Feeling Rong Xiaoqi's approach, the corners of Liu Bai's mouth tucked up.

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    "Who would I believe if I don't believe you!" Liu Bai said after a long time.


    Rong Xiaoqi "..." 


Damn, she was so touched that she couldn't speak.


    Luluo felt that she had been sprinkled with a large bowl of dog food and when she thought about the conversation between the two, Luluo suddenly panicked.


    It is certain that Rong Xiaoqi did not abuse her, but the injury is also real. But Luluo didn't know exactly when it appeared.


    Therefore, she blamed it on Rong Xiaoqi. However, she didn't think Liu Bai would believe in Rong Xiaoqi so much.


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    "My Prince... the servant girl... the servant girl..." Luluo couldn't find what to say for a while.


    It took a long time to say: "What the slave said is true. This slave asks the prince to be the master of this slave from now on!"


    After speaking, she knelt down and her eyes seemed to be crying in the next second.


    Seeing Luluo doing this, Rong Xiaoqi curled her lips boringly.


    She glanced at Liu Bai, and after seeing the coldness in his eyes did not change, she breathed a sigh of relief.


    Conviction of Liu Bai in her heart has increased a bit.


    "Lord..." Luluo felt flustered when she saw Liu Bai didn't look at herself at all.


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    Does the Prince know that she is lying?   A cold sweat broke out on Luluo's back.


    "Squeaky!" Liu Bai, she lied, I didn't beat her, and today she didn't respect me, and I just told her to kneel here.


    After the words were said, Luluo felt five claps of thunder in her mind.


    She had never thought that Rong Xiaoqi would be able to tell Liu Bai the truth. Luluo looked at Rong Xiaoqi with a horrified expression on her face.


    When did she become so smart?


    "You are really looking for death!" Liu Bai said, gritting his teeth, his eyes as cold as a poisonous snake.


    Luluo felt that she was being stared at by Death, and her heart ached, and she felt a taste of metal in her throat. With a pop, another mouthful of blood spurted out.


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    Looking at it this way, it seems that Liu Bai is extremely ugly, how can she like him!


    "Master... slave ... this slave ..." Luluo lost her ability to communicate.


    His appearance is very frightening.


    Liu Bai felt disgusted when he saw Luluo like this, and covered Rong Xiaoqi's eyes with his hand, and whispered in Rong Xiaoqi's ear: "Don't dirty your eyes!"


    Rong Xiaoqi nodded obediently, "Squeaky. !" Okay, this kind of thing looked dirty.


    Luluo: "..."


    "Since you like kneeling so much, just kneel here. You won't be allowed to get up until this prince tells you to get up."

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    Luluo's body was shaky and finally fell to the ground. She only realized now that she was wrong.


    Without any background, without any personal connections, it is difficult to stand up in this huge palace.


    Luluo didn't speak anymore, dragging her broken body back to the place where she was just now and knelt down, letting the ministers and guards and the ladies of the court see and point at her.


    From the initial humiliation to the present numbness. Kneeling like this. Luluo felt that if she still had a chance, then she would do her job with peace of mind.


    Won't think about things that she can't get.


    In this case, she would not have ended up like this.


    Luluo closed her eyes, not looking at the maids and guards.

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