 82

*Ding* Level 56

*Ding* Level 56

System Message: You have been awarded 275 thousand credits for assassinating a target 27 levels higher than you.

"...." Quinn.

Tal arrived first, "nice wings Little Q."

"Thanks." Quinn smiled as he introduced the silver haired girl. "This is Lucky."

"..." Yayia.

Tal smiled warmly at her, she looked a bit like Ren, "nice to meet you Lucky."

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Yu bowed slightly, "nice to meet you Lucky."

Yayia paled slightly and stomped her foot in Quinn's direction. "She is not Lucky! This is Luca Chamyl, youngest daughter of the sitting High Elf King!"

Tal's pretty blue eyes turned toward the time mage, "Oh? I'd say she is definitely Lucky."

Quinn threw an arm around Tal's shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows at the princess. "I know right?"

The High Elf princess watched the group for a moment and then started laughing. She was still giggling when her personal guard arrived to bring her below deck.


The rest of the trip went smoothly. Quinn and his group were escorted to a luxurious suite within the palace. As soon as their escorts left, Quinn contacted Lara Sy.

"That's very serious." Lara's face stared at them through Quinn's hud, her expression somber as Quinn explained the events leading up to the double assassinations.

"That could mean that the rebels here are backed by Heroes." Yayia fiddled with her timepiece.

"Investigate Beryl Czar and Dark Madness, they may be connected to the group Hades Shadetree belonged to." Quinn decided to use his shadow operatives for this mission, "have the Songbirds start in Pearl."

"I understand Commander," Lara gave him a questioning look.

"What's on your mind Lara?" Quinn already knew the question.

"May I bring Ori? The experience will do her good." The Songbirds already considered Ren one of them, even though she was a bit under-leveled and inexperienced.

"You're my black op leader, I trust your judgement." Quinn cut comm and faced Tal. Her blue eyes were calm and trusting.

A knock on the door interrupted them. The princess arrived to thank them for their service. She ordered her guard to stay outside.

Quinn waved at her, "hey Lucky."

"Hi Lucky." Tal moved over slightly and patted the seat next to her.

"...." Yayia.

The lucky princess smiled sweetly and took a seat next to Tal. "I'll be escorting you to see the High Council in a few minutes."

Yayia stood up and faced them. "In that case, I should explain a few things before we get called in front of the High Council."

Yu handed Quinn her silver flask and he took a drink. "Woah... that's so good."

"Among the High Elves I am now referred to as nameless. My father died when I was quite young, for some reason the line of my family leans heavily toward female children. There were no males born in the last two generations of the Greenleaf family." Yayia held a very thick book, she opened it and sat in on the table in front of them."

"Why nameless, if your name is Greenleaf?" Yu couldn't believe she was sitting in Zi'Fendyl. Commentators would kill to be in her shoes.

"A male family member must be living in order to keep the name. My grandfather died a few months ago. He was the last male in our line. " The normally stoic Yayia seemed on the verge of tears.

"Ridiculous." Quinn looked at the generational book, "so what do you expect will happen?"

Yayia folded her hands neatly in front of her. "I will be adopted by another family and then probably married off. I share this fate with all of my family."

Tal leaned forward in her chair, "this is complete nonsense, I was there when Quinn adopted your family and gave them his name."

"What?" Yaiya asked.

Quinn gave Tal a blank stare. "Huh?"

Tal nodded at the group, her beautiful face completely serious. "Silver.. leaf. Silverleaf."

"Oh? That might change things if Q has adopted your line." Luca looked at Quinn expectedly.

Tal gently nudged Quinn with her elbow.

Quinn cleared his throat. "Lucky, this fine person is my adopted daughter, Yaya Silverleaf."

The princess covered her smile with a hand, "duly noted."

"Yaya?" Yayia couldn't keep the scowl off of her face.

Quinn nodded, "yep."

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