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Mojo spent the past two hours observing the QRF. The six members had been practicing close ground maneuvers, while using the grappling bracer. Onion and Daze had volunteered to be their opposition for training.

"That's enough for now." Mojo had her hud up and was talking to someone. "Rest now, meet here at Dawn."

A figure shrouded in darkness watched Mojo from her hud. "You will have the entrance disk in an hour."

The dark elf smiled in relief. "Thank you. We will make sure that we pay-"

"There is no need for payment," the figure interrupted her and then abruptly cut comm.


The ground shook causing everyone who was standing to stagger, a moment later a blast of air leveled them all. The members of QRF who were flying found themselves flung skyward in different directions.

Nightingale whistled once and the six of them formed back into a tight formation.

Mojo climbed to her feet, her hair in disarray. "What was that?" She reached down to help Daze up, and glanced at the QRF. "Investigate.. it's either Remmy or Tal."

Nightingale nodded. "On me, stay tight."

They hung low to the ground, moving easily over obstacles and through trees, they pulled up short, half a mile from camp.

"The hell?" Crow's normally stoic demeanor completely crumbled.

A low whistle escaped Robin's lips, "that is what I call big."

Tal and Remmy had already mounted the cannon onto the flying platform. Tal had just finished its first test fire.


Engineered: Rail Gun, Anti Air

Range Weapon: 200 miles

Effect: Disrupts magnetic

field upon contact.

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A metallic clicking sound could be heard as the blonde engineer walked around the gun taking notes. She glanced up at the QRF, her beautiful blue eyes were as cold as winter. "I'm a bit busy."

"Yes ma'am." Lara replied and promptly lead her team back to HQ.

Tal paused a moment, staring into the clouds. 'You've taken him.. we'll see if you can keep him."

An hour later two women sat across a table from one another. Anna watched the dark elf in front of her. Her face was really fascinating, she had a lot of scars, but it took nothing away from her beauty. "You were contacted right?"

"That was your doing?" Mojo had been shocked when she had received an offer for help. They had exactly what she needed, an entrance disk to Ba'Avriel.

Anna nodded. "Only in part, a vague trail led me to a certain person. They refused to help, no amount of credits swayed them."

"Then why are they helping us?"

"I took a chance and mentioned Quinn." Anna shook her head, "they changed their mind immediately."

"So.. definitely someone he knows then." Mojo pulled up her hud and looked at the second mail that Quinn had sent.

"I received that one an hour ago." Anna leaned forward and stared at the dark elf. "They fight the last round in the morning. Whatever you have planned, had better be soon.


Quinn quietly turned another page, the crinkling of paper loud in the small office. Zy had supplied blankets and floor cushions to rest. Leah and Maia were already fast asleep. Zy was curled up in her chair, and Gia was sleeping on the desk.

'Technically I'm sleeping too I guess... ' The book on Gryphons had a lot of information. There had been a particularly interesting chapter about interacting with fledglings. Q tapped the page softly with his finger. 'I wonder..'

Leah had woke an hour before dawn, she sat up briefly, her red hair going in all sorts of interesting directions. She gave a sleepy yawn and scooted closer to Quinn before laying across his lap.

"You plan on finishing that book?" Leah smiled up at him, her green eyes staring.

"I already did," Quinn gave her a smirk. "This is my second reading!

"Wow.. so fast." She reached up and interlaced one of his hands with hers. She stared contently at the ring Quinn had got for her, an engagement ring. She sighed happily and then turned her eyes back toward him. He moved his lips the tiniest bit when he read.

Leah smiled as she reached over and closed the book.

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"Um.. I was reading that." Quinn watched as she took the book and moved it to one side.

"Hmm? Sorry I didn't realize." Leah's green eyes filled with humor as she pulled the blanket over the two of them. A brief wrestling match ensued, ending in the couple wrapped up in each others arms, clothes in complete disarray. Leah's pretty face was red from trying to hold back her laughter.

"Shhh.. Quinn, Too loud." She smiled and kissed him softly, squealing as his hands slid under her shirt and gripped her waist.

"You know we are all up, right?" Maia had her head propped up on one hand.

Nia was peeking from under her blanket. She lowered the edge slightly. "Sorry Quinn. I couldn't help watching. It really was interesting."

"...." Quinn.

Maia laughed as Leah hid her head under her pillow.


The six members of the QRF were gathered outside of HQ. They were doing last minute weapon and equipment checks.

"Em.. I need your help, please come with me." Tal had arrived suddenly and singled out Crow. The tall blonde had been all business since the start of this OP. She abruptly turned and headed out of camp, Crow stared at her back for a moment before following.

Tal brought her to the platform where she had made several marks on the surface."You have a general idea of where they are right?" Serious blue eyes stared at Crow.

"Yes, just a general idea. The distance isn't too far, either they are moving slow or not moving at all."

Crow had to admit, she found Tal's abilities a bit scary. She had built this cannon overnight, no one had ever seen anything like it.

"Shouldn't take too long Em." Tal had a survey scope mounted onto a tripod, she moved it to a mark on the ground. "Line this up as best you can. It's okay to guess."

