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Quinn approached leisurely. With all torches in the room, there was no way his arrival had remained undetected. He slowed down and stopped.

The ridiculous number of lit torches had messed with his thermal vision to the point where he had nearly missed it. A second person was stealthed and crouched down behind the demon statue. Quinn considered the possibilities, there appeared to be the smallest bit of wine spilled on the table. The posture of the person sitting seemed the slightest bit off. 'She's propped up.'

Quinn made a show of extending the bone spike in his left hand, with his right hand hidden as he pulled a vial of cleanse from his inventory.


Quinn appeared behind the sitting woman, twisting to block the view of the ambusher and he retracted his spike. His hand gripping the back of her head as if forcing it in, at the same time he covered her mouth with his other hand, pushing the contents of the vial passed her lips.


Quinn returned to his original location, his face grim. The unconscious woman was Serli Jol.

"Surprising... I didn't think you would actually kill her without saying anything." The rogue behind the statue dropped stealth and stepped away from the wall. "I must admit, that changes my plans a bit."

"Fancy meeting you here shithead." Quinn shrugged, "she'll just be rezzed in the temple."

"Weren't you wondering why the body hasn't disappeared yet?" The rogue laughed as he spoke and held up a tiny metallic pin, "ever heard of kubrite? "

"Sure, the gnome cannons that your friend Hades Shadetree tried to take were made of that." Quinn pulled out the dagger that he had picked up in the maze, silently cursing himself for not bringing his weapons.

"How did you know th..." The man stopped and stared, "you didn't know, it was just a shot in the dark."

"I win again... you should be used to it by now." Quinn circled slowly, deliberately putting space between himself and Serli.

"You don't win! if this pin is inserted in a person's flesh when they die, they cannot be rezzed." The rogues eyes were crazy, "after she drank the poison I stuck one into her shoulder, just incase I was forced to kill her early. I was going to enjoy myself with mother and daughter, but this is nearly as good. You just killed Mora Jol's mother!"

"Damn it.... I was going to fix her up with my dad too." Quinn shrugged, "this time, I'll make sure you're dead.... Kimo Sai."

Kimo stealthed immediately and circled, Quinn extended his blade in front of him, moving it back and forth randomly as if he couldn't track the Sai rogue.

Kimo approached from an angle, blade ready to strike.

*Blink* Quinn appeared behind Kimo Sai.

*Backstab* Critical hit 38,250 damage, Bonus 38,250 damage. Two cold damage counters have been applied.

Quinn kicked the rogue in the back as he was spinning around to counter.


Quinn returned to his original spot.

Kimo grimaced in pain. "Where did you get that dagger?"

"It's badass right? Found it." Quinn circled and stepped sideways when the rogue made a lunge toward him.

Q blocked with his blade and then struck back, the rogue managed to get his own blade back in time to block it. They went back and forth for a moment, metal on metal strikes causing sparks to fly.

Quinn faked another thrust and then threw a punch directly into Kimo's face, the reflexes of the Sai rogue were sharp as he leaned away.


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Quinn appeared behind Kimo and finished the punch, striking him in the back of the head.

*Backstab* Critical hit 28,150 damage, Bonus 28,150 damage. Two cold damage counters have been applied. (4)

Kimo spun, trying a backhand strike.


Quinn returned to his original location and punched him in the back of the head again, then leaped away as Kimo spun with another blade strike.

"Bastard!" He tried to lure Quinn in by lowering his guard. Quinn faked a thrust and then stealthed. Immediately Kimo spun with a blade strike thinking his opponent had used 'blink.'

Quinn punched Kimo in the back of the head as soon as he turned.. The rogue staggered slightly and tried a leg sweep.


Quinn appeared behind him and punched him in the back of the head again.

"Damn you Bastard!!" "His movements were noticeably slower. The rogue spun and thrust low towards Quinn's groin.

Quinn dropped his blade to block, Kimo grinned, striking toward the neck instead.

*Scorpion Kick*

Kimo Sai has been disarmed.


Quinn returned to his original spot and picked up the blade Kimo had dropped.

"Thanks for the donation." Quinn caught the movement behind Kimo, "now you're boned."

Serli has cast *Root*

Kimo Sai has been rooted in place.

Megi Jol has cast *Immobilize*

Serli rubbed the spot where the needle had been stuck, "well done and thank you Quinn."

Quinn stared at the rogue from the Sai clan. "You failed to defend your leader when Mojo killed her. You failed to kill Leah when she switched places with Mojo and you failed to kill Serli with your stupid plans for revenge. See the pattern here?"

"It's failure... jackass," a voice finished his sentence for him, "are you okay Serli?" The Mohawked woman from the maze had grabbed the immobile Kimo and was placing him in restraints. She was not being gentle.

