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Serli stared at Quinn, her eyes bright with interest, he had declared Mata Ru. She looked at her daughter who seemed to be frozen in place. "Mora Jol, report at once to the temple grounds in Zohai. From this moment, you will not speak again until the Mata Ru has been completed."

Quinn didn't speak as Mojo left, the scarred dark elf turned back for a moment at the door and stared at him, her lavender eyes unreadable. "I will assign her admin duties to Leah."

"We shall contest the Mata Ru at the temple grounds in three days." Serli bowed low and left without another word.

Quinn watched the Jol Clan leader leave the building. "Open Comchat Leah Fintree."

A moment later Leah Fintree's face came up on his hud. "Yes Quinn?"

"Report at once to Fora HQ please." Quinn didn't wait for a reply, he quickly cut comm.

Yaya and Bez were sitting at the HQ conference table. "Yaya, I wonder if you might find out the details of Mata Ru for me. I don't wish to violate any of the rules."

Yaya nodded, she didn't know what Mata Ru was but she'd find out. "I will gather everything I can find."

Quinn didn't have to wait long before Leah showed up, from the way Quinn had spoken Leah assumed she had an assignment. She was dressed in her black Ravenwood Armor, her red hair hung down her back in a single braid.

She smiled when she saw Quinn, "Ready to go sir."

Quinn was looking at his faction hud, the two of them had gained levels from deferred experience points when they left had Ba'Avriel. She was now at level 51 while he was at level 60.

System Message: Your follower Leah Fintree has advanced her skills and is eligible for promotion. Do you wish to promote Leah Fintree?


System Message: Leah Fintree has been promoted to Captain, Executive Officer. All Stats are increased by 10.

Leah Fintree

Knight of Ravenwood (Legendary)

Rank: Captain, Executive Officer

Combat Support Specialist

Level 51

"Thank you sir!" Leah gave Q a crisp Salute, before she stepped forward and kissed him quickly. She could tell he was in a serious mood, but she didn't press him.

"Well deserved Leah. You will assume the Fora Administrative duties of Mojo for the next three days." Quinn brought up the Faction hud again and made the necessary changes.

System Message: Leah Fintree has temporarily (3 days) assumed the duties of a seated member of the Fora Government.

Quinn walked back to the conference table, leaving a stunned Leah behind him. "Did you consult the engineers on a good location for the Academy?"

Bez nodded, "We did, but they haven't got an answer for us."

Leah sat down next to Quinn and grabbed his hand, he glanced at her and gave her a small smile. He brought up a hud on the table, a moment later the Tal's pretty face popped into view.

"Hey hun.. " Tal smiled at her favorite person.

Quinn could see Remmy squeezing in beside her, "how did that AAP perform?"

Tal shrugged, "it's way overpowered, had we more time we would have at least tripled the weight."

Remmy pushed a box next to Tal and stood on it, she still only came up to the blond engineers chin. "It was super-touchy to operate Quinn."

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"I assumed you both know about the Academy plans." Quinn used the faction display to show the academy design he wanted.

Tal whistled, "that has to be the biggest insta-build project I've ever seen."

Quinn nodded, "A thousand acre campus, complete with dorms, classrooms, rec areas and large wooded area. You could put this thing in a desert and the campus would instantly become an oasis."

Tal studied the map, "where you heading with this Quinn?"

Quinn used his hud to send the two engineers the exact specs. "I've two questions, how big a platform would you need to support it and would the propulsion devices we have be enough to keep it in the air permanently?"

There was a collective gasp from the people sitting at the table.

"A floating Academy?" Yaya was stunned, they had been discussing where to place it all afternoon. No one could agree on the best location.

"Once we start salvaging materials from this place, we'll have the resources to build the support foundation." She peaked over at Remmy who was running the numbers on her hud.

"We can definitely make it work with the propulsion we have." Remmy's face was lit up in excitement.

Quinn glanced around the table. "One moment, those in favor please say aye." Toma and Daigan were still caught up in the politics of their homelands, so he had never met them. Mojo had been proxying their votes.

"Aye," said Yaya.

"Aye," said Bez.

"Aye," said Leah.

Remmy raised both hands over her head, "AYE!!!"

"Okay then, assign available engineers to start constructing the foundation, your top priority remains Ba'Avriel." Quinn checked his hud one more time and then closed it.

"We can save time here by choosing to keep some of the smaller buildings and just modifying them to our needs. That way we can start salvaging materials immediately." Tal looked happy, she loved these kinds of challenges.

"We can use the APP to get a jump on the foundation." Remmy ran a tiny hand through her pink hair. "Once we get the framework for the foundation done, we can start mounting propulsion supports."

Tal smiled at her little friend. "First things first. Let's mount that BMFG on Ba'Avriel."


Quinn slipped on his running shoes and headed toward the door, Jinn was already waiting for him. "Couldn't talk Ro-Ro into coming?"