Crow nodded and looked through the lens, making small adjustments until she felt comfortable with the direction. "That's it."

Tal recorded the positional settings and then moved the tripod to another mark. "Again please."

Then continued this three more times on the remaining marks. "That's all, thank you ." Tal starting doing her calculations as she walked to the base of the cannon. It was nearly 30 feet long and 4 feet in diameter. It had two separate Rotating dials for adjustments. She quickly spun the dials to match her calculations.

"We'll fire one time and then I'll get this platform into the air." Remmy had set up the control station near the cannon, her small hands rested on the flight controls. She was positive that Tal wouldn't miss.

The tall engineer held the firing lever in her hand, pretty blue eyes turned skyward while she waited patiently.

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Anna spent the next 20 minutes briefing Yu on the OP. The ancient winged race of Ba-Avriel, the capture of Quinn and Leah, the trial by combat and finally the details of the OP.

Yu took notes as she listened, her excitement growing with every minute. A city in the clouds? This wasn't just big.. it was monstrous. "How many cameras? I would like a feed for the team going in and one for the base camp. This way I can have them both up in my studio and change things up as the OP progresses."

"Shouldn't be a problem, contact me with any further questions. You can expect the feeds to start within the hour, your call on when to go live."

Yu took one last look at her notes. "I'll use Sudden Flight as my camp camera, she's a 50 lvl wizard with flying capabilities, she'll be able to get the best shots.

"I understand, I will make sure she gets access. T-minus 55 minutes." Anna was about to log when she noticed noticed Yaya approaching.

"If your coming with us, make sure to meet at the AAP." Yaya's smiled at the Necromancer.

"What's an AAP?" Anna noticed that she had a few dozen people with her, all of them armed to the teeth.

"It's the name for the flying platform that Remmy and Tal have built, Air Assault Platform." Yayia was wearing armor for once, black armor with a Silverleaf emblem over the chest.

"AAP is Air Assault Platform?" Ru added it to her notes.. "Okay everyone, I'm heading back to the studio to get ready.

"Yaya, what is going on here?" Mojo had approached while they were talking.

"Mojo, these are the Silverleaf fighters. They are all veterans from the Tuli Rebellion, seasoned fighters." Yaya gestured at the two dozen women following her, they were wearing the same black armor with the Silverleaf emblem.

Mojo sighed in relief, she had been worried about their numbers. "Onion, Daze and Grace have joined up with Craven and the Zephyr team. Your team will join Jinn and Rhapsody.

"What about my team?" A voice from behind her asked.

"...." Mojo.

"Really daughter, such a look." Serli Jol had arrived, she was flanked by thirty dark elf commandos from her elite guard.

"What are you doing here?" Mojo frowned at her mother.

"Isn't that obvious? Someone has taken Quinn'Ikah." Serli turned and ordered her elite guard to board the AAP. "It took two hundred years for you to find a husband, I have to ensure his safety."

There were several hidden laughs among the elite guard. Many of them were old friends and comrades of Mojo, every one of them had volunteered.

Mojo bit off her reply and took a deep breath. "You are assigned to Tal. Make sure you follow her orders."

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Serli nodded, she liked the blonde engineer. "Of course." Serli gave her daughter a smile and headed toward the cannon.

"Everyone's fighting.." Anna had planned on watching the OP from her desk, but everyone was joining in. "This Necromancer wants to fight to!! I'm coming with you Yaya."

Angel and Ren sat on the edge of the platform away from the others, they were both stealthed.

Angel went over her plans with Ren. "I heard Mojo talking. The QRF is going to access Ba'Avriel through a stolen transport disk. We will be able to follow in secret, the disk is active for several seconds."

"Transports cause stealth to break." Ren had gone back to HQ and picked up better gear for herself.

Angel nodded. "That's why we have to wait until the last possible second, it will give the QRF team a chance to move out."

"Right.. we stealth into the disk transport area and then restealth immediately when we arrive at Ba'Avriel."


Quinn placed the Gryphon book in his inventory and was checking out the rest of Zy's selection. He was really interested in the fighting classes. Unfortunately there was nothing like that.

Maia had joined him while he was searching. "I wanted to thank you Quinn. No one has ever protected me like you."

Quinn smiled, she was actually very sweet most of the time. "Going to need you to stay stealthed most of the fight."

"I can't stealth Quinn.. sorry." Maia shrugged and made a gesture with her hands.

"Can't you Maia?" Quinn smiled knowingly.


Maia froze when Quinn's eyes flashed red. "You can't be.."

"We understand each other right?" Quinn patted her shoulder gently.

"When the Wingless Assassin enters Ba'Avriel, the Dark Queen shall be freed." Maia stared at him, her tiny brown face slowly turning pale.

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"It's an old folk tale." The pretty healer had joined them while they were talking. "The Ba'Avriel never had an Assassin class Maia. Rumors like that are part of the reason that those with brown wings have suffered so much hatred."

"Assassin Queen Merci?" Zy shuddered and pulled her blanket tighter around her shoulders. "My older brother use to scare me with stories about her when I was a child."

Quinn rejoined Leah on the floor cushions. "Nothing to worry about, just try to relax until it is time to go"

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