"Yes, thank you Vess." Serli glanced at Quinn, "I heard your conversation with him, anything we find on him we'll turn over immediately." She made a gesture with her hand, and Kimo Sai was taken away.

Quinn bowed his head deeply, "I'm glad you aren't hurt."

"Yes, thanks to you." She approached him and held his face in her small hands. "You have completed the Mata Ru, it will be our honor to have you in this family."

"Thank you." Quinn swept her up in a hug and then sat her down. He grabbed her hand in his. Serli's face showed none of the shock she felt. "Can you take me to see Mojo now?"


Mora Jol stood patiently, it had been quite some time now. The door finally opened and her mother walked in, hand in hand with Quinn. Does my mother hold hands?

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"Mora Jol, you are released from the silence of Mata Ru." She turned to face Quinn, "Your blood is our blood, join us at your leisure my son."

Quinn waited as Serli left the room, taking the attendants with her. He grabbed both of Mojo's hands in his, "I've missed you so much these past days Mora Jol."

"Quinn'Ikah...I have missed you too." She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against him, her heart racing.

Quinn undid the back of her robe, it slid easily to the floor, his eyes tracking its movement. Mojo didn't say a word, she gripped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, before pressing against him again.

"I love you Quinn'Ikah."

Quinn frowned at her. "Hey.. I wanted to say that first."

"Oh.. pretend I didn't say it then." Mojo pursed her lips as she hooked her thumbs in his waistband.

"Nope, now I have to wait."

She pulled downward with her hands, kneeling at the same time. "You won't do that for me?" Her lips pressed against his stomach, soft tongue tasting his skin.

"Um...well, it would be rude of me not to." Quinn looked around, "should we find someplace a bit more private?"

Mojo looked up at him,"No..." She pressed a hand against his flat stomach, pushing him back on the cushions before taking him into her mouth.

Quinn leaned back, his mind completely blank for a few long seconds before he pulled her up. "Too much for round one Mojo." Quinn rolled her over gently and pressed against her, her smooth dark legs wrapped around his waist.

"Sera gi Berab Zai! " Mojo said fiercely as she pushed her tongue in his mouth.

"What??" Quinn returned her kiss, pushing her down against the soft cushion.

"Do it now!!" Mojo sunk her teeth into Quinn's shoulder making him jump.

Quinn forced his mouth on hers again and sunk deep into her, Mojo pushed back, moaning into his mouth as they became one.


Serli glanced at her guard Captain. "Didn't I ask them to join us right away?"

Vess Tu shrugged slightly, "I'm not sure."

Serli clicked her sharp nails on the arm of the chair she was sitting in. She had taken a few minutes to change and put her hair up. "How long ago did I have you check on them?"

Vess turned toward her clans leader and spoke in a low voice.

Serli's laughter echoed in the hall, "well then, I can wait a bit more."

"She won't allow it, she refused protection details in the past." Serli had told Vess to gather a squad of the best their top commandos and accompany Mojo back to Talon.

"Hmmm.. yes, we'll this isn't for her." She turned toward her captain and lowered her voice, "I'm placing you in the command of Q. Follow his orders to the letter, even if it goes against the wishes of the Jol Clan."

"You're sending me to Fora?" The woman had an interesting face, completely devoid of any scars. Her eyes were a bit darker than most dark elves, almost violet in color. Her nose had a slight bend in it, but it did nothing to deter her beauty. The most striking thing about her was the white mohawk haircut.

Serli nodded, "what do you see when you look Q? "

Vess seemed to think for a moment. "He seems very solid in a multitude of disciplines, because of this he combines them seamlessly, creating a nightmare for whomever faces him."

Serli leaned back in her chair, "what else?"

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"His skillset is all over the place, guns, halberd, dagger and blink." Vess hadn't seen anything but the blink skill, she rubbed the back of her neck self-consciously.

"My daughter's doing... small parts of paladin, rogue, wizard and gnome engineer. Any of those by themselves would be fine." Serli stood and walked to the square table that had some refreshments on it.

"Taken together, it has made him formidable." Vess followed her clan leader, although technically she was Queen of all dark elfs, within the Jol clan she was addressed either as Serli or Mother.

"When I look at Q, I see the gatherings of power, High Elves, Gnomes, Dark Elves and even these Ba'Avriel that we've been hearing about. " Serli placed a dark hand on the object sitting in the middle of the table. "The person who had this, absolutely refused to sell at any price. Know what it is?"

"It's a piece of wood, used for building." Vess had already heard the stories about the first stage. It was covered in blood, bits of hair and a few teeth.

Serli laughed, "wouldn't you sell a piece of wood if the price was high enough? I had to promise to return this."

"And what about that?" Vess pointed toward the binded records that Kimo Sai had kept.

