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Quinn glanced at Leah as she was reloading. She had taken an arrow to the arm. "You okay?"

"Yes.. just a graze." Leah panted as she finished reloading, and then immediately started bandaging her wound.

Quinn stared at Kawa. "Really? Not even a little help?

*clap* *clap* *clap*

"Very impressive." A deep booming voice carried across the arena as Dovik started toward them. "I can't quite figure out your movement pattern, however, running isn't going to help you here."


Only a few minutes away Sinai Ro carefully groomed Zen, a large black Royal Gryphon, to his knowledge he was the first Gryphon Stable-master to have housed so many Royal Gryphons. "Eight is my lucky number now."

He could hear the roar of the arena, as the fights continued on, somedays he would even feel the stomping of feet.


"Wait Dovik," A short scrawny man with white wings spoke from behind the barrier. His hands were folded behind his back. He was staring at the the red haired goddess in the arena. "You.. what is your name?"

Leah turned a cold green gaze toward him. "I'm Knight Captain Fintree, Executive Officer, Knights of Ravenwood.

Q glanced at Leah, 'Captain? Did she just give herself a promotion? Bold.'

"I'm Odum Kai, I've offered you a deal. I'm curious as to why you didn't take it. The person next to you is about to die, and then you will be mine anyway."

"We choose to fight. He is mine, and I am his. You...will never be part of that."


Dovik has successfully resisted Blinding.


*Backstab* 14,224 Damage Bonus 14,224 Damage.

Dovik spun and slammed Q with the butt of his ax

You have been stunned.


Dovik has successfully resisted Blinding.


Q dropped to one knee, gasping for air.

Leah ran towards Quinn, firing her bracer.

Dovik has been hit for no damage.

Dovik has been hit for no damage.

A black disk hurled toward Leah, she jumped to one side dodging it.

*Silver Silence* Leah Fintree has been muted.

Dovik charged toward Quinn, his axes weaving in his hands. Finally Quinn recovered.


*Backstab* 17,818 Damage Bonus 17,818 Damage. A poison counter has been added, A poison counter has been added.

Q dodged backwards evading the butt of Dovik's ax.

*Scorpion Kick*

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You have disarmed Dovik.

Quinn snatched Dovik's Ax from the ground.


Dovik roared in anger, gripping his remaining axe in one hand and while quickly equipping his shield. "You Bastard!! Give that BACK!!"

*Peacemaker's Open Range* 13,555 damage, 17,425 damage, 11,360 damage, 5,091 damage, 11,433 damage, 4,808 damage.

Dovik has cast *Sun God's Chosen*

Dovik has been completely healed.

"Shitballs." Q sprinted toward Leah. 'Have to grab her and retreat.'


Dovik tossed three white disks just as Quinn stealthed.



*Flashbang* You have been stunned.

Dovik charged the toward Q, lifting his axe, he swung it toward Quinn.

A flash of brown and Quinn disappeared, drug for 40 feet before being dropped. Maia, picked herself off the ground. "Get up Q! You're too big for me to move!"

"FILTHY BROWN WING!" Dovik roared and charged at her.


Q grabbed Maia around the waist.

Dovik closed in, swinging a huge armored foot at them.


The boot struck the barrier, sending both Maia and Q hurtling toward the wall, Q lost his grip on Maia.


Q landed safely on the sand, while Maia slammed into the wall.

"SCREEEEE!!" *Gryphon's Challenge* Dovik has been feared.

Dovik dropped to his knees and covered his head with his arms, screaming in terror.

"SCREEEEE!!" *Gryphon's Challenge* Dovik has been feared.

A flash of black and Kawa stood between Dovik and Maia.

"SCREEEEE!!" *Gryphon's Challenge* Dovik has been feared.


A short distance away, the Gryphon Stable-Master had covered his ears at the piercing screech. Zen instantly roared in answer and burst from his stall, crashing through the roof of the stable, all seven Royal Gryphons followed.