The slim blonde had her hair tied up in a ponytail and was wearing a white t-shirt and black running tights. "Ro-Ro only runs when something is chasing her."

Quinn took her on his old route, he stopped at the playground monkey bars and did his first set of pull-ups.

"Okay that's crazy, aren't you tired from running out here?" Jinn shook her head, "I can't do those even when I'm fresh."

"Hmm? Come on" Quinn watched as his former teacher jumped up and gripped the bar. "Bend your knees and I'll assist." He gripped her legs around the knees and helped her do a set.

Jinn stretched as she watched him do another set, "why do those look so easy when you do them?"

"Been doing this same loop for five years or so." Quinn helped her do another set, she struggled a bit but she finished.

By the time they arrived back at their driveway, Jinn felt like her entire body was on fire. "I'm going to tell Tal how mean you are."

Quinn gave her an innocent smile, "you said you wanted to go for a run before lunch."

Jinn used her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her eyes. "Since when does running include pull-ups and sit-ups?"

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"Always.." Quinn laughed at the look she gave him.

Tal was making lunch when they walked in the door. "I made a pasta salad, heavy on the tomatoes, if you two are interested."

"God yes." Jinn plopped down on a chair next to the island. "I didn't know he had such a mean streak."

Tal nodded in sympathy, "he's smiling so you must have done well."

"Oh quit complaining already, you did great." Quinn grabbed two bottles of water out of the fridge and handed Jinn one of them. "Anything I can do to help Tal?"

Tal was pouring them all iced tea, "no, everything is done. Just waiting on Nanna. Don't forget dinner with your family on Sunday."

"Right, Gramps said to invite everyone. I completely forgot." Quinn took a long drink from his bottle.

"Oh and I made a prenatal appointment for us on Friday." Tal sat down and took a sip of her tea.

"Prenatal? Tal?" Jinn's pretty face showed her surprise, "are you pregnant?"

"What?" Anna was looking down at them from the railing? "Is my best friend going to have a baby?" The tiny lawyer bounced down the stairs like a bunny rabbit.

Tal nodded, a slight blush on her face. "We were going to tell everyone this weekend."

Anna hugged Tal tight, "this girl wants to have a baby too!!"

A moment of silence and then everyone starting laughing, Anna's face turning red. "Oh come on, I don't mean it like that."


Tal walked into the bedroom she shared with Quinn, he had already logged in and was laying on the bed. She softly shut the door and eased beside him. Tal watched him for a moment, her hand placed softly on his chest.

"One year ago everything was different. I was living in a tiny apartment with my dad, my daughter was in a coma and we were barely able to make the ends meet." She placed her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. "I had no idea I would know such happiness again."


Three days passed quickly. Tal and Remmy had completely repurposed the City of Ba'Avriel, most of the buildings had been carefully removed by their team of engineers. The BMFG had been mounted portside, an additional one that Remmy and Tal collaborated on, had been placed starboard. Fora engineers continued to work on the foundation supports for the academy.

The Ba'Avriel government agreed to the demands of Fora and a transfer was made. One hundred and seventeen brown-wings of all ages were traded for seven hundred citizens of Ba'Avriel. The remaining citizens of Ba'Avriel refused to go back. The brown wings were brought to Ravenwood where Quinn declared that they would henceforth be knowns as gryphon wings, he placed them under the leadership of Merci Quickill who was quickly returning to good health.

Ba'Avriel shields and stealth engines had been repaired. Tal had piloted the Cloud City to Fora HQ. There had been no word of Mora Jol, who was with her clan in Zohai. Quinn had bid goodbye to his friends at HQ and was on his way to Zohai, with a quick stop on the way.


Quinn walked through the marketplace in Talon, nestled back in a corner he found the shop he was looking for. He spotted the middle-aged craftsmen working steadily on a new sign. "Hey Lorn."

Lorn looked up, "Q! It's great to see you. What brings you to my shop?"

"Need some wood, something out of the scrap pile will do best." Quinn shook hands with the man, he felt the strength of a person who spent his life carving wood.

Lorn smiled and pointed to the scrap pile, "take whatever you want, it's all free." Lorn couldn't believe that Q remembered his name.

Quinn picked through pile carefully. He picked up a piece about five feet long. "This should work nicely."

Wood: Two by Four (2x4)

Description Rough cut two by four

used for framing outdoor projects.

He tossed the 2x4 in his inventory and waved to the signmaker, "thanks Lorn."

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"Anytime Q." The signmaker watched as the youngman walked away, "that was odd."

Quinn walked through the portal and chose Zohai as his destination. Stepping through the portal reminded him of how hot Zohai could be. The heat was stifling in the mid-afternoon sun, Quinn was several hours early. He was to meet at the entrance to the temple grounds at sunset. The temple was a few miles outside of town. He noticed his mail icon was blinking. "Open mail."


