" Didn't you like it?"   The Demon King asked cautiously.

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    ", I just can't eat so much." The Demon King breathed a sigh of relief.


    In this way, Rong Xiaoqi ate a meal quickly.


    The stomach is full and round, it is very satisfying. Rong Xiaoqi enjoyed such a time.




The next morning, Rong Xiaoqi felt that her bed was shaking badly, thinking that she was dreaming, and started to fall asleep again.


    In the next second, Rong Xiaoqi felt something wrong and opened her eyes sharply.


    "Squeak!" Help, it's an earthquake!


    After the cry, Rong Xiaoqi felt that there was something wrong again, and something caught her eye, she saw Liu Bai's extremely handsome face.

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    Well, I made a fool of myself again?


    "Woke up? We left Qingqiu early in the morning." Liu Bai said.


    "Let's stop for breakfast somewhere, I'm afraid you will vomit if you eat in the carriage."


    Rong Xiaoqi was confused. What's the situation?


    Liu Bai lowered his body and stroked Rong Xiaoqi's tail with his hand.


 "It was a little early. At that time, you were still asleep and I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I let you sleep in the carriage for a while."


    If she was awake, she would not follow him voluntarily.


    Liu Bai remembered the look in the eyes of the demon king and the little fox's brothers before leaving.


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    It was.. unspeakable.




     Rong Xiaoqi clamped her nine tails together and made a dangerous roar.


    Damn, does he know it was impolite to touch an animal's tail?


    Liu Bai also felt the strangeness of Rong Xiaoqi, and immediately reacted, with a wicked smile: "Baby, so sensitive?"


    He knew what was the reason, but he just didn't point it out. He just thinks it's good to tease the little fox.


    "Squeak!" You are not allowed to touch my tail in the future.


    Then Rong Xiaoqi hugged her tail in her arms and asked, "Don't you know how to use spells? Can you not fly over with the sword or fly there directly."


    Her ass was numb after sitting for so long.

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    If it weren't for the soft mat, her little bum would be crippled.


    "It is not allowed to use magic in Yuncheng," Liu Bai explained.


    Seeing the little fox rubbing her ass, her pitiful appearance made him feel pain in his heart. He took out a woollen blanket from the side and put it on his lap, then put the little fox on it and asked: 


"Do you still feel uncomfortable now?" If it is still uncomfortable, he will think of another way. 


    Anyway, there are more solutions than difficulties.


    "Yes!" Rong Xiaoqi said in a bad mood.


    In fact, she was very moved. This man is obviously very gentle, so why is his face so cold? If his face was not so stiff, don't know how many girls would chase him.


    By the way, although she can't see his full face,  it's not bad to think about it like this.

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    "When will you take your mask off?" Thinking of this, Rong Xiaoqi blurted out.


    This prevented her from appreciating his beauty.


    "Do you want to see this Prince's face?" Liu Bai's eyes flashed.


    "Zhenzhizhi!" Do you have something to conceal?


    Otherwise, why would he wear a mask?


    "Squeak!" Then I'll just leave it alone.


    "Squeaky!" You will be responsible for being beautiful in the future, and I will be responsible for making money to support the family!


    Rong Xiaoqi said something so amazing.


    Liu Bai was stunned for a second and then laughed: "Hahaha!"

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