(Daiyu) "That's Wren and Robin, going head to head with the Elite Guard from Ba'Avriel. Crow is closing in on Q's position, the Elite Guard, moving to intercept."

Wren and Robin paired up and broke formation, each choosing a target. The winged guards closed on them, then banked hard and turned while bringing up their bows to fire. The Songbird's arms instantly shot out.

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*Grappling hook* Miss.

*Grappling hook* The ankle of a guard has been snagged.

Wren cut sharp and turned tightly, causing the sector guard that she had by the leg to slam into a building. The grappling released as she moved in to assist Robin.

Robin circled around and pursued the second guard as he retreated behind the building.

With Robin was hot on the trail. Wren moved in the opposite direction around the building, Both sighted the guard as the same time and fired.

*Grappling hook* The leg of the guard was snagged.

*Grappling hook* The leg of the guard was snagged.

Robin and Wren passed each other going opposite directions.

(Daiyu) "It looks like Robin and Wren have caught the guard.. OH... heavens, Wishboned!!"


Angel lead the way through several doors before finding the one that went down. She tried the big door at the bottom of the stairs. "Crap.. locked."

"Let me." Ren crouched at the door, carefully examining the lock.


Lockpick failed.


Lockpick failed.


Lockpick successful

Ren stood back from the door. "Ready?"

"Hmm.. we should hang out more often."


Angel used her thermal vision to check the room, a winged woman was hanging against a brick wall. She nodded to Ren and entered the room.


*Switch cameras back to base, Zoom in on the Tal.. turn up audio! Soon as she fires move to Remmy*

"Everyone down," Remmy shouted and lay flat on her stomach.

Tal checked her hud timer. 5..4..3..2. "Knock, Knock Bitches." She pulled the firing lever.


A sound like crashing thunder echoed through the camp. A powerful blast of air leveled everyone who was still standing.

The pink haired gnome jumped back to her feet. "HOLD ON!" She boosted power and the AAP rocketed off the ground.

*Switch back to the Strike Team*


Nightingale and Crow lead the group in a tight two by two formation, hugging the ground..

Robin's voice spoke from behind. "Movement!"

Nightingale's sharp eyes found the movement... "What the... follow them!!"

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(Daiyu) "The Strike Team has eliminated pursuit and is closing fast on the arena where Q is fighting, unfortunately a group of Gryphons are headed that way also."


Angel and Ren entered the room, quickly shutting the door behind them.

"Holy mother...." Ren stared at the figure chained to the wall. Each limb was chained separately, she had a spike punctured through the upper part of each leg nailing her to the wall. She had several wires inserted into her head.

She seemed to sense their presence and opened her eyes. "Run away... as fast as you can sisters," she whispered.

"How do we get through this?" Angel pointed to a force shield that surrounded the woman, from the way it glowed, neither girl wanted to touch it.

Ren shook her head, "we have to be fast, Ren checked her hud. Mom will be taking down the barrier that protects this city, with luck they'll lose power for a bit."

The woman spoke softly, each word seeming to cause her pain. "They boosted my 'call signal'. Please shut it off, they use it to lure in my kind and then kill them."

The woman was an Ba'Avriel. Her brown wings took up most of the wall. They were hideously twisted and broken. It was obvious she had been tortured repeatedly. She was pale from having been locked away, there were cuts and scabs all over her body. She had what looked like short black hair on her head, but upon closer examination they were feathers.

Ren examined the room, outside of the shield there was a large device that had several wires going into it. "Is this the signal booster?"

The woman seemed to have passed out and didn't answer.

"Might as well break it Ren."

Ren drew her dagger, "what if it's valuable?"

Angel shrugged, "they can send Quinn the bill."

Ren slashed the wires coming from the device. There was still no movement from the Ba'Avriel on the wall.


Angel changed back into her Winged Assassin form, "that must have done it, I can't even feel her anymore."

The Ba'Avriel on the wall opened her eyes, her breathing somewhat labored. "A blackwing.... so beautiful. Thank you sisters... please kill me if you can and escape this place."