Subject: Small Favor! Sender: Madam Leilani:Attachment:None

Subject: Mata Ru Sender: Yaya Silverleaf:Attachment:None

Subject: Dinner Sender: Lara Sy:Attachment:None

Subject: So Fast Sender: Chained Lightning :Attachment:None

"Hmm, four isn't bad. Open first mail."


Here are the three people I wish you to speak with.

Raging Flame

Crazed Dawn

Dark Thoughts

Do your best, and good luck with Mata Ru.


"Thanks, and I'll be sure to speak with them soon. Open second mail."


I've been researching Mata Ru the past few days. Thankfully there is quite a bit of information on it. I will tell you everything you need to know. Mata Ru is an ancient courting ritual. It isn't invoked very often, only three times in the past five hundred years. All three of them were princesses like Mojo. This is a test of strength, but more than that it is a time for you to show them how worthy you are. You must not show mercy or sympathy in the Mata Ru. You must be vicious, merciless and arrogant. That is what they want to see. Anyone you seriously injure or slay during the Mata Ru will be rezzed by the temple goddess, so there is no need to hold back. There will be three waves. The first takes place on the temple grounds. You will face several of their best fighters. There is no limit here, you may face 3 or 4, but don't be surprised to face 10 or more.

The second wave takes place under the Temple. There is a maze there and it will be seeded with the elite commandos of the clan. You must make it through the maze to advance. The final portion will match you up against one of the clan elders. These are old existences that you cannot underestimate. You will not be able to win this part. Once you have shown them enough, they will declare an end to the contest. Remember, be arrogant, be vicious and be merciless. Do not fail the Mata Ru Quinn.


"Hmm.. so kick the crap out of everyone. I can do that. Open third mail."


We have made several key discoveries and expect to wrap things up here today. I'm available tomorrow for dinner. Is that enough notice?


"I'll reserve a place, time to introduce you to Italian cuisine. Open fourth mail."


You're fast, so am I. I watched your fight with Tru, it was quite impressive. How does the most famous player in TAP have a guns and gore ability? Let's meet! You own the Songbird right?


"We've actually met several times already when I was a fodder. Hate to break the news, but I'm a bit faster than you."

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Quinn arrived at the Temple of Zer an hour before sunset. An old man caught his attention as soon as he stepped onto the temple grounds. Quinn recognized him right away, it was Vale Tu.

"Greetings Mr. Tu." Quinn gave him a slight bow.

The old man returned his bow. "Greetings Candidate. I will escort you to the temple training


The training area was made of the same yellow sandstone that everything in Zohai was constructed from, it was a huge courtyard where the elites of the Jol clan came to spar and train.

The old man stopped at a table. "You will leave all your weapons and armor here on this table and then purify yourself."

Quinn started placing his gear on the table. "This mean I'm going to take a bath?"

"Follow me Candidate." The old man led him to a small tent that had been set up, inside was a rather large barrel of water. "You will immerse yourself in the holy water of Zer, I will wait outside."

Quinn watched as the old man left the tent, "why does that water look ice cold? Quinn tossed his clothes in a pile and then plunged into the barrel.

"Oh.. sweet mother, this is freezing." Quinn took a look around, Vale had left. "Am I missing something here?" With a sigh Quinn submerged his head into the water.

*Greetings candidate*

"Greetings," Quinn just thought the words and they were spoken.

The voice seemed to come from all around him.

*You have been purified and may return to the Mata Ru, but first*

*You have an ordained soul in the bags you placed on the table, where did you get such a thing?*

"I'm not sure what that is. Is one of my items enchanted?" Quinn hadn't completely checked the items his mother had left in the black box.

*I shall leave it to you to find out, be merciless Candidate*

Quinn hopped out of the barrel, shivering as he grabbed a towel that had been left for him. Quickly he dressed and stepped back outside. It was already getting dark, "how long was I in there?"

Vale Tu approached when he exited the tent. "Follow me Candidate."

Quinn followed him back to the table where he had stashed his gear. There were several more tables now, they were all covered with weapons and armor. "Nice stuff."

"The fight starts when you walk into the center of the yard, you may choose your own gear, or anything you find on these two tables." Vale Tu waited for a moment and then left.

Quinn took a look around, the light was fading fast, in the desert that meant the temperature was also dropping. Makeshift bleachers had been set up on the entire perimeter of the courtyard. "Damn, how long was I in that barrel?"

There were lines of people sitting on top of the walls, entire families were in attendance. Apparently the Mata Ru was considered great entertainment. There was a roped off area where a few dozen young men and women waited. "Hmm.. so many choices. Time to fight I guess."

"Edit Tap gear to all black, change headgear to hooded mask." He pulled the mask down beneath his chin and grabbed the two by four from his inventory.


Quinn could hear the murmurs of the Jol clan when he walked out.

"Why are his eyes red?"

"Where's his armor?"

"Is that a piece of wood?"

Quinn slung the two by four over one shoulder and stared at the holding area. "You bitches gonna come out here? Or do I need to come get you?"

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