"The ramblings of war. Heroes conspiring against the TAP races to leech power from them." Serli looked up as the door finally opened, her daughter and Q walked in, holding hands.

Serli and Vess met them halfway. The Clan leader nodded to her daughter, only to be swept up in a hug by Quinn. She had half expected it this time, a small smile on her face. "The clan would like to greet the newly betrothed."

"Of course Mother." Mojo walked side by side with her mother, Vess and Quinn followed, each carefully glancing at the other.

"How did you avoid the spider toxin?" Vess whispered.

"Hmm... complete immunity," Quinn replied with a grin.

"Really? Shit...."

"Setting up a pressure plate trap at the exit, I like the way you think Vess." Quinn had walked right into a trap, a good lesson about not counting chickens.

They arrived a few minutes later at the proving ground that had hosted the first stage of the Mata Ru. There were tables set up around a half dozen cook fires, the pleasant smell of roasted pig in the air. There were three chairs in front of a smaller table, Vess took her leave at this time with a quick pat on Q's shoulder.

"The seat of honor for you Q." Serli gestured toward the seat in the middle, she sat comfortably on the right of him while Mojo sat on the left. Food and drink were brought out immediately as the surrounding tables started to fill up.

Over the course of the next hour, the Jol clansman came up and wished them well. The ones who had fought in the Mata Ru were all smiles as they shook his hand. One person was not smiling. She was the smallest adult dark elf that Quinn had ever seen. Her hair was cut short, her fine features seemed downtrodden .

"Hey... Kylie right?" Quinn stopped her before she could walk away.

"Yes, I'm Kyli Jol." She bowed slightly, holding her hands behind her back.

Q handed her the dagger she had dropped in the maze, "what kind of brother would I be if I took your dagger during the Mata Ru?"

Her dark face seemed torn as she shook her head, "as much as I want it back, our paths separated in the maze."

Quinn didn't know much about dark elf customs, he glanced at Serli who shook her head. "Oh I see, then since you have treated this blade so well, I will continue to do so on your behalf."

"Thank you brother Q." Her smile started to seep out, as several of her clan brothers and sisters crowded around asking for details.

"I can't leave you without a proper blade, would you accept this one then?" Quinn took out the blade he had taken from Kimo Sai.

Shadow's Pride


Description:All damage done in the darkness

is doubled.

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Additional Effect: High chance of critical hit.

"You want to give me this?" Kyli was shaking her head as she spoke.

"It's okay to accept this Kylie, you shouldn't reject your brother's gift." Serli smiled at the young rogue.

"I thank you brother Q." She bowed several times before running off with her friends.


Quinn and Mojo held hands as they walked toward the Zohai portal.

"We'll go over the documents found on Kimo Sai tomorrow." Quinn had thrown out Hades Shadetree's name on a hunch after the rogue had brought out the Kubrite pin.

Mojo leaned her against him as they walked, "I may glance through it beforehand, I am very curious about the connection."

"So... my own personal commandos?" Serli had told him they she was assigning him a squad of her elite commandos, with Vess in charge.

"Their strength adds to ours, it will be fine." Mojo smiled unexpectedly, "are you going to give me my Mata Ru present now?"

"Um... present?" Quinn thought about it for a moment, Ora Zun hadn't mentioned anything about a present. "You're teasing me right?"

Mojo shrugged, her eyes unreadable. "Am I?"

They took the portal to Ravenwood and said goodbye there. Quinn watched Mojo walk up the hill to his Ravenwood home. He waited until she arrived and went inside before he logged.


It was late evening when Quinn got out of his bed, "damn...I missed dinner for sure." He walked over to his desk and sat for a moment, taking out a notepad he wrote down his objectives for the next day.

1. Check up on the Merci and the Gryphon Wings.

2. Receive the brief from the songbirds regarding the hero conspiracy.

3. Take out the rest of the items from the Black Box, investigate the ordained soul.

4. Doctors appt. with Tal.

Quinn walked out of his room and stood next to the railing. Jinn, Ro-Ro and Tal were playing dominoes. All three of them looked up when he slid down the railing.

"Quinn!" Tal smiled when she saw him, "saved you some dinner, but you'll have to reheat it."

"Thanks Tal." Quinn bent down and kissed her before heading to the fridge. "Who's winning?"

"I am," both Ro-Ro and Jinn spoke at the same time.

Quinn looked at the chicken waiting for him in the fridge and immediately decided he didn't need to heat it up. He grabbed a bottle of beer and sat his plate full of chicken on the island. "I wanna play to."

"This girl is in also." Anna came down the stairs, her hair wet from taking a shower.

Tal nodded and looked at Jinn, "new game then?"

Jinn frowned, "but I was winning."

Ro-Ro smiled at her friend, "sorry.. new game Jinn."

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