Angel turned back into her spider form, "new mission Ren?"

Ren put her dagger away and nodded. "We will help you." If she was no threat to Quinn, then they should free her.


Kawa had moved until he stood over the fallen Maia, he drew his wings down to shield her as as his razor sharp talons dug into the Sand.

"SCREEEEE!!" *Gryphon's Challenge* Dovik has been feared.

Quinn finally staggered back to his feet.


Quinn appeared behind Dovik.

*Backstab* Critical hit 32,250 damage, Bonus 32,250 damage.

Leah ran toward Quinn, firing her bracer at Dovik.

Critical Hit: Eyes. Dovik has been permanently blinded.


The whole City shifted suddenly, throwing everyone to the ground.

*Split Screen.. Give me a split screen!*

One camera showed the QRF moving into the arena, while the other was a ground shot of the City of Ba'Avriel, as it was exposed to the world.

(Daiyu) "Welcome to Ba'Avriel, the City in the Clouds!"

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"SCREEEEE!!" *Gryphon's Challenge* Dovik has been feared.

Moments later, a shadow passed overhead and a huge Black Gryphon slammed into Dovik. Zen's beak latched onto his head, instantly crushing his skull.

System Message: You have completed the Quest: Fight for your Freedom.

System Message: Three Gryphon Eggs have been added to your inventory.

System Message: Experience points have been deferred.

The Royal Gryphons formed a protective circle around Kawa and Maia.

*Give me the single camera from the strike team.*

Nightingale and the QRF entered the airspace above the arena, Crow zeroed in on Q's signal and all six of them landed lightly on the sands of the arena.

"Commander Q, Comm is back up!" Nightingale bowed her head.

"Secure the Arena floor." He placed a hand on Leah's shoulder. "How's the arm?"

*Damn... zoom in on the redhead.*

(Daiyu) "The Arena battle has just finished, Quinn and his team has successfully completed the trial. That's Leah Fintree, a member of the Knights of Ravenwood. If you've ever attended the Apple Festival in Talon, you'd recognize her as the Apple Princess."


*Give me the AAP Camera now!*

Remmy rammed the AAP into the gate, easily opening the entrance to Ba'Avriel.

Mojo's face appeared on all of her squad leader huds. "Jinn, secure the entrance. Onion move and cover the route to the arena, it's the large white dome structure. Tal, take the commandos and push to the Arena.

"On it!" Jinn said.

"Understood! Onion replied.

"Moving!" Tal grabbed her rifle and waited for Onion's group to get through the gate. She nodded to Serli, "On me!"

Jinn's team quickly secured the area around the gate, the guards who had been posted were either killed when the AAP crashed in, or fled when they saw the invasion force.

"Silverleaf archers get on the wall, provide cover fire." Jinn quickly found Ro-Ro, "we'll stay at the gate and support Onion until Tal reaches the arena, then we'll circle and come around from the other side."


The shield fell and instantly the two girls jumped into action. Ren started picking the locks that bound her wrists and ankles, while Angel worked on the spikes that were nailed through her leg into the wall.

Angel dropped her Ba'Avriel form and started weaving the two spikes together in a complicated web, she repeated the process several times to create a layered effect. Then she stepped back, a thick strand of web ran from the heads of the spike to her carapace.


Slowly the spikes pulled out of the wall, they made a plopping sound when they worked free of the Ba'Avriel's flesh.

Angel wrapped an small arm around the wounded woman's waist. She used her webbing to fill the holes in her legs. "Hurry Ren."

"Almost done," with a final click from the locks, the woman collapsed.

Surprisingly Angel had no problems supporting her weight. "Time to go Ren."

"Thank you sisters. I shall not forget this, ever." The woman's huge wings dragged the ground as Angel held her up.

Ren opened the door and then quickly stealthed, "who are you?"

"I'm Merci Quickill, Assassin Queen." The woman's voice sounded a bit stronger then before. "And you are?"

"I'm Angel Rembrandt, Spider Queen."

"Um... Ren, nice to meet you."

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